• 保修应用程序需要不同客户服务应用程序车辆信息子集

    A warranty application will require a different subset of vehicle information from a customer service application.


  • 系统具有监控通信车辆信息查询导航功能

    Such a system has the functions of monitoring, communication, and vehicle information inquiry, navigation and so on.


  • 例如,对于汽车制造商数据管理解决方案可能集中零件信息车辆信息

    For example, a master data management solution might be centered on part information or vehicle information at an automotive manufacturer.


  • 交通模拟过程中,随机输入车辆信息交通流信息模拟开端

    The first step of the traffic simulating procedure is collecting the information of random inputting vehicles and traffic flow.


  • 基于感应式环形线圈检测原理智能车辆检测器检测公路行驶车辆信息

    Intelligent vehicle detector, based on the induction doughnut coil detecting principle, detects the information of vehicles traveling on the highways.


  • 建立一个大型车队信息数据库。对车辆信息进行存储、索引查询处理事务管理

    A database of vehicle management information is buit to record, index, and query the vehicle information.


  • 块7吋wvga显示器(其中一块是触摸屏)提供了基础功能车辆信息以及图形化的行车指示。

    Two 7-inch WVGA displays (one of which is a touchscreen) provide access to basic functions, vehicle information and a graphical efficiency coach.


  • 提出了车辆信息队列处理算法保证车道上排队车辆计算机车辆信息队列的一一对应

    A vehicle queue process algorithm is presented, which ensures that the vehicle queue in roadway is consistent with the in-formation queue in computer.


  • 其他一些功能还包括检测车辆信息一定范围内识别手机同时发动机油耗,低排放

    Its other functions include detecting vehicles information and identifying mobile phones in its proximity. Its engines also consume less oil and discharge less carbon dioxide.


  • 一些重要车辆信息比如当前的里程数、车辆识别码OnStar的账号信息可以程序中进行查询。

    Important vehicle information, such as current odometer reading, vehicle VIN and OnStar account number also will be readily accessible within the apps.


  • 然后介绍了介绍交通场景中运动车辆信息获取方法包括摄像机标定车辆检测定位车辆跟踪方法。

    Then it describes the method of getting information of moving cars from the real traffic scenes, including camera calibration, vehicle detection and location, vehicle tracking method.


  • 如果射频识别技术应用于车辆管理可以有效提高管理部门工作效率而且可以提高车辆信息安全性

    The work efficiency of the management department of government and the security of the vehicle datum will be improved effectively if the RFID technology is applied in the vehicle management system.


  • 内拉德新旧车辆信息供应公司凯利蓝皮书(KelleyBlueBook)的市场分析员,他一直密切关注着汽车工业

    Jack Nerad is a marketing analyst for Kelley Blue Book, which keeps close watch on the auto industry.


  • 所有车辆信息来自公司车辆系统(CorporateVehicle System),它所有的租借地点提供集中车辆信息维护

    All vehicle information comes from the Corporate vehicle System that maintains centralized vehicle information for all rental locations.


  • 中间件完成调度中心车载终端通信,通过中间件对车辆信息进行新的统一封装中间件客户端之间采用高层的通信协议

    The vehicle information has a new and unified encapsulation by adopting the middleware. And a higher communication protocol is adopted between the middleware and the customer terminal.


  • 三个车辆属性相对应输入字段用户在其中输入信息

    You will have three input fields corresponding to the vehicle properties, where a user will enter the information.


  • 这种重新编程生成的加密密钥(CKG)目前的下一代信息保障产品装备共同运行,用于军用车辆飞机舰船

    The CKG, a reprogrammable encryption-key generator, will work with existing and next-generation information assurance products and equipment used in military vehicles, aircraft and ships.


  • 一个安全无线连接装置,把车辆行驶速度电池寿命以及其他关联信息一并传送可以手控的仪表板

    Speed, battery life, and other connectivity information are all conveyed over a secure wireless connection to a handheld device that can be mounted on the dash.


  • 除了关注车辆运行情况,中心驾驶者提供支持信息娱乐功能

    Besides keeping an eye on what is going on, this centre will provide support, information and entertainment to drivers.


  • 道路安全制动协会建议车队使用信息技术监测司机车辆状况

    Road safety charity Brake is calling on fleets to consider the use of telematics to monitor drivers and vehicles.


  • 这些设备个人数据助理(PDA)、手持PC无线笔记本电脑、蜂窝式移动电话(cell phone)、置顶(set - top box)、车辆内部的信息系统用于普及计算其他设备。

    These devices can be PDAs, handheld PCs, wireless laptops, cell phones, set-top boxes, in-vehicle information systems, and other devices for pervasive computing.


  • [据防务系统网站2011年3月9日报道]美国陆军计划建立一个总体战场网络统一的信息架构传输语音数据视频士兵指挥所车辆联系在一起。

    The Army plans to create an overarching battlefield network that will transport voice, data, and video across a consolidated information architecture linking soldiers, command posts and vehicles.


  • 标记车辆之后servlet需要准备显示租车信息页面客户页面检验系统给出信息,以及的客户概况内容

    After marking the vehicle, the servlet needs to prepare for displaying the Renter Information page, in which the customer verifies our information on her, and the contents of her Customer Profile.


  • 是因为装备这种设备的车辆自身传递着实时行车信息。传递信息车辆越多交通信息精确

    This is because vehicles themselves are starting to relay real-time traffic data-and the more that do so, the more accurate traffic information will become.


  • 警报信息通过互联网汽车接力方式传播,这样可以确保其他车辆安全停靠在距离事故地点远的安全地带。

    This alarm could disperse down the chain of vehicles in a relay so they could safely stop a long way before they reach the accident spot.


  • 警报信息通过互联网汽车接力方式传播,这样可以确保其他车辆安全停靠在距离事故地点远的安全地带。

    This alarm could disperse down the chain of vehicles in a relay so they could safely stop a long way before they reach the accident spot.


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