• 警醒唤醒迷失进行反思保持清醒状态的艺术家们工作责任

    For me, to arouse people's self-reflection and to awake those in false dreams constitute duties and main work of a clear-minded and responsible artist.


  • 不过,这种事情并非只发生身上,因为科学家发现,在没有可见标志物或者没有太阳提供线索时候,迷失不会直线

    Well, you're not alone. Because scientists have found that, in the absence of visible landmarks or cues from the sun, people who are lost can't walk a straight line.


  • 他们发表叙述中欧洲探险家很少自己描绘脆弱依赖尽管事实上没有支持他们完全迷失

    In their published narratives, European explorers rarely portrayed themselves as vulnerable or dependent on others, despite the fact that without this support they were quite literally lost.


  • 其他有意识唤醒持续地是我保持清醒……或者迷失那些观点一次唤醒我。

    Other conscious humans helped wake me up and continue to help me stay awake... or to reawaken me when I lose that perspective.


  • 不过第一心智脱离本体心智与其他种种对立起来,这不是迷失自我而是它展现清楚所有踏上的迷途。

    But for the first time it makes the mind get outside of itself and places it in opposition to others, not for it to get lost but to show it clearly the blind path that all have entered upon.


  • 位通灵者迷失灵魂通常那些敏感或者在精神上有感应

    One of them mentioned that lost souls often seek out those who are sensitive and spiritually aware.


  • 描写那些在经济繁荣时期成长起来们的幻觉迷失,而现在一旦面对经济衰退却又束手无策

    He describes the dazed incomprehension of those who came of age during the boom and who now do not know how to cope with a slump.


  • 不过,类似事件已经屡见不鲜一个位高权重,在为所欲为因权力而产生的狂妄中迷失了自己,最终葬送了大好前程,也毁掉了那些不幸相遇

    Yet this would not be the first time that a dominant man, blinded by the habit of abuse and the arrogance of power, had thrown it all away and ruined the people unfortunate enough to cross his path.


  • 许多返墨的万分恐慌迷失方向一些了队伍加入到了反方向里奥格兰德河偷渡入美国的移民,结果就错了国家

    Many became disoriented and panicked, and some were mixed in with immigrants going the other way across the Rio Grande and ended up swimming to the wrong country.


  • 报告显示并不是只有落魄才会选择迷失自我,这种状况的出现随着教育水平收入提高而越发平常

    It's not just the down and out that are drowning their spirits with spirits either. Drinking is more common as the education level and income goes up, the study shows.


  • 这本书旨在说明如今们都认为段时期充满快乐自由希望很少认为是无趣、困惑迷失悲伤黑暗面

    The message here is that in today’s world there is much that is fun, free and promising about this stage of life, but a dark side of apathy, confusion, loss and grief is less readily acknowledged.


  • 但是栈桥上的段距离从另一个角度反观陆地,变得些许迷失同时也拥有了更多勇气

    But, seeing it from a distance and another Angle, he becomes a little disoriented, and much more daring.


  • 很多时,提意见很多,而且设计师迷失了,”Dean女士

    "When there is a lot of money, there are also a lot of people giving their opinions and the designer gets lost," Ms. Dean said.


  • 巴达欧叶说,这个视频”把那些完全迷失自我、无问津的比作深海中的一小群鱼

    The video, explains Bardaouil, is a "metaphor for these people who have been completely lost, unheard, like those rare fish in the depths of ocean."


  • 很多提意见很多,而且设计师迷失

    When there is a lot of money, there are also a lot of people giving their opinions and the designer gets lost,” Ms. Dean said. “Creativity blossoms when resources are limited.”


  • 我们要给予他们认识不求回报赞美责备因为那些被爱的永远不会迷失

    We give them the knowledge of being loved. Beyond the demand for reciprocity, praise or blame for those loved are never lost.


  • 忙碌生活中我们有的时候迷失方向,我们没有很好的大众沟通好,没有把广大民放在首位

    In the rush of activity, sometimes we lose track of, you know, the ways that we connected with folks that got us here in the first place.


  • 如果迷失了自我,深呼吸,迷失或许能成为转折点,让你发现真正的自己,让你知道自己想真正成为怎样的

    If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be turning point of findingout who you truly are, and what you truly want to do.


  • 惯犯比例也是极其的部分原因在于日本改造这些迷失自我善于融入家庭的力量。

    The rates of recidivism are admirably low, partly because the state is adept at involving families in reforming those who stray.


  • 还有如果我们坦诚扪心自问,我们会承认过去50年里有时候我们一些自称努力推动变革迷失方向

    And then, if we're honest with ourselves, we'll admit that during the course of 50 years, there were times when some of us claiming to push for change lost our way.


  • 被赐福听到话语留意那理睬呼唤由于大大都迷失道路

    Blessed is he who hears the WORD and heeds his call, for the masses of MAN has lost his way.


  • 组员事先料到会感到迷失茫然意识到这些自然反应,是所有类似境况下都会经历的。

    The team member should expect to be disoriented and con-fused and realize that this is natural and often happens to others in similar situations.


  • 茫茫海,只有胸怀大志的不会迷失方向从而取得成功

    Only holding great ideal one will not lose his direction in the ocean of life and make great achievements.


  • 弯路使我们迷失方向,弯路使我们鼻青脸肿但是忘了同样我们难得的经历

    Detours will make us lost, detours can make us fall off with a swollen, but, please don't forget, it is also our unique life experience.


  • 弯路使我们迷失方向,弯路使我们鼻青脸肿但是忘了同样我们难得的经历

    Detours will make us lost, detours can make us fall off with a swollen, but, please don't forget, it is also our unique life experience.


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