• 达到中级水平学生受益通用英语技能学习

    Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills.


  • 希伯来语和阿拉伯语均为官方语言通用英语

    Hebrew (official), Arabic used officially for Arab minority, English most commonly used foreign language.


  • 商务英语专门用途英语一个分支教学方法通用英语不同之处。

    Business English is a branch of English for specific purpose, is different from general English on teaching method.


  • 故事发生丹麦一家美丽如画的小旅社里。这种旅社备有酒食招待游客通用英语

    It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and there English is spoken.


  • 英语学习中的作用越来越受到重视,外贸函电与通用英语相比“词块性”特点更为明显

    Chunk was paid more and more intention on English learning. It's characteristics was appears more obviously in English business correspondence than in universal English.


  • 商务英语通用英语更为正式、清楚明白简洁明了,另一个重要特点商务英语中有很多商务术语。

    Compared with common English, business English is formal, clear, concise and precise. Another important feature of English language is the usage of special terms.


  • 标出英式读音为较年轻人使用的通用英语读音其中包括标准读音一系列地方太重的类似口音

    The British pronunciations given are those of younger speakers of General British. This includes RP (Received pronunciation) and arrange of similar accents which are not strongly regional.


  • 大多数情况下,学员需要进行通用英语学习,从而打下坚实语言基础,然后再行进入专业雅思(IELTS)课程的攻读。

    In most cases, it will be necessary to start in the general English stream to improve your general English skills as groundwork before entry into the academic English phase of the course.


  • 一些国家英语作为官方语言并用它履行行政职能而在其他国家用作商业贸易工业国际通用语言。

    Some nations use English as their official language, performing the function of administration; in others it is used as an international language for business, commerce and industry.


  • 英语迅速成为亚洲语。

    English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia.


  • 事实上英语之所以成为通用语,许多相互关联原因

    There are, in fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca.


  • 例如英语经常各种会议的,天文学、儿童心理学动物学领域许多期刊文章英语作为一种默认语言

    It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language.


  • 这些地方英语不是官方语言全球通用的语言,这一个不争的事实

    But English is the universal language nowadays - like it or not, but it is a fact.


  • 公司表示需要一种通用语言作为业务交流语言,英语国际企业主要语言,成为显而易见选择

    It says it needed a common language to communicate with its new operations, and English, as the chief language of international business, was the obvious choice.


  • 我们决定选择英语作为唯一可以新加坡团结起来决策

    We decided to opt for English as a common language and it was the only decision which could have held Singapore together.


  • 如果说汉语(西班牙语阿拉伯语)取代英语成为世界通用语言,那么圣保罗圣彼得堡奥克兰孩子们最好现在就开始学习这种语言。

    If Mandarin - or Spanish, or Arabic - is to replace English as the world's lingua franca, children in San Paulo, st Petersburg and Auckland had better start learning it now.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用语言。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world’s population.


  • 那个时候,拉丁语仍然学术界通用语言,因此这个希腊语单词之所以能够得以进入英语医学术语,完全要归功于拉丁语写成的文章。

    Latin was still the language of scholarship and so it was a Latin text that sanctioned the use of the Greek word in English medicine.


  • 斯勒声称英语作为前景每况愈下,这并不是因为其他语言取而代之。

    English will fade as a lingua-franca, Mr Ostler argues, but not because some other language will take its place.


  • 一方面英语可能会失去作为世界通用地位学习英语变得没那么重要但由此将能保护大量各种各样语种

    On the flipside, English could lose its status as the global lingua franca and the need to learn it will become less relevant, thereby preserving a whole host of other languages.


  • 相反提出了一个更为激进观点英语成为最后世界语。

    Instead, he offers a more radical proposition: English will be the last lingua franca.


  • 汉语语言成为国际性商业语言”,说,“现在英语是国际通用语言,但是汉语将被更加广泛地使用如果人们学会汉语,将更好地从事国际贸易”。

    Right now, it’s English, but China will become more used. So people who want to do international business will do better if they learn Chinese.


  • 普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球独占鳌头?

    Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead? Or will English reign as the global lingua franca?


  • :“希望学会几十种手势现实的。”但是人们趋于使用60 000量汇的英语库。

    "It's not realistic to expect the average user to learn more than a couple-dozen gestures," he says, whereas people tend to use a vocabulary of over 60, 000 English words.


  • 但是NicholasOstler位研究语言兴衰学者最新著作做出了大胆的预测,那就是英语作为通用日子已经屈指可数了

    But Nicholas Ostler, a scholar of the rise and fall of languages, makes a surprising prediction in his latest book: the days of English as the world's lingua-franca may be numbered.


  • 大多数公司自己的英文网站小企业也意识他们需要一种通用语言就是英语争取全球范围内客户

    And most large companies have English websites, while smaller businesses are learning that they need a common language - English - to reach global customers.


  • 英语作为一种通用国际语言不仅仅只是字母拼凑,它更是沟通中国世界桥梁联系东西方文明纽带

    As an international language, English is not just letters that are put together, it is a bridge between China and the world, is the contact link Eastern and Western civilizations.


  • 英语已经网络成为全球范围内的通用语言。在过程中,英语本身不断发生着变化

    Online, English has become a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing.


  • 英语已经网络成为全球范围内的通用语言。在过程中,英语本身不断发生着变化

    Online, English has become a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing.


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