• 通过语音邮件、电子邮件快递、特快专递通邮件发送的信息应该受到欢迎的。

    Communications that show up in your voice mail, or by e-mail, courier, express mail, or snail mail should be welcome.


  • 无论亲自送出,一定要手写

    Whether you' re sending it by mail or delivering it to them personally, hand-write it.


  • 有纪念邮票票。

    Commemorative stamps and ordinary stamps.


  • 电子邮件看做普通邮资明信片合适不是密封

    It's more appropriate to treat emails as postcards, rather than sealed letters.


  • 为什么件寄这些印刷品那样要便宜得多

    Why don't you send your printed matter by surface mail That would be much cheaper.


  • 目前,中国邮政145个国家地区建立了直接通邮关系

    To date, China's postal sector has established direct postal service relations with 145 countries and regions worldwide.


  • 对于丹麦来说,日后寄信这种传统的通邮方式变得更加高科技化。

    Sending a letter the oldfashioned way will become distinctly more high-tech for people in Denmark in future.


  • 无论是还是电子卡片,及时恰当问候悲伤的面庞展露笑容

    Whether through snail mail or e-mail, the right greeting can put a smile on the saddest face.


  • 共三十美元为什么这印刷品?那样便宜的多。

    All right. That comes to thirty dollars. Why don't you send it by surface mail? Sending it like this is much cheaper.


  • 英德之间直接通邮关系,往返邮件必须经过一个中立国而且严检查

    There was, of course, no postal service between england and germany. mail had to via a neutral country. and all such mail was sure to be censored .


  • 无论是还是电子卡片,及时恰当问候悲伤的面庞展露笑容

    Whether through snail mail ore-mail, the right greeting can put a smile on the saddest face.


  • 分管规划城建国土房管环境保护(节能减排)、人民防空电工作

    In charge of planning, urban construction, land and housing management, environmental protection (energy reduction), people's air defense, Transportation, posts and Telecommunications.


  • 届时,将会收到我们发出账户。相关的信息我们详细的写在邮件中。

    You will receive ane-mail message once your hosting account is ready to use. This email message will include all of your basic account-management information.


  • 信息,这大大超过电话蜗牛他们看作外界交流主要方式

    Many people get dozens of messages a day and consider it as their primary way of interacting with the outside world, far outdistancing the telephone and snail mail.


  • 一般安全邮件协议上改进不同,论文实现的系统建立件协议之上的。

    Contrasting with the general safe mail system, the system is based on the ordinary mail agreement.


  • 客户可以银行,给分支机构打电话咨询上网搜集信息手机进行交易

    A customer can exchange email with the bank, call the branch with questions, gather information online and conduct transactions on a mobile phone.


  • 截至2008三月印度邮政处理十年前的150多亿下降到了60亿封。

    In the year to March 2008 India post handled 6 billion pieces of ordinary post, down from over 15 billion at the start of the decade.


  • 这些文档不是接收邮件不是发送邮件,没有相同字段可以它们存放在视图之外

    Because these documents are not incoming or outgoing mail and do not have the same fields, you may want to keep them out of the normal mail views.


  • 小三通2001年启动,允许大陆沿海省份福建台湾金门马祖之间实现通邮、通航、通商。

    In 2001, a "mini three links" was established, allowing postal, transportation and trade between the mainland's coastal Fujian province and the islands of Jinmen and Matsu in Taiwan.


  • 读者他们TheStreet.com的沟通邮转发,网站编辑他们保证,只是休假,很快就回来

    My readers forwarded me exchanges they had with TheStreet.com, where the editors assured them I was on sabbatical and would soon return.


  • 有关搜救背景材料搜救人员全名职位以及搜救的组织情况等,结束美国之旅回到北京后与南森通邮件获知的。

    The background information of rescue such as name, position and organization of this rescue was obtained from Nathan after I went back to Beijing via email.


  • 欧洲第二邮政快递企业TNT公司股价上涨5%,至19.78欧元,该公司表示剥离快递业务重心转向政业务。

    TNT NV rallied 5 percent to 19.78 euros as Europe's second - biggest express-delivery company said it will spin off its express-delivery business to focus on regular mail delivery.


  • 情况通电20个,通邮村20个,通电话的村4个公路的村20个,自来水的村8个,通有线电视的村3个

    Liutong situation: the village of electricity 20, 20 postal village, the village phone 4, the village of tong Road 20, pass the village of water 8, pass the village of cable 3.


  • 这些能力每个人来说都是有用处个普自我价值肯定方面的需求不比一位大学教授。 谁说邮差应该永远是邮差?

    All these are habits of mind that are useful for an engaged citizenry, and from which a letter carrier, no less than a college professor, might derive a sense of self-worth.


  • 如果一个任务通过以下任何形式,如普电视会议电话等等立即我自己一封关于工作描述性主题主体(更多信息在下边介绍)。

    If a task comes in any other format (snail mail, face to face meeting, phone call, etc.), I immediately send myself one email with a descriptive subject and body (more info below) for each new task.


  • 张圣诞贺卡英国格拉斯哥大学纳米技术科学家制作的,如此之面积仅200x290微米,只相当于一张普的8276分之一。

    It was created by nanotechnologists at the University of Glasgow. It is so small that it could fit on to the surface of a postage stamp 8,276 times.


  • 张圣诞贺卡英国格拉斯哥大学纳米技术科学家制作的,如此之面积仅200x290微米,只相当于一张普的8276分之一。

    It was created by nanotechnologists at the University of Glasgow. It is so small that it could fit on to the surface of a postage stamp 8,276 times.


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