• 它们远离震区吗?

    Are they all far away from the seismic zones.


  • 回到远离17世纪远离平线

    Away back in the 17th century; away off on the horizon.


  • 逐渐远离,这个增加或者逐渐远离太阳

    So it increases when you go further away from the Earth if you look at the Earth, or from the sun if you look at the sun.


  • 恒星位于猎户星座司长 640光年远离

    The star is located in the Orion constellation, about 640 light-years away from Earth.


  • 我们呼吸空气珍贵的,越是远离表面越是稀薄。

    The air you breathe is precious, and the farther from Earth's surface you go, the less there is.


  • 很快第一次将毫克传送到了远离火星

    Soon after, the first off - world teleportation moved a milligram of iron to Mars.


  • 我们已经知道月球正在远离其他变化正在发生

    We already know that the Moon is moving farther away from Earth but other changes are happening as well.


  • 空气牵引管道那里因为远离总是很凉

    Hot air is drawn into the underground canal, where the water is kept cool because it is so far beneath the surface.


  • 科幻小说中,这个短语通常星球之间或者远离空旷空间

    In science fiction, this phrase most commonly refers to a region of empty space between stars or that is remote from the home world.


  • 我们只遵从部分戒律,因此永远不会足够,使尾巴远离

    We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.


  • 可以肯定,在远离的云雾般的悬铃木上,有一云雾般的鸟。

    Sure enough, there was a flock of misty jaybirds high in a misty sycamore tree, far above the ground.


  • 物体受的吸引力远离球的物体所受吸引力

    Objects that are nearer to the Earth are attracted to it with a greater force than those that are further away.


  • 天空喷洒微小水滴船舶,它可以增加云层覆盖,使阳光反射远离

    Ships that spray minute water droplets into the sky could increase cloud cover and reflect sunlight away from the earth.


  • 这些巧妙隐藏包层背后确保雨水不影响建筑,同时使积雪远离沟。

    These are cleverly concealed behind the cladding to ensure that water is drained away behind the facade whilst snow sliding from the roof far is directed away from the gutter.


  • 通过敲击试验得到墙体出平面振动频率频率相对较高远离震动卓越频率。

    The wall out-of-plane frequency of vibration is obtained shaking by beating experiment. And the relatively high out-of-plane frequency of vibration is far from the earthquake predominant frequency.


  • 反应堆远离方启动,所以核能飞船目前太空探测器更加安全。

    Because its reactor would start up well away from Earth, a nuclear-powered spacecraft could actually be made safer than current deep-space probes.


  • 而且你们可以想象-,把球儿扔起来远离同样,远离着球。

    But you may want to think about this — if I throw the ball up, going to be away from the earth I'll bet you anything that the earth will also go away from the ball.


  • 他们活像是从白日梦中走出来的,或者生活一个远离遥远平行空间

    They are still like a group of people from a daydream orliving in a parallel space far away from the earth.


  • 对于灾难我们这样远离中心,又没有救灾一技之长的人捐款可能容易做到善举。

    Facing the catastrophe, the most practical thing that we can do is to donate as we are away from the center of the quake-hit area and lack the special skills to help relieve the disaster victims.


  • 9月8正当太阳黑子开始远离的时候,活跃区域又发生爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。

    Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.


  • 他们焕发天堂之光而且看上去非常美丽它们不是天使他们愿望诱使远离

    They will glow with heavenly light and be beautiful to see but they are not angelic in their desires to lure you away from earth.


  • 这次远行对于只是一次短暂度假,暂时的远离第一可以这么去欣赏那璀璨的星光

    It was a vacation for me, a short time away from Earth. For the first time, I saw the lights up close.


  • 载客车厢部分横跨车道,靠两侧支撑柱远离固定轨道上行驶,普通轿车可以从它底下穿过

    Its passenger compartment spans the width of two traffic lanes and sits high above the road surface supported by stilts that allow ordinary cars to pass underneath.


  • 远离的高处,输电线电话线杆子及其连接线似乎肯定设的,象是始终延伸树枝人工

    High above the ground, electrical and telephone poles and their connecting wires must seem made for birds, like artificial trees with limbs that stretch on forever.


  • 人造星”收音机观察之外,数以千计远离的时候,一颗人造的慧星用来决定火箭举止

    Besides radio observation, an artificial comet was used to determine the rocket's bearings when it was thousands of miles away from the Earth.


  • 人造星”收音机观察之外,数以千计远离的时候,一颗人造的慧星用来决定火箭举止

    Besides radio observation, an artificial comet was used to determine the rocket's bearings when it was thousands of miles away from the Earth.


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