• 果宠物身体状况良好,主人们就会感到高兴。

    Pet owners are happy when their pets are well.


  • 了确保她身体状况良好,我每天都给她打电话。

    To make sure she was fine, I called her every day after that.


  • 目前他们安全的,身体状况良好家人报了平安

    At present, they are safe and in good condition and also have contacted with their families.


  • 安全回到地面除了手掌轻微擦伤外身体状况良好

    Back to the safety of the ground game in addition to the palm of your hand to buy a minor abrasion, in good physical condition.


  • 如果医生觉得身体状况良好就会拿到件标有序号的亮色连体一双鞋子

    If a doctor finds your condition satisfactory you will get a bright one-piece garment and shoes with a number on them.


  • 如果医生觉得身体状况良好就会拿到件标有序号的亮色连体一双鞋子

    If a doctor finds your condition satisfactory, you will get a bright one-piece garment and shoes with a number on them.


  • 兽医告诉我们,除了被抛弃,它身体状况良好牙齿推测它大约两三大。

    The vet guessed the dog is about two or three years of age, from the condition of his teeth.


  • 研究表明身体状况良好男女每天一个鸡蛋实际上不会健康产生消极影响

    But studies show that healthy men and women who consume an egg a day actually do not experience negative health repercussions.


  • 杨利伟走出返回舱医生立刻对他进行身体检查,检查结果表明杨利伟身体状况良好

    After Yang went out of the capsule, physicians immediately conducted a physical check-up of Yang, which found HIM in good conditions.


  • 参赛队员必须身体状况良好接受良好训练接受参与这项赛事之任何责任自行承担

    Team members must be physically fit, well-trained, and agree that entering this race are at their own risks.


  • 研究,受试人员身体状况良好,且都是自愿参加,他们通过控制饮食来改变自己的血清素水平

    For the study, healthy volunteers' serotonin levels were altered by manipulating their diet.


  • 报道上周苏丹·达富尔地区劫持的中国员工全部安全获释,目前四身体状况良好

    Four Chinese workers, who were abducted last week in Sudan's Darfur region, have been released and are reported to be in good health.


  • 如果身体状况良好,要做到每天按时睡觉起床,避免临睡前喝咖啡不要灯光通明的房间睡觉。

    If you're physically fine, go to bed and get up at a regular time every day, stay away from caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and avoid bright lights in the bedroom.


  • 安达卢西亚社会事务部长米卡埃拉•纳瓦罗婴儿父亲也是未成年人,母亲婴儿身体状况良好

    Micaela Navarro, the Andalusia region's social affairs minister, said the father of the baby is also a minor, and both the mother and the baby were in good health.


  • 可能过去我会选择转过用左脚但是身体状况良好,我会一些奇怪风险这样让我获得更多进球机会

    Maybe in the past I'd choose to turn back onto my left foot, but with fitness and form you get more chances to take the odd risk here and there.


  • 抵达休斯敦之后他们搭乘直升飞机前往另一个医疗中心进行身体检查,确保身体状况良好,能够开始进行康复治疗

    Once they arrive in Houston, then they'll go by helicopter to another medical center where she'll be checked out to make sure that she is in good shape to be able to start rehabilitation.


  • 森林男孩Ray身高5英尺11英寸一头金黄色头发,目前身体状况良好除了身上年多伤疤外,没有其他受过虐待迹象

    Ray, who is 5ft 11ins, with blond hair, is in good physical shape and had no signs of abuse apart from a small scar that was at least three years old.


  • 名塞尔维亚法官判决波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(Ratko Mladic)的身体状况良好可以转移海牙国际刑事法庭

    A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at the Hague.


  • 接受调查妇女中,那些每周快步走两个半小时等量园艺劳动更不容易发福,静态心率也低,这正是身体状况良好标志

    Women in the survey who walked vigorously for 2.5 hours a week or did an equal amount of gardening were less likely to be obese and had a lower resting heart rate, which is a sign of physical fitness.


  • 科学家对一些身体状况良好年轻志愿者进行测试观看关于日常生活影片,然后暂停影片,让他们预测影片中接下来5秒后会发生什么。

    The scientists tested healthy young volunteers who were shown films of everyday events. And then it was stopped.


  • 常会听闻这样事情吗? 一对结婚五十年的夫妇,其中一位不幸离世,另一半接下来的几个甚至几周内也紧跟着去世尽管他/她当时身体状况良好

    And how often have you heard about one spouse in a 50-year marriage who, despite being medically healthy, dies a few short months or even weeks after the death of the other spouse?


  • 患者于628日返回荷兰身体状况良好,于72出现首发症状发热寒战),7月5收治入院,7月7日出现肝衰竭严重的出血热等快速恶化的临床表现。

    The woman returned to the Netherlands on 28 June in good health. The first symptoms (fever, chills) occurred on 2 July and she was admitted to hospital on 5 July.


  • 患者于628日返回荷兰身体状况良好,于72出现首发症状发热寒战),7月5收治入院,7月7日出现肝衰竭严重的出血热等快速恶化的临床表现。

    The woman returned to the Netherlands on 28 June in good health. The first symptoms (fever, chills) occurred on 2 July and she was admitted to hospital on 5 July.


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