• 为什么货币今天如此欢迎呢?

    Why are weak currencies so much in favour these days?


  • 有关欧元区瓦解说法被证明无稽之谈,有些担心欧元会沦为货币(soft currency),现在看来也是毫无根据的。

    Claims that the currency zone would fall apart have proved groundless. Nor is the euro a soft currency, as some had feared.


  • 危机爆发,在持续稳步贬值期间美元一揽子货币累计贬值逾40%,当时推动美元贬值的因素目前造成美元走很多因素相同。

    Before the crisis began, the dollar had lost more than 40% of its value against the basket during a steady six-year decline, driven by many of the same factors bedeviling the currency today.


  • 中国一直确保人民币美元不会大幅升值,避免其他一些亚洲货币那样因美元最近而遭受那么严重的打击

    China makes sure its currency doesn't much against the dollar so it isn't hurt as much as some other Asian currencies by the dollar's recent declines.


  • 随着美元兑更多货币这种趋势开始发生变化

    But that trend is starting to change as the U.S. dollar weakens against more currencies than just the yen.


  • 非常痛心的是,看上去好像目前美国货币官僚正在设法避免采取果敢行动,仅满足只动动手指希望当前衰退会变得一个桃子还要无足轻重

    Sad to say, it appears that America's monetary mandarins are set on avoiding bold action, content to cross their fingers and hope that the current slowdown is nothing more than a soft patch.


  • 由于美元兑其他货币黄金白银石油大宗商品因而获益

    Commodities such as gold, silver, oil and copper are benefiting because the dollar is weaker against other currencies.


  • 货币汇率有助于国家促进出口因为商品在海外价格更加便宜。

    Weakening a national currency can help a country boost exports because goods become cheaper overseas.


  • 考虑一系列美元不利因素,巴克莱(Barclays Capital)的货币策略师表示,美元没有现状更加走简直令人惊讶。

    Given the list of negatives, currency strategists at Barclays Capital said that 'it is surprising that the dollar is not even weaker.'


  • 油价持续下跌减轻中国货币升值压力因为尽管货币进口石油其他原材料买得起

    The falling oil prices will reduce countries such as China currency appreciation pressure, because although money go soft, and imported oil and other raw materials will be more can afford.


  • 金属模子一种用于镌刻的金属,可将设计好的图案压印的金属上,例如压制货币

    An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.


  • 巨额赤字可能使美元外国货币。如此一来,美元计价进口成本会上升,进而可能加剧通货膨胀。

    Big deficits could also weaken the dollar against foreign currencies. That could fuel inflation as the cost of imports rises in dollar terms.


  • 原油世界本位货币,而不是妹币,也不是英镑,也不是美元

    Crude oil is thestandard currency of the world. Not the Yen, not the Pound, not the Dollar.


  • 干预风险之一投资者可能认为决策人士误判货币走强或走原因,或是愿意应对根本问题

    One risk of acting: Investors might believe policy makers have misdiagnosed why currencies are rising and falling or don't have the will to deal with an underlying problem.


  • 金属模子:一种用于镌刻金属,可将设计好的图案压印的金属上,例如压制货币

    An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.


  • 一个国家货币,它的卫生纸就越

    The softer the currency in a foreigh country, the harder the toilet paper. John Fountain.


  • 期待货币制度出现变化很有可能导致亚洲机构减少美国国库债券的积累,进而拉大美欧的利差使美元走

    Anticipation of a change in currency regime may well lead to reduced accumulation of Treasuries by Asian institutions, promoting wider US-European spreads and a weaker dollar.


  • 美元去年大部分时间都最近几个月主要货币走强

    The U. s. dollar, which fell during much of last year, has gained against major currencies in recent months.


  • 不过某种程度上讲美元成功如同海市蜃楼,只是因为世界其他主要货币才显得它很强劲

    However, the dollar's success is, in some ways, a mirage, improving only because other major world currencies have been dreadful.


  • 正在主导清淡假期市场主题包括:对新兴市场引领健康全球成长预期避险货币表现强劲、美元全线走

    The themes that are dominating during thin festive markets include expectations for robust global growth led by emerging markets, strong safe haven currencies and a weaker dollar across the board.


  • 美元大多数货币一直在走因为数据可能显示房价跌至2009年12月以来的最低水平,GDP数据加速上涨。

    The Dollar has been weak against majority of currencies as data would probably show home prices dropped the most since December 2009 while GDP has accelerated.


  • 亚洲时段最初基调冒险情绪重返主要货币美元清淡市况略有

    The initial tone for the day was a return to risk, with majors opening higher, and the dollar fading slightly in thinned trading.


  • 汇市对央行举措第一反应风险厌恶情绪升温,导致商品货币、心目中的避险货币则走强。

    The initial reaction in the currency markets was a softening of commodity-linked currencies and strengthening of the perceived safe haven currencies as markets took on a more risk averse tone.


  • 汇市对央行举措第一反应风险厌恶情绪升温,导致商品货币、心目中的避险货币则走强。

    The initial reaction in the currency markets was a softening of commodity-linked currencies and strengthening of the perceived safe haven currencies as markets took on a more risk averse tone.


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