• 也是优化矿井通风设计促进安全生产一项重要任务

    And so is one of the important tasks to optimize mine ventilation design and to accelerate safe production.


  • 地铁车辆空调通风设计保证地铁车辆环境重要前提。

    The design of metro vehicle ventilation system is very crucial for the environment inside the vehicles.


  • 研究自然通风室内流场分布特性良好自然通风设计前提

    Studying on the characteristic of interior airflow under the condition of natural ventilation is the premise of better natural design.


  • 对于指导矿井的通风设计采掘部署,重要理论实际意义。

    It has theoretical and practical importance in steering the mine ventilation design and mining.


  • 广州地铁6号线穿越老城区因此隧道通风设计控制因素较多

    Guangzhou metro line 6 passes through the old city zone, so there are many control factors for tunnel ventilation design.


  • 提出了高压变频器散热通风设计过程中的一些新的建议

    Some new suggestions in the process of design of heat sinking and ventilation in high voltage inverter are presented.


  • 结合游泳池特点,介绍了一五星级宾馆室内游泳池的空调通风设计

    Presents the design of the indoor swimming-pool's heating ventilating and air conditioning.


  • 介绍玄武湖隧道通风设计运用SES程序计算方法一些设计思路

    The paper introduces the calculation method of SES program and some design thoughts applied in the design of Xuanwuhu Lake Tunnel.


  • 本文由浅入深以几个通风设计项目进行了《通风工程》实践教学设计

    The paper, basing on the ventilation design project, goes from the easy to the difficult conducts the "ventilation engineering" practice teaching design.


  • 可靠性研究优化矿井通风设计保障安全生产日常管理一项重要任务

    Its reliability research is an important task that optimizing the mine ventilation design, guarantee safe production and daily management.


  • 通过粮仓通风设计现状弊病的分析,笔者建议推广圆型粮仓采用机械立式通风

    Analyzing actuality and disadvantage in barn aeration design, author suggests generalizing round-type barn and aeration in upright with machine.


  • 建筑经过设计后,夏季需要进行制冷,还通过惰性通风设计达到建筑的气候适宜

    It has been designed not to need cooling in the summer, achieving climate comfort through thermal inertia and ventilation.


  • 由于高速列车车厢高度密闭特性,高速列车通风设计必须满足旅客安全性舒适性

    For the characteristic of high closing in compartment of high speed train, the ventilating design should ensure passengers' safety and comfort.


  • 研究结果表明良好中庭建筑通风设计有效改善室内环境满足人体的热舒适要求

    The results indicate that well-designed atrium and ventilating method can effectively improve the indoor thermal environment and satisfy the demand of human thermal comfort.


  • 准确地模拟室内气流分布优化室内通风设计预测舒适健康室内环境有着重要的意义。

    Accurate prediction of the indoor air distribution is very important for optimizing ventilating design and predicting a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.


  • 而热压作用下的自然通风方式外界因素影响建筑通风设计占据越来越重要地位

    Natural ventilation in heated pressure occupies a more and more important position in the building ventilation design because of being free from outside factor influence.


  • 控制设计原则方法楼梯通风设计以及紧急状态下HVAC系统运行逻辑设计

    It mainly deals with the design method and principle of fire damper, positive pressure control, ventilation of stair room and running logic of HVAC in emergence situation.


  • 对比实验室控制方式的优缺点。变风量适应性控制目前先进的实验室通风设计方式。

    Contrast to four kinds of control type in laboratory ventilating system. Varidble air volume Usage Based control (UBC) is the most advanced ventilating system in laboratory design.


  • 本文根据大型食堂建筑特点论述了大型食堂厨房通风设计时应注意主要问题设计原则

    This paper states the problems and principles in kitchen ventilation design of large refectory according to their architecture characteristics.


  • 首先做为供暖通风设计方面人才掌握丰富相关知识能够其灵活应用工作实践中

    First of all, as heating and ventilation design talent she has acquired a wealth of knowledge and can be used in flexible work practice.


  • 被动式太阳能被动式通风设计原则结合高性能建筑围护结构(SIPS结构绝缘系统组成)。

    Passive solar and passive ventilation design principles combine with a high-performance building envelope (composed of SIPS: structurally insulated panel system).


  • 本文详细介绍了石山隧道纵向式射流通风设计,可供设计人员在进行其他公路隧道通风设计参考

    The paper introduces in detail the longitudinal injection ventilation design for the Wushishan Tunnel, which may be used as reference for the ventilation design of other highway tunnels.


  • 认为各方面素质适合我们供暖通风设计类专业无论是出众学习能力以及丰富实践经验

    I think she's all very suitable for our quality of the heating and ventilation design professional, whether it is her outstanding ability to learn, as well as a wealth of practical experience.


  • 本文分析内燃机实验室通风工艺条件,提出了总体设计方案,并对通风设计中的一些具体问题进行分析和探讨。

    In this paper, the process of ventilation in the laboratory of IC Engine are analyzed, the assembly project are introduced, some details in the de-sign of ventilation system are analyzed.


  • 最后经过几年学习供暖通风设计方面的天赋逐渐展露了出来决定非常适合继续从事方面的学习工作

    Finally, after several years of study, she heating ventilation design talent out gradually as the story unfolds, it also decided she was fit to continue the work of learning.


  • 模拟结果同时表明,通过应用CFD软件设定好相关参数边界条件室内气流组织进行模拟研究,可用指导通风设计工作。

    Besides, it indicate that it's feasible to utilize CFD software with suitable coefficient and boundary conditions to simulate the airflow organization to instruct the design of ventilation.


  • 室内空间设计生态化技术主要集中能源策略、t通风设计人工照明自然聚光、建筑装饰材料构造技术、植物运用,以及室内空气质量的控制。

    The technology to the ecological design include power management, artificial light, nature light, making use of plants and water, adjust the quality of the air in the interior space.


  • 例如中心设计烟囱的样式,保证空气流通,用以供给自然通风

    For example, the central tower will serve as a kind of chimney that keeps air flowing to provide natural ventilation.


  • 例如中心设计烟囱的样式,保证空气流通,用以供给自然通风

    For example, the central tower will serve as a kind of chimney that keeps air flowing to provide natural ventilation.


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