• 除了bug报告修复之外还要讨论迭代式开发特性改进

    In addition to the topics of bug reporting and fixing, I'll also cover iterative development and feature enhancements.


  • 本文概要介绍了UML迭代式开发相关知识

    Also abstractly introduced is the relevant knowledge of UML and iterative development.


  • 扩展典型迭代开发模型包括发行需求规范及其系统测试

    This would extend the typical developers' model of iterative development to include the requirements specification of the release and its system testing.


  • 下个我们通过探讨项目管理团队采用迭代开发实践作用做出结论

    Next month, we will conclude this series by examining the effect of adopting iterative and incremental development practices on the project management team.


  • 意味着需求过程需要紧密集成按照解决方案迭代式开发同样时间表运行。

    This means that the requirements process needs to be tightly integrated with, and executed to the same timetable of, the iterative development of the solution.


  • 迭代式开发虽然也认同一事实帮助项目开发初期识别一些重要问题不是这些问题留在后期解决。

    Iterative development acknowledges this fact and helps you identify significant problems earlier in the project rather than leaving them all to be discovered at the end.


  • 后来美国国防部意识瀑布方法行不通的,并最终1994年发布了取代DOD-STD - 2167的标准MIL - STD - 498,支持迭代式开发

    Eventually, the DOD realized that the Waterfall method was not working and in 1994 replaced DOD-STD-2167 with MIL-STD-498, which supports iterative development.


  • 这个系列在下个结束那时我们将探讨项目管理团队来说迭代增量开发影响

    The series will draw to a close next month when we consider the effect of iterative and incremental development on the projects' management teams.


  • 例如如果采用迭代递增方法进行开发那么需要高度支持回归测试的测试工具

    For example, if you're taking an iterative and incremental approach to development, you need testing tools that strongly support regression testing.


  • 开发公司外包公司并不熟悉迭代增量技术外包公司本身采用了它们

    The development is being outsourced by a company unaware of iterative and incremental techniques but the outsource company itself has adopted them.


  • 应该会促进快速迭代式应用程序开发

    It should facilitate rapid, iterative application development.


  • BarryBoehm使用studpoker类比2一个迭代增量开发项目发起人视角进行阐述

    Barry Boehm USES the analogy of stud poker 2 to illustrate the sponsors perspective on an iterative and incremental development project.


  • 强迫用户体验设计过程使用与其对应开发工作所采取的迭代这会导致冲动设计(impul sive design),丧失与用户测试设计想法的机会

    Forcing UX design into the same iteration as it's corresponding development can lead to impulsive design, losing opportunity to test design ideas on user.


  • 大部分关于迭代增量开发文献着重开发以及开发团队领导

    Most of the literature on iterative and incremental development focuses on the developer and development team lead.


  • 记住需要项目活动进行迭代传统瀑布系统开发方法风险经常要多,特别对于大型复杂项目更是如此。

    Keep in mind that the project activities need to be iterative; the traditional waterfall approach to system development is prone to much higher risk, especially for large and complex projects.


  • 我们开始第一个会议目的讨论迭代和和增量软件开发优于顺序(“瀑布”)开发力量

    We came to the first meeting intending to discuss the strengths of iterative and incremental software development over sequential (" waterfall ") development.


  • 上一文章中,我们定义迭代增量开发意义并且讨论了这种从事软件生产核心开发团队意味着什么

    In the last article, we defined what we mean by iterative and incremental development and examined what this way of working means to the core development team producing the software.


  • 毕竟来自技术团体观点,这类观点构成关于迭代增量开发大部分文献

    After all, this is the perspective of the technical community that has produced the majority of the literature about iterative and incremental development.


  • 虽然对于开发团队影响极其重要但是迭代增量开发真正价值在于它能够极大提高业务效果

    While the impact upon the development team is important, the true value of iterative and incremental development lies in the potential to dramatically improve business results.


  • 通过这种使用迭代方法管理项目风险概念成功使用迭代增量开发技术基础

    The concept of using the iterations in this way to manage project risk is fundamental to the successful adoption of iterative and incremental techniques.


  • 迭代增量开发业务提供超越传统瀑布开发方案提供更多优点

    Iterative and incremental development offers businesses many benefits above and beyond those proffered by the more traditional, waterfall development approaches.


  • TDD一种迭代流程需要代码开发对代码做出细微增量更改之后运行测试用例

    TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development.


  • 软件开发项目团队采用迭代增量开发解决方案深深的改变用户代表项目开发团队之间交互方法

    The adoption of an iterative and incremental approach by a software development project team profoundly affects the way the customer representative interacts with the project development team.


  • 我们本文中探讨四个用户视角中的要素以及这种迭代增量开发采用所表现改变是如何业务整体产生正面影响的。

    We will consider these four constituents of the customer perpsective in this article, and how the changes represented by iterative and incremental adoption positively impact the business as a whole.


  • 由于许多SOA项目存在复杂性协调需求增量迭代式开发实践并不少见

    Given the complexity and coordination requirements found in many SOA projects, it is not uncommon to see incremental or iterative development practices in use.


  • 任何基于RUP的裁剪过程除了大多数项目之外,包含迭代开发向导迭代过程中软件按照迭代增量构建的。

    Any tailored RUP-based process, except for the most trivial project, will contain guidance for iterative development where the software is built incrementally in iterations.


  • 迭代增量开发看法通常来自小型开发团队中的各个开发的角度。

    The most common perspective taken on iterative and incremental development is that of the individual developer working on a small development team.


  • 增量开发过程组织迭代测试

    Organize iterations and testing in incremental development processes.


  • 下面图片使用瀑布方法、螺旋型方法迭代过程中的任何一种方法来描述当前开发环境

    The following graph demonstrates the current development environment, using any of the Waterfall, Spiral or Iterative processes.


  • 关键线路场景剧本随着开发的进行,会迭代式地加入更多的细节。

    Key path scenarios are iteratively refined along with the design as more and more detail is developed.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定