• 佛罗里大学恩斯维尔分校研究社会态度凯特·拉特利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 从中汲取教训一个这样口口声声代表人民然后又枪口对准人民的组织,是决不会令人民和他们站在一起的。

    The lesson that I draw from this is that an organisation like al-Qaida that purports to represent the people and then targets them will never take the people with them.


  • 肯尼博士开始伦敦医院进行研究现在佛罗里里克普斯研究所工作。研究中老鼠分成,研究结果很快将美国发表

    Dr Kenny, who began his research at Guy's Hospital, London, but now works at Florida's Scripps research Institute, divided rats into three groups for his research, due to be published in teh US soon.


  • 库珀不会那么他说:“组织在这里一直为数众多现在,他们曾寄予厚望的目的目标回绝了他们。”

    Cooper would not go that far, but said: "Al-Qaida had been here in significant Numbers and hopefully their aims and objectives have been denied to them."


  • 这让我们想起1972年北爱尔兰那样方式,“觉醒”不再支持组织。

    We saw that in Northern Ireland in 1972 and with the way the Awakening removed support for al-Qaida.


  • 还有一点尚不清楚,就是马克为何不在八月份将俱乐部出售法拉吉,当时斯托里相信已经这位沙特商人安排了一协议结果却是法希姆买下了朴茨茅斯

    One issue which is still unclear is why Gaydamak did not sell to Faraj in August when Storrie believed he had brokered a deal for the Saudi to take over, only for Fahim to buy Portsmouth.


  • 不是审判,”沙特高级人员说道,“应该组织思想体系的审判。

    It should not be a trial of the people, ” says a senior Saudi figure, “it should be a trial of the ideology of al-Qaeda.


  • 贝尔佛罗里南部这种温暖气候地区。

    Kim Gabel lives in the warm climate of southern Florida.


  • 废除价格管制体系允许自由贸易尔等人唯一选择

    The only option for Mr Gaidar and his team was to abolish price regulation and allow free trade.


  • 这个研究发起人马修﹒赖安博士,他是恩斯维尔弗罗里大学急诊医学助教,他人们貌似了解肥胖造成健康问题

    Women seemed more attuned tothe health issues posed by obesity, said study author Dr. Matthew Ryan, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at University of Florida,Gainesville.


  • 为避免亚组织恐怖威胁美国关闭也门大使馆

    The U.S. has closed its embassy in Yemen in the face of Al-Qaeda threats.


  • 尽管先生普京先生部分政策持批评意见,但他还不可能成为克里姆林宫要对付的目标

    Although a critic of some of Mr Putin's policies, Mr Gaidar is a highly unlikely target for the Kremlin.


  • 祖父一样,勇敢地投身于这次危机之中

    Mr Gaidar threw himself into the midst of the crisis as bravely as his grandfather had done.


  • 马克身边的消息人士法拉吉从没有俱乐部正式提出收购——并不清楚为何没有——于是,拥有法国与俄罗斯血统的马克决定俱乐部卖给法希姆。

    Sources close to Gaydamak claim that Faraj never tabled a formal offer then for the club - it is unclear why not - so the Franco-Russian businessman decided to sell to Fahim.


  • 例如1月17日,巴基斯坦瓦济里斯坦地区阿尔组织头目苏尔·蔓逊就无人飞机的地狱火导弹击中身亡。

    On February 17th, for example, Sheikh Mansoor, an al-Qaeda leader in the Pakistani district of North Waziristan, was killed by a drone-borne Hellfire.


  • 针对西方国家住宅区沙特警察局石油设施爆炸事件,不过组织在伊拉克境外进行猖獗活动开始而已。

    It was the start of the most serious al-Qaeda campaign outside Iraq, targeting Western compounds, Saudi police offices and oil installations.


  • 杰弗里·特曼,照片摄于苏丹富尔。

    Jeffrey Gettleman pictured reporting from Darfur, Sudan.


  • 勒夫妇拥抱了文波特遗孀含泪告诉她他们的感激之情。

    The Garners embraced Davenport's widow and offered tearful thanks.


  • Cereplast公司制造用于生产杯子塑料包装用的树脂,能个月内自然生物降解,其销售额五百万美元

    With annual sales of five million dollars, Cereplast manufactures resins that biodegrade naturally within three months for use in products including cups, plastic LIDS and packaging.


  • 同事Anthony Ladd——恩斯维尔的弗洛里大学化学工程师,在《地球行星科学快报》的一篇论文展示了他们方程

    He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 同事AnthonyLadd——恩斯维尔的弗洛里大学化学工程师,在《地球行星科学快报》的一篇论文展示了他们方程

    He and his colleague Anthony Ladd, a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 叶戈尔·改革家丘拜斯长期朋友去年12月去世前不久出版本书中解释了俄罗斯困境

    Yegor Gaidar, a reformer and Mr Chubais's long-time friend, spelled out Russia's predicament in a book published shortly before his death last December.


  • 来自基韦斯特市佛罗里推广大学金姆·贝尔(KimGabel)建议使用称为虫的红蚯蚓

    Kim Gabel from the University of Florida Extension service in Key West suggests using red worms known as red wigglers.


  • 请问,是了鲁迪·(8400万美元)、·约翰逊(1.24亿美元)、德鲁·古登(3200万美元)科·米利西奇(2000万美元)大合同的?

    Who offered these contracts to Rudy Gay ($84 million), Joe Johnson ($124 million), Drew Gooden ($32 million) and Darko Milicic ($20 million).


  • 沙滩(格调轻松愉悦的休闲类书籍)也是一个因素佛罗里唯一3城市名单上的,这三个城市是:迈阿密市奥兰多市,还有佛罗里大学所在地恩斯维尔市。

    Beach books also may have been a factor. Florida was the only state with three cities on the list: Miami, Orlando and University of Florida's home, Gainesville.


  • 邓布利多作为孤儿一家之主回到戈德里克山谷那个夏天,巴希·巴沙特同意家里接待侄孙勒特·格林德沃。

    The very same summer that Dumbledore went home to Godric's Hollow, now an orphan and head of the family, Bathilda Bagshot agreed to accept into her home her greatnephew, Gellert Grindelwald.


  • 这些组织包括已经该国无法无天腹地寻求安全之处的阿尔当地分支

    These groups include a local branch of al-Qaeda, which has sought a haven in the country's lawless hinterlands.


  • 这些组织包括已经该国无法无天腹地寻求安全之处的阿尔当地分支

    These groups include a local branch of al-Qaeda, which has sought a haven in the country's lawless hinterlands.


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