• 所有的一切都将得到偿还。

    All that things will be answerde for.


  • 所有的一切,都构成永不熄灭的永恒。

    This all All constitutes the entemal which never extinguishes loves. Ican know you feel happiness.


  • 所有的一切美好真实了,也是一种难以抑制情感

    Yet it is hard to suppress a feeling that all this is too good to be true.


  • 所有一切意味着远离愤怒痛苦然后转移一个更好地方

    All it means is that you are letting go of the anger and pain, and moving on to a better place.


  • 所有的一切仿佛都是命中安排有的时候都对生活失去信心

    This is all. As if the arrangements are hit! Let me some time to lose confidence in life.


  • 陆龟见到准备活动。不久,他就发现了所有的一切意味着什么

    Tortoise saw all these preparations and soon discovered what it all meant.


  • 但是补充说所有的一切都会逐渐地我们自己的节奏里”发生。

    But all that, he added, would come about "gradually, at our own pace".


  • 一起酸甜苦辣,一起面对所有挑战所有的一切成了愿望,我爱真实的。

    With the ups and downs, with the face of all challenges it became everything I desire, I love you is true.


  • 所有一切感激不尽我会自己最大的努力追求我的梦想使你们付出有所回报。

    I'll never really be able to thank you all enough for everything…but I will strive my best to make your efforts worth while by giving my all to pursuing my dreams.


  • 总之所有一切来说变得明确确定怎到底么,但东西需要去做的。

    But anyway, in the course of all of that it became very clear to me — and I'm not quite sure how — that writing was the thing that I needed to do.


  • 一切如此短暂心中期盼地久天长,不得不接受所有一切只是曾经短暂拥有

    Everything is so short, he looks forward to long long, but have to accept all this was all just temporary owners.


  • 所有一切迹象,丰富的东西,猜测一定群强调霸占了很多年,并且他们非常成功

    The sight of all these riches made him suppose that this cave must have been occupied for ages by robbers, who had succeeded one another.


  • 尽管通过时间-空间闭合集转移智慧件好事。然而多么希望所有一切告诉年轻幼稚自己

    Though, it would be nice to transfer wisdom across the time-space continuum. I wish I could tell my younger, immature self all of this.


  • 地质活跃地区,它境内涵盖了冰河火山地震所有的一切造就出了一个壮观恶劣的陆地景色

    It is a geologically active region that includes glaciers, volcanoes and earthquakes, all of which have produced a spectacular but harsh landscape.


  • 事物变化、应付紧急事件的需要我们的工作、周围的压力以及想象不到的失败所有一切似乎都在扼杀我们的梦想

    The rapid change, the need to do the urgent things, the works, the pressures and the failures, all kill part of our visions.


  • 所有形式飞跃,朝着神圣永恒处飞奔而走,屈服于日常幻念或观点的幻想之中——所有的一切就用于遮挡荒谬的屏风

    The leap in all its forms, rushing into the divine or the eternal, surrendering to the illusions of the everyday or of the idea — all these screens hide the absurd.


  • 感觉到我们生活改变因为改变必须的。牛仔裤真正神奇之处见证所有的一切某种方式我们在一起

    I feel like our lives changed because they had to, and that the real magic of the pants was in bearing witness to all of this, and in somehow holding us together.


  • 工作之前,他穿上防护双手套一个带有呼吸系统安全帽所有一切都是为了把自己规整的实在,确保没有一丁点皮肤暴露在外

    Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.


  • 很抱歉如果看起来简单得有点愚蠢指出来只是为了显示所有的一切多么容易

    My apologies if this seems stupidly simple; I point it out only to show how easy all this is.


  • 自己一切都很了解,我的样,我的行动,我与世界一切互动都发生了巨大的变化但是对于所有变化,我有自己的选择权

    Everything I have ever known about myself, how I look, how I act, how I interact with the world, is rapidly and radically changing. And yet, with each change, I still have choice.


  • 不是一种优雅叙述所有一切恰如其分,而且美丽的

    This is an inelegant way of saying all the pieces are in place and it will be beautiful.


  • 最后一开机一切行动,推动所有按钮获得正确显示配置得到倒数事情,“说道uyematsu长了声音。”

    That final time powering everything up, pushing all the buttons to get the right displays up and getting things configured before the countdown, "Uyematsu said as his voice trailed off."


  • 汤圆储存所有温暖讲寒冷赶走释放一切真情幸福快乐永远伴随

    This bowl of dumplings to store all the warm and cold away, release all the truth, let the happiness accompany you forever.


  • 汤圆储存所有温暖讲寒冷赶走释放一切真情幸福快乐永远伴随

    This bowl of dumplings to store all the warm and cold away, release all the truth, let the happiness accompany you forever.


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