• 罗卡目前通过财产资助公立学校

    Aroca City currently funds its public schools through taxes on property.


  • 根据周四裁决各州可以通过法律要求外的卖家顾客代收该州的销售上缴该州政府。

    Under the ruling Thursday, states can pass laws requiring out-of-state sellers to collect the state's sales tax from customers and send it to the state.


  • 通过使用玉米乙醇作为替代汽油成本将会降低因为现在化石燃料进口已经计算价格

    By using corn ethanol instead, the cost of gas will decrease because now the import taxes on fossil fuels are calculated into the price.


  • 美国第五城市通过一项重要的苏打提案,对液体盎司的苏打,分销商缴纳1.5美分

    The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.


  • 各州政府坚持认为,通过销售彩票让居民自愿捐款增加内销售所得做法可取。

    State governments maintain that the voluntary contribution of funds through state lotteries is preferable to increase state sales or income taxes.


  • 上周四法国参议院通过一项数字服务对向法国消费者用户提供数字服务的大型跨国公司征收

    Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.


  • 这个观点中,通过沉重的现金劳动实物限制流动性各种形式胁迫使有着农奴地位俄国农民保持贫穷

    In this view, Russian peasants' status as serfs kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in-kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion.


  • 通过国际货币投机引入托宾解决投机市场稳定问题。

    The tackling of destabilising market speculation, through the introduction of a Tobin tax on international currency speculation.


  • 通过文献系统综述评价粮食补贴饮食体重健康影响

    To assess the effect of food taxes and subsidies on diet, body weight and health through a systematic review of the literature.


  • 1992签订协议年,比尔·克林顿尝试通过能源使美国开始逐步减少化石燃料依赖

    A year after the 1992 treaty, President Bill Clinton tried to pass an energy tax that would have helped the US to begin reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.


  • 联合王国免疫信贷支持以及法国/智利/巴西/挪威通过机票资助艾滋病毒/结核疟疾药物计划有着光明的前景。

    The United Kingdom's support for the Immunization Financing Facility, and the France/Chile/Brazil/Norway plan to fund HIV/TB and malaria drugs through airline ticket taxes are very promising.


  • 35000之前未曾享受到保险劳工目前可以前往当地诊所就诊了,部分费用通过当地的商业支付

    Some 35,000 previously uninsured workers are now eligible for treatment by local clinics, paid for in part by a tax on businesses.


  • 房屋业主通过缴纳10年以上房产这些改进措施付款。

    Homeowners pay for the improvements through property tax assessments over a decade or more.


  • 健康政策专家建议通过饮料征收盎司1美分消费控制软饮料消耗。他们希望这一措施可以软饮料的消耗量降低10%。

    Health policy experts suggest curbing the consumption of sugared drinks through an excise tax of one cent per ounce of beverage, which would be expected to decrease consumption by 10 per cent.


  • 这些措施包括《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的执行提高烟草禁止烟草广告通过立法抑制公共场所吸烟等。

    Such measures include implementing the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco Control, such as raising taxes on tobacco, banning tobacco advertising and legislating to curb smoking in public places.


  • 我们需要儿童增加一倍削减资本利得通过降低企业所得来保证美国就业

    We need to double the child deduction, cut the capital gains tax, and keep jobs in America with a lower business tax.


  • 另一个改进参议院计划采取众议院法案设想那样,通过征收所得抽干富人而筹集资金而是通过最贵健康保险保单征收消费

    Another improvement is that the Senate's plan raises money not by soaking the rich through income taxes, as the House bill envisions, but through excise taxes on the most expensive health policies.


  • 并且,高薪毕业生通过所得已经别人作出了更多贡献

    And well-paid graduates already contribute more than others via income tax.


  • 保守党如果他们胜出公司削减至25%,并且通过减少奖励支出来弥补不足数额

    The Conservatives have said that, if elected, they will slash corporate tax to 25%, and make up the shortfall by cutting some incentives.


  • 去年我们看到启动了国际药品采购机制一个通过征收机票获得收入机制。

    In just the past year, we have seen the launch of UNITAID, a drug purchasing facility which draws revenue from a tax on airline tickets.


  • 美国通过年轻支付少一些中年时付更多基本上可以自己借用他们更年长更富有自己

    By paying lower taxes when they're young and more when they reach middle age, Americans would essentially borrow from their older, richer selves.


  • 为了降低地方财产,德州曾尝试通过营业利润学校筹集更多资金

    The state, in an attempt to reduce local property taxes, planned to raise more money for schools through a tax on business profits.


  • 如果我们最终能够通过适度增值补充所得不会反对

    If we end up supplementing income taxation with a modest VAT, I won't complain.


  • 这里的假设金融交易不会直接转嫁终端客户——或者通过直接影响的机构或者由于流动性下降导致的买卖差价的变大

    But that assumes the FTT will not simply be passed on to end-customers, either directly by affected institutions or as reduced liquidity leads to wider bid-ask spreads.


  • 民调显示大地震刚刚结束时人们非常愿意通过提高消费分担重建负担,但现在这种意愿正不断减弱

    Polls show that the appetite for raising the consumption tax to help share the burden of reconstruction, which was strong shortly after the crisis, is now waning.


  • 如果相信,就听听微软怎么的——如果增收企业的法案获得通过工作输出到海外

    If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.


  • 如果相信,就听听微软怎么的——如果增收企业的法案获得通过工作输出到海外

    If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.


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