• 选择起点选择朋友选择运动服皮箱

    Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.


  • 按照全球金融中心重要定义——外国人选择其他外国人进行交易地方——评判,上海处于起点

    On one significant definition of a global financial centre – being a place where foreigners choose to do deals with other foreigners – Shanghai is still on the starting blocks.


  • 因此可以选择一部囊括一切指向荒谬意识具有明晰起点氛围著作加以说明

    Hence I can choose as illustration a work comprising everything that denotes awareness of the absurd, having a clear starting-point and a lucid climate.


  • 选择正确工具组合将会给一个跳跃起点而且可以立即关注业务逻辑

    Choosing the right tooling composition gives you a jump start, and you can immediately concentrate on your business logic.


  • 可以这里为起点考虑如何更好地CVS(选择其他修订控制系统)集成进整个开发过程

    These points are to serve as a jumping-off point for you to consider how to better integrate CVS (or your revision control system of choice) with your entire development workflow.


  • 因为如果继续下去,我进退两难了,所以我没有选择只能回到22英里起点

    Since I'd be stranded if I didn't continue I'd have no choice but to go 22 miles back to the starting point.


  • 可以使用选择工具标识起点终点减小分析数据时间范围

    You can use the selection tool to identify start and end points to reduce the timeframe of the data you want to analyze.


  • 营销组合运用社会化媒体长期投入最佳的起点选择一个简单可控目标

    Realizing that employing social media in the marketing mix is a long-term commitment to change, the best way to start is to pick manageable, measurable goals.


  • 假设企业选择采用SOA并且已经为此确定好的起点

    Let's assume that your enterprise has chosen to adopt SOA and has identified a good starting point for that.


  • 消费者希望在线旅游可以个特殊的搜索开始,不是选择一个日期以及地点传统在线旅游网站交易的起点)。

    To start the online travel process from a search box based around something other than selecting a date and destination (the traditional online travel agent starting point).


  • 实际上实际上选择tr元素row- 001,因此菊花刚好回到起点

    In fact, the above example actually ends up selecting the tr element row-001, so the Daisy chain ended up right back where it started!


  • 对于开始接触IBMCognos8SDK人来说,这样巨大信息量令人感到无从选择并且很难从中找到合适起点

    For someone just starting out with the IBM Cognos 8 SDK, all of this information can be overwhelming and finding a place to get started can be difficult.


  • 作为起点透纳选择了史最富有英雄主义神话色彩段旅程

    Turner takes his starting point, one of the great heroic mythologized journeys in history.


  • 应用程序以用来构建一个客户列表选择标准起点

    The application starts with the selection criteria you used to build a list of customers.


  • 选择编程语言时关键因素支持数量以及示例代码数量质量有助于项目提供一个良好的起点

    Key factors in choosing a programming language are the number of support libraries and the quantity and quality of sample code to help you get a jump start on your project.


  • 只是如果因为起点不够选择守株待兔的话,凭什么运气就一定落到头上呢?

    Just as the starting point, if high enough and the choice for it, what good luck will fall on your head?


  • 一个生活起点选择什么目标树立了什么志向决定了他什么样命运人类什么样贡献

    The starting point of a person in life, choose what goal, set up what ambition, what will determine his fate, what kind of contribution to mankind.


  • 实际上,可由任意玩家选择一个角落作为攻击起点连线至目标,如果无法决定是否掩护存在麽掩护就不存在。

    In practice, each player chooses a corner from the attacker to the target; if either can determine that there is no cover, then none exists.


  • 如果曲线c起点P0,终点1,那么计算所做功线积分端点位置有关,而与我们选择路径无关。

    P1 If we have a curve c, from a point p0 to a point p1 then the line integral for work depends only on the end points and not on the actual path we chose.


  • 美国迷茫时候选择成为游戏艺术起点

    America chose me when I was bewildered. It is the starting point of my game art.


  • 接着发生最低温度仍然必须检测意味着红外探测器起点温度必须选择非常

    Then the lowest occurring temperature must still be detectable, which implies that the threshold temperature of the infrared detector must be chosen to be very low.


  • 优化无中心式调度框架网格作业节点选择提出随机起点爬山算法

    To optimize node selections for grid jobs under de-centralized scheduling frameworks, the algorithm of random multi-start hill climbing is proposed.


  • 道德本质个体价值选择基础的自愿行为理解个体道德发生基础自尊是道德生长起点

    Morality in essence is a kind of individual voluntary behavior based on values choice, with understanding as the basis of moral conducts, self-respect as the starting point of morality growth.


  • 线操作选择起点一个终点并且一条线建立两点之间

    With the line option select a start and end point, and a line is created between the two points.


  • 一部分介绍了本文中保证业务理论框架构建方法包括理论框架逻辑起点选择框架内容介绍

    The first part introduces the methodology of building the theoretical frame, including the choice of logical start and the introduction of the details of the theoretical frame.


  • 虽然出生起点办法选择,但是我可以做到将诱惑生活中一点一点的去除掉,过上真正简单的生活。

    Though I cannot choose my birth, the starting point of my life, I can live a truly simple life by wiping off temptation little by little from my life.


  • 我们诚信生活追求中公务员行为选择中的诚信起点也是引领整个社会走向诚信生活境界的重要力量

    In our seeking life of honesty and trust, action choice of civil servants is a starting point and also an important force of guiding the society into the life of honesty and trust.


  • 拍摄珊瑚礁一切为了学习,你需要选择一个起点

    While you may have the desire to start shooting everything you see on the reef, in order to learn, you'll need to pick a starting point.


  • 作为研究起点,该部分介绍研究缘起、研究的背景意义、研究视角选择、研究方法

    As the starting point for research, it will be presented on the part of the origin, of the background and significance of the choice of research perspective, research methods.


  • 话语具有线性特征说话者必须选择合适成分作为话语起点选择恰当主位作为话语信息出发点

    As we all know, language is linear, so the speaker must start his speech with proper constituent, that is to say, he must select proper Theme as the beginning of his sentence message.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定