• 德国莱茵集团,一个不同团体组织中都占有很大股本的德国公司,否认他们也会出招谣言

    RWE, a German utility with a larger stake in a different grouping, denies rumours that it may follow suit.


  • 大家明白一条道理:不是好的对着干,赢他们而是水平低身上赚钱。

    It's understood that you don't make money playing poker against people who are good, you make it by playing with them to take the it from those who are not.


  • 于是连忙母亲那儿去,只见母亲已经特地散场,吉蒂坐在上。

    She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party, and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.


  • 这些上班族那些老练的荷兰家庭联合律师和医生们共同的劲敌作斗争花里胡哨的广告房产价值受到损害。

    The working stiffs and the old Dutch families had joined with the lawyers and doctors to battle a common nemesis whose garish sign would savage property values.


  • 我们同学聚在那里我们的作业足球打排球,玩扑克同学们打情骂俏地方是我们班的同学们社交的场所,成为其中的一属于这个小团体,来说有着重要的意义

    That was where our class got together, did our homework, played soccer and volleyball and skat, and flirted That where our class socialized, and it meant a lot to me to be part of it and to belong.


  • 曼联球迷一样,曼联的球员们看到副“欢迎曼彻斯特来”的大广告,上面的特维斯映着一片天蓝色笑得花一样灿烂。

    Like United's fans, the players clocked those "Welcome to Manchester" billboards featuring Tevez in sky blue.


  • 最后标识创意制作过程力求标识创意作为我们的品本创意,城市规划的又一新景象

    Finally, signage in the creative production process and strive to put our brand identity as a creative brand with this innovative, urban planning is another new look.


  • 研究人员18研究对象许多对手扑克,对手有人也有机器。研究人员鼓励参与者虚张声势——如果成功就会得到奖金

    Researchers had 18 subjects play poker against a variety of human and computer opponents. The participants were encouraged to bluff-they'd get money if their bluffs were successful.


  • 即使在有位置时候不会同花连加注,因为人们往往会高估潜在赔率并且同花连很难

    I wouldn't be calling raises with suited connectors even from position because people over-estimate implied odds all the time and they can get tough to play post flop.


  • 第一次下故意一手就把扔掉不了,然后我马上离场了。

    I haven't spoken to, the first money deliberately read card, a hand to hand out with, and then I'll leave.


  • 一首爵士特别曲子《锅火热》的掩护下,弗雷德乔治金妮玩起噼啪爆炸

    Under cover of a particularly jazzy number called "a Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love," Fred and George started a game of Exploding Snap with Ginny.


  • 就是将底下烂的然后发给别人这样能够做到知己知彼只要偷鸡()就一定老千手上。

    Is hiding under a few bad card, and then sent to the others, so that can do know yourself as well as the enemy, as long as he hurt (bad card also jammed with) would die in the old Buddhist.


  • 因为各类铺天盖地,频繁广告使得人们开始变得喜新厌旧

    Due to hundreds and thousands of the billboard changed so frequently, makes people liking the new and hating the old.


  • 其实某种角度上去的话人生扑克一摸一样

    In fact, from the point of view to see the words, life is identical with playing CARDS.


  • 用完时,重新洗匀堆组成新的堆。标准规则一样。

    Reshuffle the discards and create a new draw pile when the draw pile is depleted, as per normal game rules.


  • 尤其第四对家梭不要哪怕对方的,

    Particularly the fourth have no card to shuttle in the house don't with, which afraid the other party is false and steal for him.


  • 因此无论用来全下的什么,需要大于66.2%的率才能注。

    Therefore, he needs to be 66.2% to win against whatever I am shoving for it to be a good call.


  • 注意到,的时候,我总是很冲动企图去一些不值得

    I've noticed that when I'm tired, I tend to call more marginal hands and rush decisions. "s. f!"


  • 扑克的时候,玩家可以其他玩家下或者加注

    When playing poker, a player may either call by matching the amount already bet or raise by adding extra chips.


  • 扑克的时候,玩家可以其他玩家下或者加注

    When playing poker, a player may either call by matching the amount already bet or raise by adding extra chips.


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