• 达能公司今年销售增长目标5%提高至少6%。

    The French company raised its sales growth target for the year to at least 6 percent from 5 percent.


  • 达能公司上半年收益9.32亿欧元下滑8.38亿欧元。

    Net income for the half fell to 838 million euros from 932 million euros.


  • 达能公司销售额中的40%来自新兴市场,在新兴市场的份额高于竞争对手雀巢公司

    Danone gets more than 40 percent of its sales from emerging markets, a higher proportion than bigger rival Nestle sa.


  • 法国达能公司(Danone)股价上涨3.9%,达能公布第三季度销售额增长15%。

    Danone climbed 3.9 percent after third-quarter sales jumped 15 percent.


  • 年前传言世界最大酸奶生产商达能公司美国巨头百事公司收购,为此法国陷入慌乱

    FIVE years ago the French were in a tizzy over rumours that Danone, the world's biggest maker of yogurts, would fall prey to an American giant, PepsiCo.


  • 达能公司6月18日表示,如果开始进行股票回购告知投资者公司可能会购买高达5亿欧元股票

    Danone said June 18 it would inform investors if it starts a share buyback and that the company could purchase as much as 500 million euros of stock.


  • 例如达能公司于2009年4月撤回了对ActimelActivia益生菌产品健康功效宣传申请。

    For example, Danone withdrew its applications for approval of the health claims it makes for its probiotic products, Actimel and Activia, in April 2009.


  • 一个著名展览法国宣布酸奶制造商达能公司属于战略性国家资产,之前流传该公司美国人收购传闻

    In a celebrated display of pique, France declared the yogurt-maker Danone a strategic national asset after rumours of an American takeover.


  • 达能公司表示提高2010年预期,把销售额目标增长率定为6%,营业毛利稳定现金增长至少达到10%。

    Danone said it would increase its outlook for 2010, targeting sales growth of 6%, a stable operating margin and free cash flow growth of at least 10%.


  • 法国达能公司考虑整体出售瓶装业务时候,三得利公司可能对于购买亚洲瓶装水业务相产资产有兴趣

    While Danone is considering the sale of the whole water business, Suntory might be the more interested to buy water assets in Asia only, two people familiar with the matter said.


  • 今天位于巴黎的达能公司表示公司营运收益去年同期的7.22亿欧元增至8.48亿欧元(约合11亿美元)。

    Net income from continuing operations rose to 848 million euros ($1.1 billion) from 722 million euros a year earlier, the Paris-based company said today.


  • 对于达能公司来说,重要是提升含有益生菌Actimel销售额美国销量次于DanActive。

    For the Dannon Company, the growing buzz about probiotics has translated into impressive sales figures for Actimel, which is sold under the name DanActive in the United States.


  • 1996年,法国食品业巨头达能公司(Danone)收购中国娃哈哈饮料公司51%的股份自认为高明之举。

    When Danone, a French food giant, acquired a 51% stake in Wahaha Beverage, a Chinese firm, in 1996, it considered it a coup.


  • 达能控告娃哈哈另外创建销售公司推广销售两家集团合资企业协议中涵盖饮料

    Danone has accused Wahaha of creating a separate sales company which was marketing and distributing drinks that were part of the joint venture agreement between the two groups.


  • 达能调查宗庆后家族娃哈哈公开点名道姓指责达能高层,指责他们从不关心公司营运

    Danone investigated the family of Mr. Zong, and Wahaha publicly denounced Danone executives by name and pointing out that they never played an operating role in the company.


  • 第一太阳能公司正在加州建设其他两个发电厂容量达550兆瓦

    Two other plants First Solar is building in California will have capacities of 550mw.


  • 曾经娃哈哈拒绝允许达能高层进入合资公司办公大楼包括总部,上演了企业的一场闹剧。

    For a time, it seemed, Wahaha officials refused to allow Danone executives into the buildings of the joint venture, including the headquarters, creating a farcical atmosphere to the corporate fight.


  • 技术授权位于北卡罗来纳州达姆的半导体公司Semprius公司计划年内开始一项利用这项技术生产太阳能电池组件试点项目

    The technology has been licensed to Semprius, a semiconductor company in Durham, N.C., that expects to begin a pilot project making solar modules in about a year.


  • 年前达能集团法国一个食品集团公司公司老板Franck Riboud高喊国家经济主义口号,就是为了挡住美国PepsiCo公司的接管威胁

    Two years ago Franck Riboud, the boss of Danone, a French food group, was able to whip up a froth of economic nationalism to ward off the mere threat of a takeover by America’s PepsiCo.


  • 根据最新估算嘉能可的总价值高达600亿美元,公司去年盈利38亿美元,收入达1450亿美元。

    Most recent estimates put a value of about $60 billion on the whole of Glencore, which made profits of $3.8 billion in 2010 on revenues of $145 billion.


  • 目前很多未决诉讼,而达能获得了这场斗争第一阶段的胜利,宗庆后辞去合资公司董事长的职务,并达能亚太区总裁范易谋接任

    With a slew of lawsuits pending, Danone won the first stage of the battle last week when Mr Zong resigned as chairman of the joint venture company, to be replaced by Danone's Asia boss Emmanuel Faber.


  • 达能表示所筹集资金用于强化公司资本结构降低财务杠杆率改善信用等级”。

    Danone said the funds raised would be used "to strengthen its capital structure, reduce its financial leverage and improve its credit metrics".


  • 达能中国群邑旗下的上海公司合作。

    Danone China previously worked with GroupM's Mindshare Shanghai office.


  • 达能中国主要的创意代理灵智传媒中国公司目前负责达能优质品牌依云的代理业务。

    Y&R is a leading creative agency on Danone China, while Euro RSCG China handles Danone's premium water brand Evian.


  • 成达公司三十多年来始终致力于玻璃钢缠绕管道储罐生产研究,拥有能服务于玻璃钢科研、检测的设备26

    Chengda Company has devoted itself for more than 30 years in research and production of FRP wound pipes and storage tanks with 26 sets of equipment for FRP scientific research and equipment.


  • 法律花招也是造成目前达能集团私人家族公司之间争议基础

    This legal trick forms the basis of the current dispute between Danone and Zong's now privatised family company.


  • 分析物流管理成本节约销售业绩财务指标影响,物流绩效对运营能力和获利能力的影响,揭示了能达公司加强现代物流管理理由和原因。

    The paper analyzes the influence of the cost saving on sell performance and financial targets, and brings forth the real reason of the enhancement on logistics management.


  • 达能集团其中依云一个组成部分公司推出内部保护程序

    Within the Danone Group, of which Evian is a part, the water company launched an internal conservation program.


  • 达能集团其中依云一个组成部分公司推出内部保护程序

    Within the Danone Group, of which Evian is a part, the water company launched an internal conservation program.


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