• 节经文解答了好几个问题,它们包括:基督真的足够资格作大祭司吗?

    Here are some of the questions that are answered by these verses-does Christ fulfil all the qualifications of a high priest?


  • 本人过去年来大部分时间都从事的秘书工作,自信足够资格填补你们招聘的职位

    I have been handling most of the secretarial work at my present company for the past three years, and I feel that I am qualified to fill your position.


  • 本人过去年来大部分时间都从事的秘书工作,自信足够资格填补你们罧招聘的职位

    I have been handling most of the secretarial work at my present company for the past three years, and I feel that I am qualified to fill your position.


  • 老实的讲,先生这个工作足够资格的。只希望同意试工时间证明我自己

    Frankly, Sir I'm well qualified for this position. Hopefully, you are willing to give me a probation work period to prove myself.


  • 一方面加剧社会不公那些使用文凭占了属于那些有足够资格能力的人的位置

    For one thing, it intensifies the unfairness in our society in that those who use fake diplomas to occupy the seats that should belong to those who have enough qualification and ability.


  • 足够资格、并被一致公认国立大学提供能获得各种学术学位课程其中包括五个院系多个不同研究所

    It is a fully accredited state university offering all types of academic degrees including PhD and postdoctoral lecture qualifications in five faculties and several research institutes.


  • 如果律师资格考试个想成为律师的来说一场足够严格考试那么应该允许那些提前参加考试的人提前参加。

    If the bar exam is truly a stern enough test for a would-be lawyer, those who can sit it earlier should be allowed to do so.


  • 现在上诉法院法官,她许多争议判决之一是一起维持低等法院判决白人消防员无法晋升由于没有足够黑人通过消防员资格考试

    An appeals-court judge, one of her most controversial decisions affirmed a lower court’s ruling that white firemen couldn’t be promoted because not enough blacks had passed a qualifying test.


  • 文化方面,华盛顿不如纽约芝加哥但是足够资格成为美国智力之都。

    Washington still bows the knee to New York and Chicago when it comes to culture . But it has a good claim to be America's intellectual capital.


  • 包括密歇根州密苏里州在内八个,“美国人选择已经收集了足够的选民签名获得候选资格

    Americans Elect has collected enough signatures to get a ballot line in eight states, including Michigan and Missouri.


  • 努力吧,只有足够高度资格仰望

    Work hard, only standing at the height of enough to be eligible to be looked at.


  • 如果一个人足够数量,且杀人方法怪诞,资格名人

    One can qualify for the hall of fame by murdering sufficient people in a sufficiently interesting way.


  • 使有资格质量足够数量同样重要

    Qualified quality and adequate quantity are equally important.


  • 所以如果纠结两个职位,那么就申请那个自己资格技能紧密相关的职位。这样你能从中培养自己所需技能,以便最终足够资格达到理想位置

    So, if you're stuck between two, apply for the role that more closely matches your qualifications. It will allow you to build the skills you need to eventually qualify for that dream role.


  • 资格叫牌足够实力叫牌的。在一手牌中。

    Games Strong enough to be bid. Used of a hand of CARDS.


  • 对那些表现出足够技能的维修人员将成为新的师傅,同样也被允许有资格可以建立自己店铺

    Those who demonstrated sufficient skill became new masters and were then allowed to set up their own shops.


  • 资格叫牌的有足够实力叫牌的,用在一手牌中。

    Strong enough to be bid. Used of a hand of CARDS.


  • 较早时我们每年调整经济资格上限交换意见,我们质疑采用丙类消费物价指数是否足够

    In our previous communication regarding annual adjustment of financial eligibility limits, we question the adequacy of using Consumer Price Index.


  • 如今已经足够发言资格因为生活经历让我不再怀疑之前所说话真实性

    Now I'm old enough in the tooth so to speak and because of life experience I would not doubt the veracity of the first sentence.


  • 上个赛季第三名足够汉堡夺得参加冠军联赛资格

    Last season's third was enough to win Hamburg a place in the Champions League qualifiers.


  • 因此VTS人员必须进行足够培训具备足够资格操作VTS使其发挥作用

    Therefore, VTS personnel must be adequately trained and qualify sufficient to operate to make VTS normal function.


  • 一次最佳影片奖提名不再限于特定数目影片,所有获得足够票数影片均资格获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名

    This time around, instead of nominating a specific number of films for the award for Best Picture, the Oscars are nominating whichever films get enough votes to qualify for a nomination.


  • 有部分足够幸运支持者获得了一张观看阿森纳4比2战胜维竞技并确保下赛季冠军联赛资格的比赛及赛后进行的梦幻的球场闭幕式门票

    Those supporters lucky enough to get their hands on a ticket were treated to a magnificent closing ceremony after Arsenal had clinched a Champions League place with a 4-2 victory over Wigan.


  • 目前已经得到曼联证实他们已经托西成功争取劳工。托西参加过足够比赛获得英格兰比赛资格

    Now it has been confirmed by United that they have indeed won their battle to get a permit for Tosic - who had not played enough games to automatically qualify to play in England.


  • 通常不在公司太多的话因为我还没有足够资格来发表自己观点,因为看起来好多的事情不是我之前所想那样所以我宁愿经常保持沉默

    Always I dont want to say anything in my company because of my little position in the place . And it seems not all of the things like I imagines as , so I always just keep mute


  • 通常不在公司太多的话因为我还没有足够资格来发表自己观点,因为看起来好多的事情不是我之前所想那样所以我宁愿经常保持沉默

    Always I dont want to say anything in my company because of my little position in the place . And it seems not all of the things like I imagines as , so I always just keep mute


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