• 总是同一洗发水意味着残留头发多。

    Always using the same shampoo means that a residue can build up on the hair.


  • 沉积分选压实孔隙度渗透率

    The more poorly sorted or the more tightly compacted a sediment is, the lower its porosity and permeability.


  • 单词压箱的东西——我们必须翻出那些常用才能找到埋藏的珍品

    Harder words are more like items at the bottom of a box-we must rifle through the items we use more often to reach the buried rarity.


  • 他们覆盖秘密感到厌烦,打翻福岛反应堆放弃了人们居住几个世纪的城镇村庄。

    But increasingly they are fed up with the shroud of secrecy thrown over the Fukushima plant and the abandoned towns and villages where families had lived for centuries.


  • 钙质碳酸钙近现代,所构成灰岩地层沉积靠近底部颜色也比较浅。

    The more recent calcareous, or calcium carbonate, deposits that make up the tufa formations are closer to the bottom and lighter in color.


  • 研究的作者之一根舍布说:“离切尔诺贝利国家,受到的影响大。”舍布是位于慕尼黑的德国环境与健康研究中心的一位生统计学家。

    'the closer the country was to Chernobyl, the stronger the effect,' said study co-author Hagen Scherb, a biostatistician at the German Research Center for Environmental Health in Munich.


  • 而现在电脑已经普及开来,即便是在世界上贫穷国家,电脑也并非是什么稀罕之加速回报定律表明,电脑普及便宜

    Now computers are everywhere, including the poorest nations of the world, and the law of accelerating returns means they get cheaper as they become more ubiquitous.


  • 经过同样长的时间之后我们社会变得竞争激烈自私冷酷激励着我们的就是为了追逐财富外在的东西,社会地位和所有至上的文化观念。

    Over that same period our society has become increasingly competitive and selfish, with a culture that encourages us to pursue wealth, appearance, status and possessions above all else.


  • 城市温度过高,使得能耗费用昂贵,同时也加大电力公司的负担。因此,发电厂不得不更多地燃烧煤炭石油天然气产生电能,污染也随之产生。

    Hotter temperatures lead to higher energy bills and a larger draw on the utilities and greater production of pollution from coal, oil, and natural gas fired power plants.


  • 此外xml对等数据接近容易需要的时候提供多种服务。

    In addition, if the XML counterpart is closer to the source it's more possible to serve multiple purposes as demanded by the source.


  • 严重的山火带来许多健康威胁,因为山火燃烧后的排放含有汞金属以及可以引起呼吸系统疾病的微小颗粒,特莱特·斯基

    More severe burning also raises a number of health concerns, as fire emissions contain mercury and particulate matter that can cause respiratory issues, said Turetsky.


  • 记住任何保护措施,不管是否是临时性的,总要比没有任何防护要好,遮挡放射性尘降东西多,离放射性尘降距离远,善用时间,保护的效果

    Remember that any protection, however temporary, is better than none at all, and the more shielding, distance, and time you can take advantage of, the better.


  • Lonely Planet声称,它不担心互联网有许多其他内容网站不担心人们对它的质疑。近几年来人们对于旅游出版领域变得杂乱无章而不满。

    The bold claim will either worry the reams of other content providers on the web or be greeted with large dose of scepticism given how chaotic the travel editorial space has become in recent years.


  • 位于密苏里州行业协会——国家柴油委员会发言人MichaelFrohlich到,寻求化石能源替代的道路上,海藻成为热门的候选之一

    Algae has become one of the hotter commodities in the quest for fossil fuel alternatives, said Michael Frohlich, a spokesman for the National Biodiesel Board, a Missouri-based trade organization.


  • 所以重要东西必须值钱。凡是我们长期与之共处必须呼之即来的无价之宝。

    So, the more important a thing is; the cheaper it should be. They are priceless, such as those things that we coexist for long term.


  • 模具内放入一半糊状然后放一匙边缘留1/2英寸的距离。

    Spread half of batter in pan, then spoon cranberries over it, leaving a 1/2-inch border around edge.


  • 随着联网设备虚拟化普及网络攻击规模大,攻击手段也会多,造成的影响严重

    With the popularity of the Internet of things, equipment virtualization, the scale of network attacks will be growing, means of attack will be more and more, the impact will be more serious.


  • 即使是健康人也不可能一直呼吸他房间空气不得病的,因为屋内的空气会因为肺部皮肤的排泄变得健康

    Even in health people cannot repeatedly breathe air in which they live with impunity, on account of its becoming charged with unwholesome matter from the lungs and skin.


  • 对建筑进行环境评估建议普遍

    Enviormental assessment of building proposals is becoming much more common.


  • 这个问题频繁地提起来,虽说主要是保守派圈子出版里。

    That's a question being asked with increasing frequency, though mostly in conservative circles and publications.


  • 反应过程会产生更多并且反应将会更快

    The faster the reaction proceeds, the more heat is created, and the faster the reactants are used up.


  • 近些年重视改进城市废水处理过程中的固体残留处理方法

    In recent years, however, more stress has been placed on improving means of disposal of the solid residues from the municipal treatment processes.


  • 随着联网兴起,在企业创建产品保护数据隐私安全变得困难

    With the rise of the Internet of things, it becomes more and more difficult to protect data privacy and security when the enterprise creates the product.


  • 靠近建筑中心,逃生路径阻挡的可能性

    The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.


  • 靠近建筑中心,逃生路径阻挡的可能性

    The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.


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