• 真是可耻,他们扣押这么

    It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long.


  • 没有估计这么晚才回到家。

    I hadn't figured on getting home so late.


  • 自然不能穿这么荒唐的衣服上班

    Naturally he couldn't work in this get-up.


  • 这么个破地方,受不了

    I can't stand living in this godforsaken hole.


  • 未曾想到我们这么远。

    I didn't think we'd get this far.


  • 过了这么多年还是一眼就能认出

    After so many years she was still instantly recognizable.


  • 看到这么女孩抽烟感到沮丧。

    It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.


  • 感谢这么辛勤工作的每一个

    Thanks are due to all those who worked so hard for so many months.


  • 这么忧心忡忡的了!—根本病。

    Don't be such a hypochondriac!—there's nothing wrong with you.


  • 应该把车开得这么

    You shouldn't drive so fast.


  • 看到故居照管这么,真叫人高兴。

    It does my heart good to see the old place being taken care of so well.


  • 如果不是绝对真理不会这么

    He wouldn't say this if it weren't the gospel truth.


  • 很久没有这么

    I haven't laughed so much in years.


  • 政府如何安置这么多人显得不知所措。

    The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.


  • 就是为什么这么反对别人抽烟的原因。

    That's why you're so anti other people smoking.


  • 我们这么长时间没有音信,都以为他死了

    We hadn't heard from him for so long, we'd given him up for dead.


  • 这个国家实在没有能力接纳这么多涌入难民

    The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.


  • 这么做”布特莱齐先生愤怒地说,“歧视。”

    "This," huffed Mr. Buthelezi, "was discrimination."


  • 他们伤口只有这么。”他用手指比划看。

    "They'd said the wound was only about this big," and he showed me with his fingers.


  • 令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这么仍再次当选了。

    It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.


  • 颜色并不十分适合这么,你不会介意吧

    That colour doesn't really suit you, if you don't mind my saying so.


  • 这么多的却得到二流的服务他们十分不快。

    They begrudge paying so much money for a second-rate service.


  • 讲了那么令人震惊事情怎么还能这么务实

    How could she be so practical when he'd just told her something so shattering?


  • 这么多的收入用来偿还每月抵押贷款了,因此没什么剩余

    So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.


  • 来讲奇怪吗这么长时间不在之后回去?”—“不好说。”

    "Was it strange for you, going back after such a long absence?"—"Yes and no."


  • 这么快就适应了,真是令人惊奇。

    It's amazing how soon you adapt.


  • 尽管遇到这么多挫折,仍不气馁

    Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up.


  • 实在不配享有这么大的名声

    She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves.


  • 情愿上班这么时间路上

    He grudges the time he spends travelling to work.


  • 计划这么除非出现异常情况。

    That's the planunless anything untoward happens.


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