• 最高法院裁决在打击腐败官员偏袒斗争向前迈出一步

    The court's ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.


  • 巴黎协定》得到广泛称赞因为它被看作所有人解决气候变化问题方面向前迈出积极一步但是关于解决“气候正义”问题细节可以说粗略的。

    The Paris agreement has been widely hailed as a positive step forward in addressing climate change for all, although the details on addressing "climate justice" can be best described as sketchy.


  • 虽然共享单车可能导致业务下滑,但克鲁克斯认为,想法纽约市来说向前迈出的积极一步

    While it's possible bike-sharing will cause a drop in business, Crooks allowed that the idea is a positive step forward for New York City.


  • 第二会谈重要意义在于启动实质问题的讨论,这标志着和谈进程向前迈出新的一步

    The second round is of great significance as it launches discussion on substantive issues, marking another new step forward in the peace process.


  • 上面情况发生时,他们已经迈出远离被动用户一步成为自己机器主人的方向前进。

    When that happens, they will have taken the first steps away from being passive consumers and towards becoming the owners of their own machines.


  • 一时刻向前推算20迈出职业厨师一步,为此父亲几乎扫地出门。

    Almost 20 years before that moment, I took my first steps to become a professional chef, and my father just about threw me out of the house.


  • 然而总是在想一旦迈出一步非常容易接纳更新事物并且不断向前进。

    I've always thought, however, that once you make the move it's pretty easy to adopt even more new things and keep moving forward.


  • 市场方面也向前迈出重大一步最近几个月费城火奴鲁鲁长堤加州新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基购买了美国通用公共汽车

    And a major step forward in the marketplace: Philadelphia; Honolulu; Long Beach, Calif., and Albuquerque, N.M., have all bought the GM buses in recent months.


  • 荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)收购ArrowEnergy公司开发澳大利亚煤层气战略向前迈出重要一步

    Royal Dutch Shell's move on Arrow Energy is an important step forward in the company's development of Australia's coal bed methane.


  • 罗奇众星云集电影节颁奖仪式上领完大奖后:“我们希望这部影片英国面对帝国史方面向前迈出了一小步小小的一步。”

    After receiving the award at a star-studded ceremony in Cannes, Loach said: "Our film is about, we hope, a little step, a very little step in the British confronting their imperialist history."


  • 我们底线我们接受这个协议向前迈出实质性一步,继续使之完善这个基础上再接再励。

    This is the bottom line: We can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward, continue to refine it and build upon its foundation.


  • 我们防止患有某种特定类型遗传性疾病小孩出生向前迈出重要一步

    This brings us an important step nearer to being able to prevent the birth of children with a particular type of inherited disease.


  • 新的《削减战略武器条约》虽然向前迈出重要一步只是漫漫征程中的一步

    While the New START treaty is an important first step forward, it is just one step on a longer journey.


  • PHP V4提供的特性相比,2004 年发布的 PHPV5面向对象编程OOP设计方面向前迈出了很大的一步

    When PHP V5 was released in 2004, it was a giant leap forward compared to what PHP V4 provided in regards to object-oriented programming (OOP) and design.


  • SOA使信息技术企业目标保持一致方面向前迈出重要一步

    SOA is a significant step forward in aligning information technology with business goals.


  • 过去的一周里七个咨询小组支持下完成工作向前迈出的坚实一步

    The work done this week, supported by the seven consultative groups, is a solid step forward.


  • 阿曼能力扮演相同角色举行国内对话帮助参与者向前迈出坚实一步

    Oman may be able to play a similar role in conducting a national dialogue and to help hold its participants accountable for taking concrete steps forward.


  • 个人认为使机票搜索进化历程又向前迈出一步,”Casey表示

    "I personally think this is one step in the evolution of search for airlines," Casey says.


  • 那么结束所有烦恼吧向前迈出一步……改变过程充满艰辛不妨这样如果足够坚定,前方有很多惊喜等你。

    So pack up your troubles and take a step forward... the process of change can be tough, but think about all the excitement ahead if you can be stalwart enough!


  • 如果你们感觉到被支持,有中心有组织的,你们拥有信心向前迈出一步重大的飞跃。

    You'll have the confidence to take that big leap forward if you're feeling grounded, centered and organized.


  • 尽管琼斯认为量子技术未必会不可破解,但是表示,把这项技术运用太空项目上,中国人来说向前迈出重要一步

    Despite his belief that the technology is not impregnable, Jones said the application of it in space is a major step forward for the Chinese.


  • 周五美国国会众议院以219- 212微弱优势通过一项气候变化法案标志着美国打击污染方面向前迈出一步

    The us House of Representatives narrowly passed a climate change bill Friday by a vote of 219-212, which was a step forward in fighting against carbon pollution.


  • “不要付钱”取得了巨大成功这个科技天才网站的基础上又向前迈出一步网站转化成一个受过充分训练机器人律师可以帮助人们解决许多法律问题

    DoNotPay was a huge success, and the tech genius has now gone a step further with the website, converting it into a full fledged robo lawyer equipped to help with a range of legal issues.


  • “不要付钱”取得了巨大成功这个科技天才网站的基础上又向前迈出一步网站转化成一个受过充分训练机器人律师可以帮助人们解决许多法律问题

    DoNotPay was a huge success, and the tech genius has now gone a step further with the website, converting it into a full fledged robo lawyer equipped to help with a range of legal issues.


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