• 使用跟踪 123测试ESB服务调用

    Test the ESB service invocation with the tracking number 123.


  • Posts - R - Us中,许多系统需要根据跟踪了解程序包状态

    At Posts-R-Us, there are many systems with a need to know the status of a package based on its tracking number.


  • 随后某个时间书商发送订单发货确认以及一个跟踪,你可用检查运货公司的运货状态

    At some later time, the book seller sends you a confirmation of dispatch of your order, along with a tracking number you can use to check the status of the delivery with the shipping company.


  • 例如没有非洲角”海上安全中心注册登记。后者通过跟踪船只位置注册船只寻找该海域的护航船舰。

    The De Xin Hai, for example, was not registered with the Maritime Security Centre (Horn of Africa), which seeks to safeguard ships travelling in the region by tracking their positions.


  • 至于当年未曾发现埃克森·瓦尔迪兹航线错误海岸警卫队现在也拥有先进的卫星跟踪系统保障海峡内外运输安全。

    The Coast Guard, which failed to watch the errant course of the Exxon Valdez, now has a sophisticated satellite tracking system for maritime traffic past the straits.


  • 跟踪选项要求指定系统错误出现立即停止跟踪

    This trace option requests that tracing be stopped once the specified number of system errors has occurred.


  • 德克萨斯斯普林老城这家玩偶医院就医的每位病人”都拿到一个医院病床以便对“治疗”效果进行跟踪调查。

    In fact, every patient that is carried into A Doll Hospital in Old Town Spring, Texas, gets a hospital-bed number to help track its treatment.


  • 返回结构OrderInfo包含订单id(用作跟踪)、送货成本送货地址信息

    The return structure OrderInfo contains the order number (which is used for tracking), the shipping costs, and shipping address information.


  • 例如BCBST跟踪公司拥有Socialsecurity300万个成员百分比多少

    For example, BCBST tracks for what percentage of the company's 3 million members the database holds a Social Security number.


  • 关岛跟踪阿波罗11回归地球过程至关重要作用

    The Guam tracking station was to play a critical role in the return of Apollo 11 to Earth.


  • 输出中的信息包括进程线程节点以及跟踪函数跟踪记录类型某些情况下还包括探测

    Information contained in this output includes process, thread, and node number, as well as trace point Numbers, function names, trace record types and, in some cases, probe Numbers.


  • 五角大楼近来安装数据库用来跟踪阿富汗轻型武器装备序列

    The Pentagon recently deployed a database that tracks the serial Numbers and distribution of small arms sent to Afghanistan.


  • 跟踪:埃克斯·穆尔鹿王十月早上起就没有出现过,鹿王照片就是当天一个野生动物爱好者拍的。

    Stalked: the Emperor of Exmoor hasn't been seen since the morning of October 8, the day the other photographs featured here were taken by a wildlife lover.


  • 永不复发无效退款复发免费跟踪。“护眼一找到眼袋眼圈

    Never relapse, invalid refund, recurrence free tracking. "eye on the" find pouch, eye lines, dark circles and other.


  • 如果跟踪碰巧也是一个探测点(函数显式地标识出来的一个精确位置),那么探测将包括这个字符串中(例如请查看跟踪4)。

    If a trace point also happens to be a probe point (an explicitly identified precise location within a function), the probe number is also included in this string (see trace point 4, for example).


  • 帝国通过跟踪秘密装在“千年信标发现义军方位后,立即进入雅文星系。

    When the Empire discovered the location of the Rebels by following a homing beacon secreted aboard the Millennium Falcon, the Death Star soon appeared in the Yavin system.


  • 介绍了FY - 2CDAS中频跟踪遥测接收机设计原理实现方法

    This paper introduced designing principles and realizing methods of tracking and telemetry receiver of CDAS of FY2 satellite.


  • 销售服务上以国际同行中独有的产品系列标注建立三包服务卡”式跟踪管理

    Sales services to international competitors unique product serial number identification, and the establishment of a "warranty CARDS" - tracking management.


  • LNP数据库跟踪端口本地路由LRN),其中本地路由网络中的每一交换提供唯一标识

    The LNP database keeps track of ported numbers and Local Routing Numbers (LRNs) which provide a unique identity for every exchange in the network.


  • 这个长鼻子的线人莫斯埃斯利一路跟踪卢克·天行者欧比-万·克94船库。

    This long-snooted informant Shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.


  • 出于某种原因病人(史坦利·图齐)没有出现病毒感染一般症状,史密斯跟踪病人希望找到治愈病毒的方法。

    Hoping to find the cure, he tracks down Patient Zero (Stanley Tucci), who for some reason does not exhibit the usual symptoms of the virus.


  • 根据生产订单对应关系建立订单跟踪模型

    Secondly it sets up the track modes of orders basing the mark of production and order.


  • 出于某种原因病人(史坦利•图齐)没有出现病毒感染一般症状,史密斯跟踪病人希望找到治愈病毒的方法。

    Hoping to find the cure, he tracks down Patient Zero (Stanley Tucci), who for some reason does not exhibit the usual symptoms of the virus.


  • 驱逐舰“麦克坎贝尔”在P-3侦察机协助下接过跟踪任务。

    S. destroyer, the USS McCampbell, is set to pick up the trail with the aid of a P-3 reconnaissance plane.


  • 研究人员某一地区高速公路进行跟踪发现很少有私家车13上路

    Theresearchers tracked traffic on a highway in one area and found that many fewer cars were on the road on the 13th.


  • 韩国参谋长联席会议成员李圣镐中将,韩国海军特战队跟踪劫持“三湖珠宝货轮几天星期五早上冲上了

    Lieutenant General Lee Seong-ho, of the South Korean Joint chiefs of Staff, says naval special forces stormed the MV Samho Jewelry early Friday, after trailing the hijacked ship for days.


  • 祝贺你们用20跟踪天线成功的接收到了旅行者的下行信

    Congratulations on your successful downlink acquisition of Voyager 1 at your 20 meter tracking station.


  • 不像其它远望航天跟踪,远望4缺乏能力控制航天器并且服务主要用于航天器跟踪通信中继角色

    Unlike other Yuanwang space tracking ships, Yuanwang 4 lacks the ability to control the spacecraft, and serves mainly for spacecraft tracking and communications relay roles.


  • 不像其它远望航天跟踪,远望4缺乏能力控制航天器并且服务主要用于航天器跟踪通信中继角色

    Unlike other Yuanwang space tracking ships, Yuanwang 4 lacks the ability to control the spacecraft, and serves mainly for spacecraft tracking and communications relay roles.


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