• 移动滑轨结构紧凑易于运送甲板空间限制的近海环境或者偏远地区。

    The skid unit's relatively compact size means it can be easily transported to offshore environments with restricted deck space, or to sites in very remote locations.


  • 整个装置需要极大的尺寸重量近海环境便成了特殊问题因为这种情况下重量始终人们必须引起关注主要问题

    The device will need great size and weight, this in the offshore environment becomes one a special problem, because in this case weight is always people must concern the main issues.


  • 近海勘探平台可能会泄露石油,这样会导致膜的形成,这些油膜漂流到海岸上而且会污染海滩从而破坏环境

    Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.


  • 所以我们正在关注近海深水环境中的事物以及水体沿海岸线的事物。

    So we are looking at things in the offshore deepwater environment, as well as up through the water column and all along the shorelines.


  • 泄漏事件环境产生的影响会有很大不同,原生态环境的地方发生的泄漏造成破坏最大

    The environmental impacts caused by such spills varies greatly, with those close to the coast and pristine environments by far the most destructive.


  • 所以近海工程环境问题研究中,必须首先潮流有一个详细了解

    To research the environmental problems of estuaries and coastal seas, we must learn the tidal flow field in detail firstly.


  • 所以在近海工程环境问题研究必须首先要对潮流一个详细了解

    During the research of offshore project and its environment problem, we must have a detailed understanding of the tide field first.


  • 近海典型的非均匀海洋环境当属由于底部变化引起均匀现象。

    The most typical inhomogeneous ocean environment in offshore is the inhomogeneity caused by the uneven bottom.


  • 模型近海工程环境影响评价具有应用价值。

    The model is valuable for application of the environmental impact assessment in offshore engineering.


  • 海洋光学浮标水色遥感现场辐射定标数据真实性检验、海洋科学观测近海海洋环境监测等方面重要应用价值

    Marine optical buoy is of important value in terms of calibration and validation of ocean color remote sensing, scientific observation, coastal environment monitoring, etc.


  • 美国墨西哥湾海域原油清理工作天气原因被迫停止,有人担心这会对附近海生态环境造成影响。

    There are fears of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, as efforts to clear up an oil spill have been suspended because of bad weather.


  • 泥土搅拌处理近海, 水泥土处于腐蚀性环境

    Soil-cement usually is in corrosive circumstance when soft soil in the inshore area is improved with soil-cement mixing method.


  • 长江口区及邻近海域具有较大环境容量净能力,故该调查区基本视为未污染

    There is enough environment capability and self-cleaning action in this area, so the investigation area can be regarded as a non-polluted area.


  • 人工改变近海生态环境增养殖水产资源手段

    The artificial fish-reef is a kind of means changing ecological environment, increasing and breeding aquatic resources near sea.


  • 为了有效地控制近岸海域污染,就必须掌握特征规律基础上合理确定环境容量

    In order to control the coastal water pollution effectively, its characters and regulations must be mastered, based on which the coastal water environmental capacity could be calculated.


  • 模型近海海洋环境管理上具有实用价值。

    This model can be applied to the management of the Marine environment in the estuary and coastal sea area.


  • 通过对地统计学研究地理信息系统(GIS)软件的应用,提出了一种基于环境监测数据的估计近海有机物浓度分布方法

    A new methodology for estimation of organic substance concentration in coastal Marine was proposed based on studies on geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS) software.


  • 时候必须注意周围环境,一定要注意脚蹼停留的地方,不要伤害其他的海底生物。

    Be aware of the surrounding environment, pay close attention to fin positioning, so not to damage other coral.


  • 根据地质环境特征中国近海分为17个环境地质

    According to geological environmental characteristics, offshore China can be divided into 17 environmental geologic areas.


  • 由于近海水域生态环境因素变化赤潮生物常常侵袭海水养殖池塘中,给养殖业造成严重威胁。

    Due to the changes of the aquatic environment throughout the coastal area in the world, the red tides keep on bringing damage to the breeding ponds, which has caused serious impacts.


  • 最后提出了保障近海石油开发必须加强我国海洋环境监测预报建议

    Some suggestions concerning the improvement of the environment monitoring and predicting for the offshore oil exploitation in China are given at the end of this paper.


  • 近海海洋环境氯离子侵蚀引起隧道衬砌结构钢筋锈蚀主要因素

    At the sea coast or in the Marine environment, the chloride erosion is the main factor causing reinforcement corrosion of tunnel lining.


  • 结果表明环境X波段电波绕射传播不是优的传播模式

    The result shows that the diffraction propagation on X-band is not the best model under the sea environment.


  • 拉斯吞深信环境,对昆虫颜色也有影响

    Wollaston is convinced that residence near the sea affects the colours of insects.


  • 南京地理环境优越,沿江近海位于中国东西南北交通交汇点,是国家级综合运输枢纽长江三角洲中心城市之一

    With easy access to river and coast, Nanjing is a state-level comprehensive transportation hub and one of three major cities in the Yangtze River Delta.


  • 为此未来我国海洋环境监测重点近岸水域尤其是各类入海污染源及其域,监测工作必须由近海向近岸及重点海域转移。

    Therefore, the emphasis of the marine environmental monitoring in coming year should be the coastal waters in China, especially, all kinds of the pollutant sources and near areas.


  • 为此未来我国海洋环境监测重点近岸水域尤其是各类入海污染源及其域,监测工作必须由近海向近岸及重点海域转移。

    Therefore, the emphasis of the marine environmental monitoring in coming year should be the coastal waters in China, especially, all kinds of the pollutant sources and near areas.


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