• 南部各州领导人们正在路易斯维尔会晤

    Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville.


  • 惊喜之星位2010年新当选保守党议员——路易•门施 LouiseMensch路易斯•巴格赛维 LouiseBagshawe(一部扣人心弦的“鸡仔文学”的作者)。

    The surprise star was a Conservative newcomer elected in 2010, Louise Mensch, also known as Louise Bagshawe (the author of breathless"chick-lit" novels).


  • 出生地路易维尔美国

    Birthplace: Louisville (United States).


  • 手握部叫好又叫座剧集:《大西洋帝国》(见右图)《爱如血》(“True Blood”)(发生路易斯安那吸血鬼故事)以及《权力游戏》(“Gameof Thrones”)(一部背景设在维斯·特洛的王国的幻想剧集)。

    It has three popular, admired dramas in "Boardwalk Empire" (pictured, right) "True Blood" (a vampire series set in Louisiana) and "Game of Thrones" (a fantasy set in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros).


  • 路易维尔的48号方形街区美国最大历史街区之一由于成为闹鬼胜地之一而享有盛名

    At 48 square blocks, Old Louisville is one of America's largest historic districts, and has a reputation as one of the most haunted.


  • 黄昏丈夫史蒂夫的卡车穿越塔基州,他们一个货运公司用卡车将汽车零件路易斯维尔市运底特律

    It was near dusk, and she and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky hauling auto parts from Louisville to Detroit for a freight company.


  • 路易(斯)维尔基地是因为UPS的全球运输网络枢纽设在附近晚上的基地提货第二天早上可以发货。

    He is based in Louisville because UPS has its giant Worldport hub nearby and can pick up his orders in the evening for delivery the next day.


  • 告诉路易维尔的支持者们自己继续竞选除非党内提名最终确定—“不管她是谁”。

    She told supporters in Louisville that she would keep campaigning until the party had a nominee—“whoever she may be”.


  • 精神信仰一定意义上意味着符合个人信条个人信仰’”。位神学院教授莫西·乔恩路易斯维尔新闻快报上说。

    "Spiritual has, in some sense, come to mean 'my own personal religion with my own individual creed,'" Timothy Paul Jones, a Baptist seminary professor, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.


  • 位于路易斯维尔洲肯塔基市百胜餐饮公司计划通过转让餐厅的方式,旗下肯德基必胜客的(直营)店比例20%至10%。

    The Louisville, Kentucky-based company plans to reduce the percentage of Pizza Hut and KFC restaurants it owns to 10 percent from 20 percent through unit sales to franchisees.


  • 但是提到维尔将大失所望因为这个引人关注才艺表演并不是西蒙路易·沃尔什主持的的英国达人秀。

    But mention Cowell's name and you do not get the reaction you might expect. Because the talent show in question is not the one presided over by Simon, Louis Walsh and co.


  • 肯塔基州的路易维尔,包括卡休斯·克莱(即拳王阿里)成长的地方,房屋项目将围绕健康为中心重新设计。

    In Louisville, Kentucky, housing projects, including the one where Cassius Clay grew up, have been redesigned with a focus on health.


  • 清晨沐浴马儿美国肯塔基州路易维尔市的丘吉尔·唐斯马场

    A horse is given an early morning bath at the Churchill Downs racecourse in Louisville, Kentucky, US.


  • 在肯塔基路易维尔登台演出时,那些南方军官居然挑战她,中断演出杰弗森·维斯南方联盟祝酒

    While performing in Louisville, Kentucky, she was dared by Confederate officers to interrupt a show to toast Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy.


  • 卡修斯·克莱于1942年1月17日出实施种族隔离肯塔基州路易斯维尔虽然来自贫苦的黑人家庭仍然成为名可以认为是有史以来伟大重量级拳手

    Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.


  • 米歇尔丈夫维杰斯·路易斯-吉恩是一名卡车司机专程佛罗里达州过来儿子

    Michel's husband, Vijens Louis-Jean, a truck driver, was coming from Florida to see his son.


  • 偏爱路易诺诺汉斯维尔纳•亨策,尤其欣赏苏联作曲家德米特里•肖斯塔科维奇的音乐。

    He favoured Luigi Nono, Hans Werner Henze and, most of all, the nervous Soviet composer, Dmitri Shostakovich.


  • 希拉里·克林顿肯塔基州路易维尔宣布这个的初选当中以二比一的比例战胜巴拉克·奥巴马

    Hillary Clinton, speaking in Louisville, Kentucky, celebrated her two-to-one victory over Barack Obama in the state.


  • 关键任何一特定乘客(假设其中有姑妈伊内兹,路易斯维尔过来休假的)一定出现图表中的某处只要我们延伸出足够长的横向纵深

    The point is that any specific bus passenger (your Aunt Inez, say, on vacation from Louisville) is sure to appear on the diagram somewhere, as long as we include enough rows and columns.


  • 五十年代末那时还是个孩子肯塔基州路易维尔长大,我生活灰尘贝类番茄的恐惧之中

    When I was child growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, in the late 1950s, I lived in constant fear of horses, cats, dust, shellfish and tomatoes.


  • 意想不到的地方这件事情:不是公司大西洋沿岸加拿大NovaScotia基地而是在一个位于远离大海肯塔基州路易维尔的仓库做这件事情。

    But he does it in an unexpected place: not at the company's base on the Atlantic coast in Nova Scotia, Canada, but in a small warehouse far from the sea in Louisville, Kentucky.


  • 意想不到的地方这件事情:不是公司大西洋沿岸加拿大NovaScotia基地而是在一个位于远离大海肯塔基州路易维尔的仓库做这件事情。

    But he does it in an unexpected place: not at the company's base on the Atlantic coast in Nova Scotia, Canada, but in a small warehouse far from the sea in Louisville, Kentucky.


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