• 高兴地走着,脚底轻飘飘的

    She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.


  • 那团看来轻飘飘捲,正是林肯重要历史成就

    That mission seems frivolous floating the paper, the Lincoln is the most important historical achievements.


  • 但是每天都觉得身体轻飘飘……希望好的状况。

    But everyday, my whole body feels kind of floaty and light... I hope that's a good thing.


  • 那些轻飘飘克达尔达们理所当然不能打扰哦,BS那些势利鬼!

    Those lightweight Koada 'dal couldn't be bothered, of course. The snobs.


  • 死亡线回来虽然穿了这么多衣服觉得身上轻飘飘的

    She, who has come back from the death still felt as if she was out of herself in spite of the clothes she wore .


  • 日历一张张过去轻飘飘时间匆匆飞逝急速的;

    The calendar was turned over one by one, the time flies by too hastily, the rapid speed;


  • 那团看来轻飘飘捲,美国黑奴自由决定了他们完全不同命运

    That mission seems frivolous floating the paper, to the American slave trade freely decide their destiny is totally different.


  • 某个人也许看上去体面时尚光鲜的外表下其实隐藏着一个轻飘飘内心。

    Stylish and chic though someone appears to be, underneath that facade hides a very lightweight persona.


  • 轻飘飘阳伞伸展生有羽毛的桥捕捉浮游生物加勒比海域开曼群岛

    A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands.


  • 说“他可能疯疯癫癫还有轻飘飘下一秒就会变得有点危险易怒然后惨剧就发生了。

    So he could go from one second being very high-faluting and a lot of levity straight into some kind of dangerous, potential rage and then tragedy.


  • 忽然感到自己身子轻飘飘好像什么住了,定睛原来脚下大片茂密树林

    Suddenly, I feel the body is light, what seems to be grabbed, you see, at the foot of the original is a large thick woods.


  • 路边草地上披上毛茸茸轻飘飘小雪一些雪花飘到我的鼻尖上很快就融化了变成亮晶晶水珠

    The roadside grass covered with a layer of fluffy, light light snow flower, some snow falls on my nose, melted quickly, turned into a shiny little drops.


  • 通胀降低债务实际价值许多人和公司感觉起来就好比小口香槟,会产生一种轻飘飘的美妙眩晕——他们负担减轻了。

    Inflation reduces the value of debt, which for many people and companies feels like slowly sipping champagne, producing a nice buzz of light-headed excitement as they are unburdened.


  • 梧桐树叶子一片片地往下落,往下落叶子轻飘飘慢慢的,喝醉酒人一样一会儿落到这儿,一会儿落到那儿

    You see buttonwood leaves falling pieces of land, to fall the leaves are light, slowly, like a drunken man, brought here for a while, for a while there.


  • 深深地一口气出来,再吸,再吐,想象身体所有紧张都随风而逝,轻飘飘溪流前进;继续深呼吸,吸气,呼气,再吸气,再呼气,闭上你眼睛,想象自己正站在世界最雄伟的瀑布高处,任汹涌的水流带走你全部的紧张不耐烦,取而代之的是安宁、冷静和耐心。

    Take a deep breath in and breathe out, once again. Now imagine that the tension in your entire body melts away and you are flowing softly in the stream of serenity.


  • 高远而湛蓝,湛蓝的天空上,云轻柔地飘逸轻飘飘无声无息

    Day and filling up the blue, blue sky, with clouds flowing gently, floating, silent.


  • 因此八零后群体社会舆论认为是“书包沉甸甸,脑袋轻飘飘

    Thus, they are also being called by the mass media as a generation of heavy schoolbags and light minds.


  • 2010年出现大量用于解雇员工委婉说辞妙的一条来自一家美国银行该行轻飘飘地说“这是银行发起的离职”。

    In 2010 there was a stack of new euphemisms for firing people, the best of which came from a US bank that spoke airily of "bank-initiated departures".


  • 向婆子这样大的希望然后轻飘飘一句“暂时换人打发只怕大半个月不着

    Give toward the old woman son so great hope, then lightly float a "temporarily don't change a person" to beat to deliver her, only afraid she greater half the month all could not sleep.


  • 只出了一脚,右脚脚尖轻飘飘地点了金轮支撑膝盖内侧大概发出十五公斤力道。

    I one feet, the right foot toe lightly floats location in gold round the knee seamy side that prop up a leg, probably sent out 15 kilograms of Chuos sting strength.


  • 大雁过来它们没有看到已经长大小萝卜,就又轻飘飘白帆点点的大海

    A row of geese fly to here. they dont see the growing turnip in the earth, and soon flying to the sea beach with the white sails.


  • 高高低低的曲调,萦回着绵绵的情谊轻飘飘地降落的音符中名门新娘婚纱店,只有本身明了寻寻觅觅,哪一串是不说想你

    All my feelings are in the fluctuating tones, all the soaring notes, only me myself knowing which string of notes I want to search for, which carry my words that I'm not saying that I miss you.


  • 高高低低的曲调,萦回着绵绵的情谊轻飘飘地降落的音符中名门新娘婚纱店,只有本身明了寻寻觅觅,哪一串是不说想你

    All my feelings are in the fluctuating tones, all the soaring notes, only me myself knowing which string of notes I want to search for, which carry my words that I'm not saying that I miss you.


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