• 这种政策的结果是,一个赚取工薪的人将要照料四个退休老人

    The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people.


  • Florida一些村镇里。大多数的镇都是退休的老人

    In some towns in Florida, for example, most of the citizens are retired persons.


  • 阿肯色州自然资源丰富成为即将退休老人最青睐地方

    Arkansas is rich in natural resources and has become a favorite place for older people to retire.


  • 退休老人下午一点到达占据店内餐厅内将近20个桌子

    The pensioners begin arriving around 1 in the afternoon and fill nearly 20 tables in the store cafeteria.


  • 然后,这些小方格在一起缝成床被子,送给一位毕生奉献组织即将退休的老人

    The quilt would be presented to a man who had dedicated his life to6 this organization and would soon be retiring.


  • 还有一些退休的老人喜欢他们养狗目的就是为了给自己解闷儿,不图什么时髦

    Some retired people also like to raise dogs. The reason is to comfort them or keep them company. They are not trying to be fashionable.


  • 许多西方国家人口因素劳动力市场重新洗牌,导致从劳动市场退休老人要多于进入年轻人

    Demographic factors have set up a New Deal in many western countries, resulting with more elderly people retiring than young actives entering the labor market.


  • 昨天遇见了泰奥菲尔·马南,里昂来的富有退休老人

    I met Theophile Magnan, a retired, rich, old man from Lyons yesterday.


  • 盖尔·科林斯可能是因为参与调查老人已经退休人们仍然领着固定养老金

    Gail Collins: Maybe that's because the elderly people answering the surveys retired when people still got fixed pensions.


  • 很多有钱巴西五十多岁退休很多老人年金最低工资挂勾而花费大幅增加

    Many affluent Brazilians retire in their 50s, and many pensions have risen steeply because they are tied to the minimum wage.


  • 有日本报纸报道老人任由自己家中没有家庭朋友照顾他们,也没有赖以生存退休

    Japanese papers report of elderly people who let themselves die at home, without family or friends to take care of them and without a pension to live on.


  • 简单年轻人中年人购买资产为了以后的日子,此过程常常涉及贷款;老人则常常出售资产用来支付退休后的开销。

    In simple terms, the young and middle-aged save for old age by buying assets, often with borrowed money; the old sell them to pay for retirement.


  • 人类首次蓝莓作用进行的试验研究。一系列试验表明,一退休老人12蓝莓饮料改善他们记忆,重新回想起往事。

    In the first such test on humans, the group of pensioners drank the juice over 12 weeks, which helped improve their memory and recall in a series of tests.


  • 已经结婚50罗马尼亚退休老人提出离婚,只因为厌倦丈夫退休金都用在了流浪狗身上

    A Romanian pensioner has filed for divorce after 50 years because she is fed up with her husband spending their entire pension on stray dogs.


  • 济贫院的旧址,人们当地寡妇退休老人赠予茶水奶酪面包并且向观礼的群众分发著名的“比登登糕饼”。

    Tea, cheese and bread are given to local widows and pensioners at the Old Workhouse, while the celebrated Biddenden Cakes, baked from flour and water, are distributed among the spectators.


  • 日本老人世界上长寿的国度而著称社会退休金普遍丰厚;社会崇尚尊重老人

    The country also boasts the longest life expectancy in the world, a generous pension scheme, and social respect for the elderly.


  • 与此同时竞选总部里位来访退休老人却说虽然克里姆林宫连续几周做宣传他们并不想投票梅德韦杰夫

    Back at his campaign headquarters, meanwhile, several visiting pensioners say they don't actually intend to vote for Medvedev, despite the weeks of Kremlin propaganda.


  • 约翰·洛特AARP政策主管问题不是老人津贴丰厚而是医疗通货膨胀太高美国人没有退休足够的储备。

    John Rother, AARP's policy director, says the problem is not that old people's benefits are too generous, but that medical inflation is too high and Americans do not save enough for retirement.


  • 这个墓地幽灵”的落网归功于一个很有活力的退休老人

    The cemetery phantom had been caught thanks to a lively elderly pensioner.


  • 作画者别出心裁地将都画成的样子,说明们的退休生活完全依靠养老保险金。

    The artist tactically drew these humans' heads as bowls, indicating that their retirement life completely depends on this fund.


  • 圣地亚哥居民62退休老人萨罗·阿尔玛戈尔(Gonzalo Almaguer)他们(指居民们)现在很少外出尤其是晚上

    Residents like Gonzalo Almaguer, a 62-year-old retiree, say they hardly go out anymore, especially at night.


  • 只要巴勒斯坦警察跨过门槛,我们开火。”Halamish退休老人如此,并指出虔诚犹太复国主义者占以色列战斗部队40%。

    "As soon as Palestinian police come through those gates, we'll open fire," says a pensioner in Halamish, noting that religious Zionists make up 40% of Israel's combat units.


  • 马丁17个孩子退休年后觉得无聊,所以在99时又找了一份工作。他挑战世界上年龄最大马拉¬松选手历史纪录,目前的纪录是一位93老人创造的。

    Martin, who had 17 children and returned to work at the age of 99 saying he was bored after two years of retirement, would beat the previous record for world's oldest marathon runner by eight years.


  • 这位退休老人生活克罗地亚东部Osijek市附近Karanac乡村他说没有意向要放弃习惯

    The pensioner, who lives in the village of Karanac, near the city of Osijek, in eastern Croatia, said he had no intention of abandoning his habit.


  • 这位退休老人生活克罗地亚东部Osijek市附近Karanac乡村他说没有意向要放弃习惯

    The pensioner, who lives in the village of Karanac, near the city of Osijek, in eastern Croatia, said he had no intention of abandoning his habit.


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