• 通过正轨渠道拥有折法手续得到运营权

    It is the channel through the right track with a folding set of operating procedures for the right to be supported.


  • 本周,在青海省会西宁市出租车司机围绕运营权进行了一次运。

    Just this week taxi drivers staged a strike in Xining, the capital of Qinghai province, because of a dispute about operating rights.


  • 之前游戏发行商游戏市场运营权交予了第九城市,今后授权网易

    Previously the publisher had entrusted the game's operation in that market to The9, but going forward it will be licensed to NetEase.


  • 任何航空公司一旦在事先确定的时期内运行航线都将获得相关航线终身运营权

    Any new entrant will obtain grandfathering rights over the relevant slots once it has operated a route for a predetermined period.


  • 去年11月,中石油母公司中国石油天然气集团公司英国石油联手,取得世界最大油田之一鲁迈拉(Rumaila)油田运营权

    In November, PetroChina's parent company, CNPC, joined with BP for the rights to operate the Rumaila oil field, one of the largest producers in the world.


  • 加州公务员退休基金(CalPERS)拥有伦敦·盖特·威克机场将近13%股份,同时家加拿大基金拥有连接海峡隧道高速铁路运营权

    CalPERS, the Californian state pension fund, owns nearly 13% of Gatwick airport, while two Canadian funds own the operating rights for the high-speed rail link to the Channel Tunnel.


  • 中央人民广播电台作为持有第四张全国性手机电视牌照独家运营权机构,目前开通手机电视节目“央广视讯”,中国移动梦网移动网络均可收看

    As the fourth authorized Handset TV service operator in China, CNR has launched a mobile TV channel YTV, which can be watched in mobile telecoms networks such as Monternet China.


  • 2006年7月,次有关国家运营权失败恶意收购中,西班牙电信意外支持葡萄牙的Sonaecom公司,这样它葡萄牙电信的合作关系恶化了。

    The partnership between Portugal Telecom and telefonica soured in 2006-07 when the Spanish giant unexpectedly backed a Portuguese firm, Sonaecom, in a failed hostile bid for the national operator.


  • 取得风险管理权力为什么UBS这样银行愿意这些地区运营拥有完全控制权原因

    Getting the risk management right is one of the reasons why Banks like UBS prefer to have full control of operations in the region.


  • 另一种选择苹果公司通过现存网络运营商租借网络使用权建立自己的网络。

    There is another option: for Apple to set up as a mobile operator itself, by leasing network capacity from an existing operator.


  • 今年司法部律师法庭上就争辩说手机用户已经放弃定位隐私权期待转而自愿的将信息运营商

    This year, Justice Department lawyers argued in court that cellphone users had given up the expectation of privacy about their location by voluntarily giving that information to carriers.


  • 但是迪斯尼拥有业务管理权,持有它和申迪创办的迪斯尼运营管理公司70%股份

    But Disney will have operational control, holding a 70 percent stake in a management company created with Shendi to run the resort.


  • 成功拿下法国第二移动通讯运营商SFR控制权尽管这加重了公司的负债

    He also succeeded in winning control of SFR, France's second-biggest mobile operator, despite being deep in debt.


  • 公司所有者可以得到注入资金但是通常可以保留公司运营控制权而省去众多风险投资商交涉麻烦。

    The owners get a cash infusion but usually retain control of the firm's operations without having to deal with the level of interference they would experience with numerous venture capitalists.


  • 一种解释就是双重管理制度通过给予双方CEO运营合并业务发言权,从而使并购顺利过渡

    One explanation is that dual stewardship can smooth the passage of a merger by giving bosses from both sides a say in running the fused business.


  • 另外周前瑞典股东移动运营商TeliaSoneraAB俄罗斯股东电信控股公司Altimo试图土耳其股东Cukurova Holding手中夺取Turkcell掌控权。

    What's more, shareholders TeliaSonera AB from Sweden and Altimo from Russia tried to seize control of the telecom company from the main Turkish shareholder, Cukurova Holding, several weeks ago.


  • 4个私营机构惟一一家处于英格兰授予学位大学,也只有大学(白金汉大学)授予皇家特许权并以慈善机构方式运营

    It is one of four "private" institutions that are based in England and offer degrees, only one of which (the University of Buckingham) has been awarded a royal charter and operates as a charity.


  • 包括巴帝电信(Bharti Airtel,印度第一大移动运营商塔电信(TataTeleservices)在内9家移动运营商总共出资6,772亿卢比(145亿美元)获得3G网络建设权

    A total of nine mobile operators that includes Bharti Airtel and Tata Teleservices paid a combined 677.2 billion rupees ($14.5 billion) for the rights to build 3G networks.


  • 目前所谓网络中立没有一个非常明确定义不过这个一般的是网络运营商应该平等地对待通过其网络传输的所有数据每一位宽带网络的用户,不给某些数据传输优先权,而限制另一些数据的传输。

    There is no clear definition of the term "Net neutrality." But in general it refers to the concept that Internet users should have unfettered access to content and services.


  • 这个夏天得到了数额巨大的私下发行贷款用来购买英国机场管理局控制权。 英国机场管理局是世界最大的机场运营商,同时也是伦敦Heathrow,GatwickStansted机场的拥有者

    This summer it obtained huge, privately issued loans to buy control of BAA, the world's largest airports operator and owner of London's Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports.


  • 为了打击这些用户,运营商正在考虑授予某些数据包网页访问流量)相对其它数据包(如文件共享)的优先通过权。

    To throttle them, operators are thinking of giving some data packets (such as web traffic) priority over others (such as file-sharing).


  • 硬件制造商运营商可以自己决定如何使用安卓用户对于自己设备上使用哪些应用也拥有最终决定权

    Hardware manufacturers and carriers can decide how to use Android, and consumers have the last word about which apps they want to use on their devices.


  • 试图一些主要新兴市场寻求支持相信由于总部机构全球经济中所起作用不断增加他们在对总部的运营更多的发言权

    He is also trying to rally support among key emerging markets, who believe they should have a greater say in running the Washington-based institution due to their growing role in the global economy.


  • 英格兰体育风险投资公司赢得俱乐部控制权,该公司目前运营着波士顿棒球队

    New England Sports Ventures, who also own the Boston Red Sox baseball team, have won their legal battle for control of the club.


  • 英格兰体育风险投资公司赢得俱乐部控制权,该公司目前运营着波士顿棒球队

    New England Sports Ventures, who also own the Boston Red Sox baseball team, have won their legal battle for control of the club.


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