• 这次民意调查触及到穆沙拉夫痛处重申对公正选举承诺,同时强烈谴责国际组织做出调查

    The polls have struck a raw nerve with Mr. Musharraf, who while reiterating his pledge of fair elections, sharply denounced the surveys by international organizations.


  • 因为新的第二竞争中,并没有进行民意调查,所以选举结果现在很难说

    The outcome of the election remains highly uncertain, since no public polls have yet been conducted on the new second-round matchup.


  • 选举之前民意调查不会出错并且较之于结果本身民意调查的意义的在于能够更好地引导公众意见

    And the polls, far from being wrong before the vote, were a better guide to public opinion than was the result itself.


  • 面临着六月份欧洲议会本国议会的选举今年秋天,根据最近民意调查可能通过的欧盟里斯本条约第二次公民投票举行

    He faces European and local elections in June and, in the autumn, a second referendum on the EU's Lisbon treaty, which recent polls suggest should be winnable.


  • 印度第五也是最后一轮选举结束允许公开投票第一民意调查

    The fifth and final round of India’s election was completed, allowing the publication of the first exit polls.


  • 天气预报选举下雨民意调查说,尚未决定选谁,以及可能不来投票潜在选民人数空前预期星期二参选率低。

    With rain in the forecast for election day and the polls saying an unprecedented number of potential voters are undecided or unlikely to cast ballots, turnout Tuesday is expected to be low.


  • 并且由于罗塞未能像预测那样首轮选举干脆利落地获胜,对塞拉持乐观态度的人怀疑民意调查是否再次高估了罗塞夫的支持率。

    And since Ms Rousseff fell short of forecasts that she would win an outright majority in the first round, Serra optimists are wondering if the pollsters are overestimating her support once again.


  • 民意调查员们预计本次年轻人选民占总共选民比例很小也许大约是10%-12%,大约2006年的选举比例持平。

    This time around, pollsters expect the youth vote to be a smaller share of the overall electorate, perhaps 10%-12%, roughly in keeping with the 2006 election.


  • 一系列电视报纸民意调查表明位处于领先地位的竞选人竞争激烈民意调查人员认为可能首次选举一个星期要举行决选

    A series of television and newspaper polls suggest a close race between the three front-runners and pollsters think the result is likely to be settled in a run-off a week after the first vote.


  • 民意调查显示20号的大选将难分伯仲,就意味着位候选人必须参加2月3日的第二选举

    Opinion polls suggest a close result on January 20th, which means a second round between the top two candidates will have to be held on February 3rd.


  • 根据民意调查这些群体选举上倾向于林费尔德。

    These are the groups that, according to the polls, are tilting the election towards Mr Reinfeldt.


  • 进行这次选举主要忧虑安全问题,民意调查显示强硬派候选人内塔尼亚胡及其利库德领先地位。

    With security as a major concern in the elections, polls have hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party in the lead.


  • 民意调查显示停滞不前经济尤其是顽固失业问题共和党星期二中期选举大胜一个主要原因

    Polls show that the stagnant economy, and especially the persistent unemployment problem, were a major factor in the opposition Republicans' big victories in Tuesday's elections.


  • 选举之前民意调查,该党与自民党政策宣言受到了同样质疑

    In opinion polls before the vote, there was as much scepticism about its policy manifesto as there was about the LDP's.


  • 一轮选举中,乌马拉获得了31.7%的得票,超过藤森庆子的23.6%的得票率,不过民意调查这个优势很快就消失了。

    Mr Humala won 31.7% in the first round against 23.6% for Ms Fujimori, but that lead soon evaporated in the polls.


  • 而且即便是民意测验者也担心11月份中期选举期间个人赛中公开的许多民意调查准确性

    But even pollsters are worried that many of the political polls in individual RACES unveiled in the run-up to the mid-term elections in November may be inaccurate.


  • 最近民意调查结果显示,距离11月4号选举还有不到10个星期的时候,奥巴马麦凯恩通往白宫较量中依然势均力敌。

    Recent polls show Obama and McCain in a virtual dead heat in the race for the White House, with less than 10 weeks to go until Election Day on November 4.


  • 根据TNSSofres 的进行的民意调查显示,人民信任选举官员他们拥有72%令人信服的支持率,相较之下就是有30%支持率的代表还有部长们15%微不足道的支持率。

    They are the most trusted elected officials, with a 72% confidence rating, next to just 30% for deputies and a paltry 15% for ministers, according to a poll, by TNS Sofres.


  • 奎尼匹埃克大学从事民意调查克莱·查兹很显然很大选民对将11月选举支持位候选人已经作出了决定。

    Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards says a large number of voters apparently have already made up their minds about which candidate to support in November.


  • 民意调查表明或许会父亲-勒庞(Jean -Marie)2002年的表现那样,进行第二轮的选举

    Polls already suggested that she might make it into the second-round run-off, just as her father, Jean-Marie, did in 2002.


  • 印度第五也是最后一轮选举结束允许公开投票第一民意调查

    The fifth and final round of India's election was completed, allowing the publication of the first exit polls.


  • 民意调查显示麦凯恩奥巴马之间支持率太过接近,难分胜负。此时,俄亥俄州痛苦经济转型成为选举一个关键角色

    Opinion polls show the race between McCain and Obama is still too close to call, as Ohio's wrenching economic transformation will play a key role in the election.


  • 民意调查专家将这场选举称为不得人心竞选,因此骑墙选民容易动摇。

    In an election that many pollsters describe as an unpopularity contest, it does not take much to swing the mood of independent voters.


  • 因为电子邮件泄露事件持续了几个星期时间,同时期内,选举还发生了其他许多戏剧性事件,民意调查不能轻易将邮件泄漏影响孤立出来。

    Because the email leaks unfolded over weeks, and concurrently with many other election dramas, polls cannot easily isolate the impact of the leaks.


  • 成为美国选举一个十分奇特现象少数族裔候选人往往民意调查遥遥领先,最后难逃落选的结局。

    This has become a strange phenomenon in U. S. election, usually; few candidates are far more ahead in opinion polls, but lose in an election at last.


  • 帕特罗领导的社会党民意调查中支持率已经落后,但是选举还有才结束。

    Mr Zapatero's Socialists are trailing in the pollsbut an election is not due for two more years.


  • 选举前不久民意调查显示名分统候选人依然势均力敌

    A poll taken shortly before the election showed that the two presidential candidates are still neck and neck.


  • 选举前不久民意调查显示名分统候选人依然势均力敌

    A poll taken shortly before the election showed that the two presidential candidates are still neck and neck.


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