• 帕斯卡还有个原因国际商用机器公司(IBM)上班妈妈强烈要求考虑商科专业

    Paschal says he was strongly urged by his mother, who works at IBM (IBM), to consider a business major.


  • 还有个原因中国基本保险只支付聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a50毫克聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b。

    The other factor in China is that the basic assistance covers for pegylated interferon alpha-2a and for 50mg of pegylated interferon alpha-2b.


  • 召集这次协商会还有其它原因

    I have convened this consultation for three further reasons.


  • 为什么今年来怪圈数量减少还有原因就是当年那些主要的怪圈制造者现在都已经长大能够足够多的钱了。

    The other reason why there may have been fewer circles in recent years is that leading circle-makers are growing up, and can now command big money.


  • 但是还有原因就是,对马普利人土地归还能是他们富裕起来。

    But it is also because the return of land to the Mapuches has not always made them more prosperous.


  • 现在许多企业已经决定歇业,尤其是那些供应链中断企业,另外还有原因就是电力供应的不确定性

    Many businesses have decided to close, in part because of disrupted supply chains, but also because of the uncertainty over access to power.


  • 所有对此供应链比较熟悉都不愿意透露姓名因为他们无权媒体就此问题些什么,还有原因苹果保密措施

    All the people familiar with the supply chain situation declined to be named because they were not authorised to speak to the media on the topic and because of Apple's obsession with secrecy.


  • 如果说硬件瓶颈可以解释一部分飞机延误取消的话还有原因民航总局无法控制的。

    While infrastructure bottlenecks and overbooking partially explain why flights are delayed or cancelled, there are other reasons beyond the CAAC's command.


  • 但是还有个原因明年南非人国民大会重要全国大会就要举行了,党派所有在职官员都要进行重选。要让那些陷害下台的人害怕

    But also, possibly, to put the fear of God into those plotting his downfall at the ANC's crucial national conference next year, when all party office-holders come up for re-election.


  • 除了女性强大的购买力,商家将她们视为潜在消费者还有3原因

    Aside from their greater purchasing clout, women are valuable customers for three reasons.


  • 当然可能会产生无数的想法。还有个原因:能使一快乐的事情并不意味着能使别人获得同样的快乐。

    Of course, you can probably come up with a thousand more, and it should also be noted that one person's pleasures aren't always pleasures for others.


  • 人们喜欢还有原因就是非常瘦小、脆弱,容易引起人们的恻隐之心

    I suppose one thing that made you like him was that he was so small and frail; he aroused your instincts of protection.


  • 还有个原因:一文明社会,会努力保护人们不会由于意外把自己烧死。

    It is also because a civilised society tries to save people from accidentally burning themselves to death.


  • 这样做其实还有原因就是上帝做完在进贡时候摩押杀掉

    I only did that because God had told me to make a dagger and kill the King of Moab when I was giving tribute.


  • 还有原因家长们喜欢京剧从而希望自己孩子们能够去学习尽管他们不一定他们成为专业的演员。

    Another reason is that some parents love it, and they want their children to learn it, even if they're not thinking about having them become professionals.


  • 进入市场前景融合那么引人注意原因但是还有其它的。

    The prospect of being able to enter new markets is one factor that makes convergence an attractive strategy, but there are others.


  • 认为这里还有原因很多正式解聘工人仍继续从事非正式工作。

    And I think there is an additional reason -a lot of workers that have dropped out of the payroll officially continue working off the books.


  • 还有原因骨架较小妇女由于婴儿无法自然分娩。

    But he said another reason is women with small frames whose babies are simply too large for them to deliver naturally.


  • 除了表面水覆盖还有原因颗行星有趣。

    Besides potentially having a watery surface, the planet is interesting for another reason.


  • 今年还有另外一原因促使华尔街迅速的采取削减行动

    And this year there is another reason that is prompting Wall Street to act more swiftly on cuts.


  • 还有原因很难职位孩子和谐起来。因为资深编辑母亲有所抵触,另外儿童保育设施也很匮乏

    It is also because it is hard to reconcile a top job with children, because senior editors have trouble with mothers and because of poor child-care facilities.


  • 蟋蟀之所以门高风险行当还有原因今年一天之内,墨笑18,000只蟋蟀死于神秘疾病

    Cricket breeding is a risky business for another reason: in just a day this year, a mystery ailment killed a generation of 18,000 of Mr. Xu's crickets.


  • 此外还有原因就是:克里夫·詹姆斯认为威达影响甚巨,自己良师堕落如此甚为震惊

    He had another reason as well: Clive James regarded Vidal as one of his greatest influences, and was horrified to see his mentor fall so low.


  • 还有原因说明大流行性流感季节性流感死亡人数比较不能准确衡量流感大流行的影响

    Comparisons of deaths from pandemic and seasonal influenza do not accurately measure the impact of the pandemic for another reason.


  • 还有原因帮助亚洲公司摆脱银行贷款依赖同时劝说私人储蓄现金银行储蓄转向债券

    A second boon would be to wean Asian companies off their dependence on bank loans and to persuade private savers to shift cash from bank deposits into bonds.


  • 除了大自然热爱促使程恩华选择乡村生活还有另外一原因——相信大自然的神奇力量

    Besides the love of nature, Cheng had another reason why he loved rural life - he believed in the magic of nature.


  • 选择沙拉熟食还有另一原因就是减少厨房产生热量

    But another reason to stick with a salad rather than cooked food is the amount of heat you can produce in the kitchen.


  • 不过,金里奇本不可能民调中一马当先还有另一原因

    There is, however, another way in which Mr Gingrich’s high standing in the polls is improbable.


  • 不过,金里奇本不可能民调中一马当先还有另一原因

    There is, however, another way in which Mr Gingrich’s high standing in the polls is improbable.


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