• 统计冶金公司经营管理中具有重要地位

    The conveyance statistics plays an important role in the management of metallurgical automobile conveyance company.


  • 再次结合企业现状实际市场状况南京长江油公司战略联盟进行重构。

    Thirdly, combining the enterprise's current situation with actual market situation, the paper has reconstructed the strategic alliance of CSC Nanjing Tanker Corporation.


  • 选址朱池的洋溪大桥公司在今年破土动工,届时朱池会有一个四通八达的交通网络。

    The Yangxi Bridge and Changyun Company which located in Zhuchi are also going to break the earth, and Zhuchi will be accessible from all directions.


  • 论文背景来源于企业委任项目——华能南通电厂运公司输煤控制系统计算机信息管理系统整合

    The idea of this paper is from the project of HuangNeng NanTong Power Plant, which mainly deals with the integration of control system for fuel dock and MIS construction.


  • 公司下属有古交有限公司焦化有限公司矿产开发公司三新公司房地产开发公司等9个子()公司

    A subsidiary of Gujiao Limited, coking Limited, Mineral Development Corporation, three new motor company Real Estate Development company, and other sub-9 (PM) companies.


  • 首先第四论文基于期权有关理论分析企业资本结构的优化,用B—S模型建立企业最优资本结构模型,引用南京公司的情况进行测算,试图企业最优资本结构提供新的思路

    At chapter 4, the paper establishes capital structure model and index of measuring financing risk by way of B-S model, and tries to search a new way for capital structure of corporation.


  • 一些包裹公司一直尝试货物加袖,以便人们可以回家路过时提取包裹

    Some of the parcels firms have been experimenting with delivering goods to petrol stations, where people can collect packages on their way home.


  • 根据ICAP的分析,油6月份强力反弹,部分原因是大量船舶用于增加库存因为石油公司等待原油价格进一步走强。

    Rates recovered strongly in June, according to ICAP, partly because large vessels were in demand for storage, as oil companies waited for crude prices to strengthen.


  • 如果这个生产服务器更长时间用户公司损失金钱

    The users and company would have lost money if this production server were down any longer.


  • 这些公司命令式(手工)操作转换声明服务器需要的最终状态,从而达到可扩展

    These companies achieve scalable operations by shifting from imperative (manual) actions to declarations about the desired end state of a server.


  • 发明已经数千件作品中脱颖而出,广播公司付费了空中单车部分轨道洛杉矶去。

    His invention has been chosen from among thousands of applicants, and the network has paid to ship Skyride and a portion of track to Los Angeles.


  • 电力公司由于外部电源系统故障,由于外部电源供应问题导致反应堆

    Tepco said the reactors shut due to the loss of offsite power due to the malfunction of one of two off-site power systems.


  • 大雪迫使几乎所有航班不得不,此时航空公司才开始他们首次飞行

    Commercial carriers at the airport started flying for the first time since a blizzard forced the grounding of almost all planes.


  • 周一开始尽管不少轨道交通停,但许多人还是努力回到公司上班

    From Monday, many have struggled back into work despite the limited train service.


  • 只要保留美国铁路其铁路的使用权他们可以某趟旅客列车其他支线列车,允许亏损线路卖给成立的短程铁路公司

    They could close passenger and branch lines, as long as they preserved access for Amtrak services. They were allowed to sell lossmaking lines to new short-haul railroads.


  • 据英国广播公司报道,马来西亚官员表示国际贩毒团伙正在利用脸谱”这类社交网站招募年轻马来西亚女子充当人。

    Malaysian officials say international drug syndicates are using social networking websites like Facebook to recruit young Malaysian women as drug mules, BBC reported.


  • 公司5月15日来函公司10包货物, 尽快用火车来, 并请标注唛头。 1-10。

    In reply to your letter of the 15th May, please send ten bales of our goods, marked 。 1-10, by rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer.


  • 我们以前没有曼德勒但是昨天开始光公司了400盐——75英磅34公斤)。

    We have never transported salt to Mandalay, but since yesterday my company alone sent 4, 000 bags of salt—each weighing 75 pounds (34 kilograms).


  • 公司负责人表示,“鉴于小姑娘这样诚信的品质,时代愿意提供一个工作机会,公司随时欢迎黄冬梅来上班。”

    The leader of the company saidSince the girl is so honest and credible we are willing to offer her a position. Our company welcomes Huang Dongmei to be one of our staff members all the time.”


  • 一张图片爸爸卡车上迎接刚刚悉尼的贵公司的叉车。

    The first photo is Dad and I on our truck when we got the forklift home from Sydney.


  • 我方确认通过当地速递公司付$200没有问题。

    I would like to confirm that delivery via your local express company for $200 suits me at all.


  • 我们专业物流公司进行合作客户提供各种便捷的货物方式,包括

    We cooperate with professional logistics companies to provide efficient goods transports such as sea, air and land transports to customers.


  • 第三公司简介六西格玛管理方法可行性分析

    Chapter III is the profile of the Yunjie's Company and the feasibility analysis of the application of Six Sigma management method.


  • 正是利用公司了解提出深刻见解、赞美公司成绩、以及述说方式好时候。

    Now is an ideal time to use the knowledge you have about the company to offer up insightful observations and flattering acknowledgments about the organization and how it's run.


  • 通过黑龙江省电力有限公司调度方科合作系统更加符合现场需求具有较大的实用价值

    Through cooperation with the dispatch center of Heilongjiang Electrical Power Company, the system becomes more accorded with the factual demands and have more practical value.


  • 这家出口公司于是获得了足够讨价还价的能里能力,除了补偿其失去还绰绰有余。

    The exporting firm has then gained sufficient bargaining power to more than compensate for lost profits.


  • 当家容易公司不易啊,千把养活,要上缴租金国税还要人人社保

    Ah, the company shipped do not easily ah, thousands of people to feed, to pay rent, tax, but also everyone to buy social security!


  • 当家容易公司不易啊,千把养活,要上缴租金国税还要人人社保

    Ah, the company shipped do not easily ah, thousands of people to feed, to pay rent, tax, but also everyone to buy social security!


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