• 会后公司迅速发出了一份澄清声明似乎之前讲话略有出入。

    After the call, the company was quick to send a clarification statement, but it also seemed to differ slightly from the earlier remarks.


  • 请帖迅速发出了,不少年轻小姐范妮一样,当晚就寝时心里乐滋滋地琢磨琢磨

    Invitations were sent with despatch, and many a young lady went to bed that night with her head full of happy CARES as well as Fanny.


  • 种压力会向你的大脑发出危险警告的信号,让你的身体迅速做出反应。

    This stress sends a message to warn your brain of danger, allowing your body to respond quickly.


  • 美洲灾害名,今年并未经历日本三重悲剧那样打击。日本大地震和海啸迅速成为该国有史以来昂贵自然灾害。

    The Americas are notoriously disaster-prone, but the region has been spared the scale of Japan's triple tragedies, which quickly became the most costly natural disaster on record.


  • 行业暴跌不会造成失业率迅速上升从而导致社会稳定的前提下,中国政策制定者短期能够之又少。

    There is very little Chinese policymakers can do in the short run without causing a collapse in the export sector and a rise in unemployment so rapid that it could lead to social instability.


  • 大卫。狄安杰罗的《约会倍增术》学到爆强的方法第一次和某个女孩见面的时候迅速的散发出巨大魅力

    In the book Double Your Dating by David Deangelo, you can find many powerful methods for generating massive attraction immediately when you meet a girl for the first time.


  • 最终规定时间都快耗尽期盼已光芒照亮了整个山谷迅速的按下尼康相机快门,它所发出的声音,在整个山谷中不断回响

    Finally, as our time on the island was running out, the longed-for light swept across the valley and the chatter of my Nikon motor drive echoed off the hills.


  • 如何监测癌症病人接受医学治疗进展情况? 美国约翰霍普金斯大学研究人员已经发出一种新的方法,它通过大量DNA进行迅速测序解码而达到目的。

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a way to monitor the progress of a patient’s cancer treatment using a new technique for rapidly sequencing, or decoding, large amounts of DNA.


  • 公司提供快速响应快速原型制造从而确保系统可以被按时发出并且迅速的被装备,满足高优先权战时设备需求

    The company will provide quick reaction and rapid prototyping to ensure systems are developed on time and fielded quickly to meet high-priority wartime requirements.


  • 瑞银报告了一个迅速下降的季度盈利,并发出警告可能错过全年盈利目标开始新一轮裁员

    UBS reported a sharp decline in quarterly profit, issued a warning that it would probably miss its earnings target for the year and embarked on another round of job cuts.


  • 我们展示,在软件包示例代码组合,采取这种方式可以迅速功能强大的SIBus中介

    We also show how, when combined with the WSMediations package sample code, this can lead to very rapid development of powerful SIBus mediation flows.


  • 架荡秋千,有一名孩子抬头尖叫声发出的地方看去,看到似乎有一名男孩松树树枝当中翻滚抓住树枝、迅速下落

    A child on a swing looked up at the scream and saw something like a small boy rolling and holding and falling fast through the branches of the pine tree.


  • 11月8日发布最新视频法院招聘中的裙带关系有关,但这组视频泰国国内迅速法院发出禁令屏蔽,但可能还会有更多的视频流传出来。

    A new batch of YouTube videos released on November 8th, and swiftly blocked in Thailand by court order, also relate to alleged nepotism in hiring. More videos are promised.


  • 11月8日发布最新视频法院招聘中的裙带关系有关,但这组视频泰国国内迅速法院发出禁令屏蔽,但可能还会有更多的视频流传出来。

    A new batch of YouTube videos released on November 8th, and swiftly blocked in Thailand by court order, also relate to alleged nepotism in hiring.


  • 就是迅速连锁反应整个柱状立刻沸腾起来,冲向高空。

    It's a rapid chain reaction that makes the whole column boil at once, erupting a spout high into the air.


  • 受损心脏组织发出SOS求救信号时,这个骨髓细胞的亚群迅速动员起来,激发心脏新的血管生长

    When damaged heart tissue sends out an 'SOS' distress signal, this subset of bone marrow cells mobilizes quickly and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in the heart.


  • 忘记了一切怀有野心支撑自己比赛,并波折举行发出尖锐的迅速致电,让所有他。

    Forgetting everything except his cherished ambition, he braced himself for the contest, took a twist hold on the lines, sent a sharp, quick call to his horse, and let him out for all that was in him.


  • 充当哨兵的海岛猫似乎从中得不到任何好处因为不能进食不能发出一个警报之后迅速而又成功地逃脱

    The sentinel meerkat gains nothing it seems for it can neither eat nor escape quickly and successfully after raising an alarm.


  • 执法人员迅速赶到现场看见化工垃圾在燃烧发出刺鼻的气味。

    Law enforcement officers rushed to the scene and saw the chemical waste is also burned, and issued a sharp odor.


  • 甲鱼脑袋伸了出来,大厨利索地割断了它的脖子,血水四溅然后迅速将还抽搐着的甲鱼扔沸水中,学生们发出阵阵尖叫声,一边纷纷拿出手机来拍照。

    A tiny head appears. An expert slash to the neck. A squirt of blood. Students squeal and snap photos with their mobile phones as Chef Zhou whisks the twitching turtle into a wok of boiling water.


  • 开发者利用J2EE构筑企业开发平台短的周期内迅速发出企业的各种应用程序

    Developer USES J2EE to build the new platform of enterprise and can employer application program rapid in a short period.


  • 热风恒温区域,具有至少一藉以将一定温热风,使该纸管管内蒸发出水份热风迅速移除,及维持该纸管表面温度的热风产生器;

    It is then fed into thermostatic hot blast area and the axially blowing hot blast eliminates moisture inside the tube quickly while the roller irons the surface of the tube.


  • 然后一瞧见斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯就下身去,望空中迅速地画了好几个十字喉咙里还发出咯咯声,看头。

    Then, catching sight of Stephen Dedalus, he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the air, gurgling in his throat and shaking his head.


  • 然后一瞧见斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯就下身去,望空中迅速地画了好几个十字喉咙里还发出咯咯声,看头。

    Then, catching sight of Stephen Dedalus, he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the air, gurgling in his throat and shaking his head.


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