• 正在踊跃展开查询拜访

    Commencement of inquiry is being actively visit.


  • 一个阅历性命这样踊跃惊喜的人,信任更多的可能性

    A person who has experienced such a positive surprise in life believes that much is possible.


  • 优异的商务信函咱们成长客户关系以及告竣新的业务方面踊跃的促进效用。

    Outstanding business letters are playing a positive role in developing a good relationship with customer and prompting new business.


  • 有不少同胞他们衣橱拿出衣服棉被床单踊跃的他们的袖子地震灾民献血。

    Many also rummaged through their wardrobes for clothing, quilts and sheets, and rolled up their sleeves to donate blood for the quake victims.


  • 最后一个环节知识问答环节,同学们踊跃参加这次活动中来,增长对于火灾有关知识。

    The last link was the knowledge question and answer link; schoolmates were all in very actively participation in this activity, which in return helped them expand their fire related knowledge.


  • 敦请同学踊跃参与课堂讨论,我指出大多数同学倾向低估高估他们所作发言价值

    I encourage active student participation in class. I should point out that most students typically tend to under-estimate - rather than over-estimate - the worth of what they have to say.


  • 埃里克森一家根本用不着担心踊跃的买主一个周末走了大部分东西,只剩下50件,给埃里克林一家增加了442美元的额外收入。

    The Ericksons needn’t have worried. Eager buyers bought all but 50 of the items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer.


  • 不得不其它家庭成员其他一些好好相处因为他们不是那么支持一些情况下我们应该踊跃地去反对一些我们一直在尝试做的事情

    I've also had to deal with other family members and people in my life who haven't been so supportive -in a few cases, actively against some of the things we've tried to do.


  • 患者治疗师都表示:希望疾病意识加强最终有助于所有性别所有年龄的患者踊跃行动起来,寻求治疗

    Addicts and therapists alike say they hope a greater awareness of the disease will eventually help addicts of all genders and ages come forward and seek treatment.


  • 尽管日本公司素有囤积投资者现金名声,但股市暴跌推动它们踊跃回购自身股份数量接近历史纪录。

    The stock market slump has driven Japanese companies to buy back their own shares in near-record Numbers, in spite of their reputation for hoarding investors' cash.


  • 安哥拉选民星期五前往投票站选举议会,这是安哥拉16年来举行的第一次全国大选。选民投票踊跃

    Voters in Angola went to the polls Friday to elect a new parliament, in the country's first elections in 16 years.


  • 其他股票认购踊跃包括一家领先的锌金属交易商集团,力劲机械有限公司中国中煤能源集团。

    Any number of other sales are percolating upwards, including Lee Kee Holdings, a zinc trader, LK Machinery, a firm, and China National Coal.


  • 明白很多自民党踊跃分子向来反对保守党交好。

    But he knows that many Lib Dem activists are instinctively opposed to collaboration with the Tories.


  • 没有圣者言语仍以此安慰止息的痛苦中还可踊跃

    Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.


  • 耶和华约柜了大卫城的时候,罗的女儿米甲窗户里观看大卫王在耶和华面前踊跃跳舞心里就轻视

    And as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.


  • 迄今为止,已经ananas讨论邮件列表上收到了一些反馈意见,我还是很想收到更多来自那里的意见,因此希望大家能自由踊跃发表意见。

    So far I have received some feedback on the ananas-discussion mailing list, but I would love to hear more from you so feel free to contribute.


  • 专家指出,有公司扶持员工菜园成长迅速,因此无论公司还是《财富》美国500强(Fortune 500)大企业,纷纷踊跃尝试。

    Corporate-backed employee gardens are growing like weeds, experts say, with small firms and Fortune 500 companies both buying topsoil and seeds.


  • 如果管理层推介效果良好投资者接受发行价格区间里更高的价格,认购踊跃

    If the promote effect of the management is good, the investors will be able to accept a higher price in the issue price range, and the subscription will be more enthusiastic.


  • 由于这种积极教学方法踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕

    Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes.


  • 今天在座那么可爱小朋友这个可爱的游戏你们准备的,小朋友们踊跃上台参加游戏,年龄小的小朋友可以家长陪同一起参加游戏。

    Tonight we have a lot of lovely children here, this game is prepared for you all, please come to the stage, parent can come with your child to participate the game together.


  • 也许的,是否有过另外一个问题:为什么没有更多的踊跃发言?

    Maybe, ur right, but do you have thought about - why the people haven't shown up anything?


  • 大陆娱乐界口味更加多元很多年前仍是以经典为主。现在踊跃地吸取事物大陆娱乐可操作范围非常大。

    The taste for entertainment has widened in China. Many years ago, it was more classic-based. They now have a more voracious appetite for new things. The scale on which China operates is staggering.


  • 以色列自己创造者而踊跃,愿雍子民因自己君王而欢乐

    Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: and let the children of Sion be joyful in their king.


  • 可能因为早些时候决定去掉了很多通过测试的职位,由于以前大批留学生们踊跃追逐而使得这些职位急剧增加。

    This was possible because earlier decisions had slashed the number of points-tested places available while the number of former students seeking those places had risen sharply.


  • 机构投资者个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行国库券

    Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and individual investors.


  • 耶和华约柜了大卫城的时候,扫罗女儿窗户观看大卫王在耶和华面前踊跃跳舞心里就轻视

    As the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.


  • 耶和华约柜了大卫城的时候,扫罗女儿窗户观看大卫王在耶和华面前踊跃跳舞心里就轻视

    As the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.


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