• 登山虽然是一项危险运动,但有经验登山者通常不会受伤

    Mountain climbing, although a dangerous sport, does not normally result in injury to the experienced climber.


  • 在做剧烈运动之前伸展胳膊可以防止我们受伤

    Stretching out our arms and legs before doing a vigorous exercise can prevent us from getting injured.


  • 从事接触运动知道受伤严重运动往往站着不的人。

    Those who play contact sports know that the player who usually gets hurt the most is the one who is standing still.


  • 许多以前运动生涯开始时,亚的斯亚贝巴马拉松受伤,我几乎一周不能走路

    Many years ago, at the beginning of my athlete career, I was injured in the Addis Ababa Marathon, and I could not walk for almost a week.


  • 陪审团一致认为,运动受伤原因比赛本身性质而不是头盔。

    The jury agreed that the nature of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for the athlete's injury.


  • 如果认为饮食需要更多蛋白质考虑以下问题:你极限运动吗?你是受伤还是处于术后恢复或者说已经60更老了

    If you think you need more protein in your diet, consider these questions: Are you are an extreme athlete; are you recovering from injury or surgery; or are you are 60 years or older?


  • 印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校运动机能学系教师玛丽·约克博士说道:“太多太快的运动都会导致身体受伤过度劳累。”

    "Too much too soon either results in injury or burnout," says Mary Yoke, PhD, a faculty member in the kinesiology department at Indiana University in Bloomington.


  • 把他带进山洞,生了火,用自己的被子盖住了这名受伤运动员。

    Zhu took him into the cave, lit a fire and covered the stricken runner with his quilts.


  • 他冒险走出山洞时,他发现另一名受伤运动员躺在地上,情况很糟糕。

    When he risked coming out of the cave, he found another stricken runner lying on the ground in bad condition.


  • 过去十年劳务市场像是一名了年纪运动员,每次受伤都会痊愈要花更长的时间

    But in the past decade, the Labour market has resembled an ageing athlete.Each new injury is more painful and takes longer to heal.


  • 作为名足球运动如果容易受伤意味着职业生涯结束所以拥有干细胞,如果你愿意,它就像一只随时发生作用的修复工具

    As a footballer, if you're prone to injury it can mean the end of your career, so having your stem cells - a repair kit if you like - on hand makes sense.


  • 我们运动来说,谁都不希望有人受伤现在只能我对刘翔表示敬意希望早日回到赛场。

    We athletes never wish an injury upon others, all I can say is I salute him and I hope he'll get back soon.


  • 过去十年劳务市场像是一名上了年纪运动每次受伤都会痊愈也要花更长的时间

    But in the past decade, the Labour market has resembled an ageing athlete. Each new injury is more painful and takes longer to heal.


  • 高中运动中,啦啦队运动导致毁灭性受伤几率最大

    Cheerleading has the highest percentage of catastrophic sports injuries among female high-school athletes.


  • 一年四季足球打篮球或者从事任何其它运动会使你受伤或者对某项体育运动感到厌烦

    Playing soccer, basketball or anything else year-round is one way to get hurt or become bored with a sport.


  • 足球运动员是受伤年龄1824之间的人受伤危险性最大

    Footballers were the most likely to be hurt and those aged between 18 and 24 were at greatest risk of breaking down.


  • 物理治疗一种治疗使用身体运动按摩锻炼减轻疾病受伤

    Physiotherapy is a treatment that USES physical movements, massage and exercise to relieve illness or injury.


  • 比起游乐场游乐设施,运动或者骑车受伤危险系数反倒大。

    You face a greater threat of injury playing sports or riding a bike than you do on a park ride.


  • 一些情况可以不用石膏模,而是塑料金属制成夹板保护受伤区域限制它运动

    In some cases, instead of a cast, a splint made a plastic or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement.


  • 专业足球运动1958年的一次膝盖受伤结束了短暂足球生涯

    He started as a professional football player. But an injury to his knee in nineteen fifty-eight ended his short career.


  • 三月三日星期二,一伙蒙面枪手拉合尔市做埋伏,袭击了护送斯里兰卡国家球队的车队,7运动1名英籍教练受伤造成5名警察另外2死亡。

    On Tuesday March 3rd masked gunmen in Lahore ambushed a convoy carrying Sri Lanka's national cricket team, wounding seven players and a British coach and killing five policemen and two others.


  • 啦啦队去年美国报道受伤案例就超过20,000,使得做拉拉队员成为世界上受伤女性运动

    Cheerleading: in the US alone, there were more than 20,000 reported injuries last year alone, making cheerleading the world's most injury-prone sport in the world for women.


  • 事实上场边这些女孩在足球场上运动员们容易受到伤害腿部脊柱受伤早已司空见惯。

    In fact, the girls on the sidelines are more at risk of hurting themselves than the guys on the football field. Broken legs and spinal injuries are not uncommon.


  • 地奇一项身体接触运动球员们往往各种各样的受伤撞伤擦伤骨折

    Quidditch being such a physical contact sport, players tend to suffer everything from bumps and bruises to broken bones.


  • 因为使用肌肉跑步使用的相同,椭圆受伤您无法跑步个极好的冲击替代运动

    Because the muscles used on the elliptical are similar to those you use when running, the machine is a good low-impact alternative when an injury prevents you from running.


  • 因为使用肌肉跑步使用的相同,椭圆受伤您无法跑步个极好的冲击替代运动

    Because the muscles used on the elliptical are similar to those you use when running, the machine is a good low-impact alternative when an injury prevents you from running.


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