• 测试结果证明:开发的SF493ZQ柴油机达欧II排放标准

    Test results show that SF493ZQ diesel engine can meet EuroII emission standard.


  • 叶说,这个视频”把那些完全迷失自我、无人问津的比作深海中的一小群鱼

    The video, explains Bardaouil, is a "metaphor for these people who have been completely lost, unheard, like those rare fish in the depths of ocean."


  • 本次讲述,未述,复述展出上,她用200个丙烷气罐搭了一个小屋,,这代表压迫困境

    Kenawy's exhibit at told Untold Retold features a small room built from about 200 propane-gas cylinders.It is, Bardouil says, a symbol for oppression, of being trapped.


  • 普莉希拉·的“节能房子变成场可怕

    Priscilla Ouchida's "energy-efficient" house turned out to be a horrible dream.


  • 婚礼结束博思·韦尔一起出来柯克·菲尔德看望利,陪聊天

    After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o 'field to see Darnley and talk to him.


  • 如果打到了我会变得无比强大,强大到你无法想象。”比旺这样警告斯·

    If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine, ” Obi-Wan warns Darth Vader.


  • 接受记者采访时说:“之前得知废弃飞机停在阿兰机场,我一直尝试很多不同房屋建筑作为旅馆。”

    "I learned about this plane that was standing abandoned at Arlanda airport and I've been trying the concept of hostels in many different houses and buildings," he told reporters.


  • 位住在母亲·瑞利针对赫伯曼博士关于儿童癌症风险警告谨慎做出反应,“我自己丈夫女儿配了耳塞,”

    One local mom, Melinda Reilly of Orinda, reacted cautiously to Dr. Herberman's warning about children's cancer risk. "I got myself, my husband, and daughter ear buds," she said.


  • 通用宝)这类带有增程器,依靠电动发动机提供动力的电动汽车,充电可以依靠外部电源或者车载内燃机进行。

    Range-extenders like GM’s Volt (the Ampera in Europe) are powered by an electric motor that can be recharged either from the mains or by an on-board internal-combustion engine.


  • 加州阿曼.贝妮于于1月19联邦法庭提起诉讼

    The suit was filed Jan. 19 in federal court on behalf of Amanda Obney of California.


  • 据了解,马可尼大约450个骑士

    There are about 450 okada riders in Makeni alone.


  • 年前,的落地签国家一栏中填写西撒哈拉,因此被机场禁止入境。

    A year ago Ms Haidar was turned back at Laayoune's airport, apparently for writing "Western Sahara" as her country on her landing card.


  • 传言称,本片中,莱克·莱弗利,赛琳娜·戈梅兹艾玛·罗伯兹、伊丽莎白将会将会分别饰演年轻时的曼珊,夏绿蒂米兰凯莉

    According to the rumors, Blake Lively could play a younger Samantha; Selena Gomez is being looked at as Charlotte; Miranda would be played by Emma Roberts; Carrie would go to Elizabeth Olsen.


  • 取名过去架受人敬仰毛胚(没有装饰)国内航班这种摩托的士收费便宜通常能带着一个家庭的成员一周日用杂货在繁密车流中四处穿梭,随时地紧握着刹车。

    On his cheap motorbike taxi, named after a once-admired no-frills domestic airline of the past, he often carries an entire family or a week's groceries, ducking and weaving through the traffic.


  • 更多无球跑动犯规只会导致更多被罚下场。威廉在第58分钟的时候再次攻入时候,萨卡历史性的闯入八强,并住了这份胜利。

    Shaktar secured their historic passage into the last eight of the Champions League with the goal of the night when Willian struck for a second time after 58 minutes.


  • 也许共和党可以找到善变的人:马克,一位来自佛罗里神童也许正适合他们要求

    Maybe the Republicans can find a chameleon: Marco Rubio, Florida’s boy wonder, might fit the bill.


  • 看到旁边两个女人,她们都穿着长袍没有一个男人,”摄影师冷撒·阿·利(lynsey Addario)写道

    "I saw two women on the side of the mountain, in burkas and without a man," wrote photographer Lynsey Addario.


  • 今年9月1日,法斯拉下通告,禁止沿海城市多条主道桥梁上行驶,同时也禁止他们运载乘客不得超过人。

    On September 1st Mr Fashola banned okadas from many of the coastal city's main roads and Bridges. He has also forbidden riders to carry more than one passenger at a time.


  • 这些城市正在旅客的出租车司机——当地的行话说,他们都是骑士

    These are the town's taxi-drivers-okada riders, in the local patois-waiting for a fare.


  • 来自信用咨询机构Springboard梅琳·泊曼(Melinda Opperman),一般的债务管理规划通常需要35完成。 Springboard目前西南部个州开设业务。

    Melinda Opperman of Springboard, a credit-counselling agency with offices in five south-western states, says a typical debt-management plan takes three to five years to complete.


  • 根据国际市场研究员的分析,2008年,牛奶配方奶粉预期34.5亿美元的财政收入相比2003年增长191.7%。

    Milk formula alone is expected to bring in $3.45 billion in revenue in 2008, up 191.7% since 2003, according to market researcher Euromonitor International.


  • 罗巴(Europa),恩西拉斯(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来都凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 罗巴(Europa,木卫二),恩西拉·斯(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 去年11月, 这些拉丁裔选民则是选择了巴马先生这边,有着67%的支持率, 反对者31%. 这帮助他在一些重要选举中获胜,例如佛罗里,墨西哥哥罗拉多.

    In November they sided with Mr Obama 67% to 31%, helping him win important states such as Florida, New Mexico and Colorado.


  • 贝尔·奥加纳比—万·克诺比目睹新希望的诞生开始紧张地筹划未来

    Yoda, Bail Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi were witness to these births, and immediately began planning for the future.


  • 通用宝)这类带有增程器,依靠电动发动机提供动力的电动汽车,充电可以依靠外部电源或者车载内燃机进行。

    Range-extenders like GM's Volt (the Ampera in Europe) are powered by an electric motor that can be recharged either from the mains or by an on-board internal-combustion engine.


  • 收到他们求救信号分别卡西克塔帕救出了比—万。

    He homed in their respective distress signals, collecting Yoda from Kashyyyk and Obi-Wan from Utapau.


  • 比万·克被派调查围绕洛莎女公爵令人不安传言他发现一个神秘阴谋传闻背后真相

    Sent to look into troubling rumors surrounding Duchess Satine of Mandalore, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers the truth behind the whispers of a mysterious conspiracy.


  • 比万·克被派调查围绕洛莎女公爵令人不安传言他发现一个神秘阴谋传闻背后真相

    Sent to look into troubling rumors surrounding Duchess Satine of Mandalore, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers the truth behind the whispers of a mysterious conspiracy.


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