• IBM不但市值超过微软而且今年股价微软

    Not only has IBM's market cap surpassed Microsoft's, but their stock prices have far outpaced Microsoft's in the past year.


  • 去年5月苹果市值超过微软,成为全球市值最高的科技公司

    In May last year, Apple's market value more than Microsoft, the world's most valuable technology company.


  • 研究公司表示由于微软表现下滑华为公司超过微软成为中国第三智能手机制造商

    Because of the decline, the research firm said that China-based Huawei overtook Microsoft as the country's third biggest mobile phone maker.


  • 几个星期苹果市值超过微软现在市值为2304亿美元),成为股票市场市值最高的技术类公司

    A few weeks ago, Apple surpassed Microsoft (MSFT) - now worth $230.4 billion - to become the stock market’s most highly valued technology company.


  • 本周iPad继续美国之外市场发售5月26日苹果公司市值超过微软成为全球最大科技公司

    In the week that the iPad was set to go on sale outside the United States, Apple overtook Microsoft as the world's biggest tech company on May 26th, based on market value.


  • 周四IBM超越微软成为世界第二最有价值科技公司价值2140亿美元,超过微软的2132亿美元。

    On Thursday, IBM passed Microsoft to become the second most valuable tech company in the world, valued at $214 billion to Microsoft’s $213.2 billion.


  • 2000年开始一个循环SONYPS2销售量远远超过微软XBOX任天堂的GC从而成为最大的赢家。

    In the last cycle, which began in 2000, Sony's Playstation2 emerged as the clear victor, far outselling Microsoft's Xbox and Nintendo's Gamecube.


  • 根据市场分析公司StatCounter汇编数据显示,Mozilla火狐浏览器欧洲使用人数已经超过微软IE浏览器的使用人数。

    More Europeans now use Mozilla's Firefox web browser than Microsoft's Internet Explorer, according to data compiled by StatCounter, a market-analysis company.


  • 超过15年前联邦监管机构就开始使微软成为高科技产业反竞争行为标志

    More than 15 years ago, federal regulators began making Microsoft the symbol of anticompetitive behavior in the tech industry.


  • 但在企业网上微软地位至高无上号称占有估计超过90%的份额

    On corporate networks, Microsoft reigns supreme, boasting a share of more than 90%, according to some estimates.


  • 接着科技股狂泻,在之后震荡十年间微软超过一半市值被蒸发掉了

    Then came the tech crash. Since the turn of the decade, Microsoft has lost more than half its value.


  • 微软雅虎股票盘中上涨均不超过1%。

    Shares of Microsoft and Yahoo both rose less than 1% in midday trading.


  • 1992年,加入微软公司当时公司员工总数11,000现在已经超过95,000

    When Mr. Chedda joined Microsoft in 1992, he was one of just 11, 000 workers. The company now employs more than 95, 000 people.


  • 过去年间微软倚重allard的程度超过了公司其他所有高管,因为Allard能够帮助公司定位目标客户,比如现在那些疯抢iPad的用户。

    Microsoft counted on Allard, more than any other senior executive in the last decade, to help it figure out how to reach the types of consumers who are now racing to buy iPads.


  • 生产电信设备联接世界三分之一移动电话在世界各地共有员工11万名——这一数字超过思科微软

    Its telecom systems connect a third of the world's mobile phones. And globally, it employs 110,000 staff - more than Cisco or Microsoft.


  • 微软全球超过11,500名客户使用了DynamicsCRM 2011Beta测试版包括来自竞争对手转化解决方案2000名合作伙伴

    Microsoft claims that globally more than 11, 500 customers, including those that converted from competing solutions and 2, 000 partners have used Dynamics CRM 2011 as part of the beta program.


  • 这个位置通过在线展示得到巩固。微软估计活动Xbox Live用户超过两千万。

    That position is strengthened by its online presence, with Microsoft estimating more than 20 million active Xbox Live subscribers.


  • 微软认为有史以来最大盗版软件组织”,估计全球销售量超过了20亿美元。

    Microsoft has called the group part of “the biggest software counterfeiting organization we have ever seen, by far” and estimated its global sales at more than $2 billion.


  • 微软浏览器表态招致了批评认为它们企业关注程度超过整个web社区

    Microsoft's position on web browsers has also attracted criticisms, saying that they are focusing on the enterprises rather than the entire web community. Peter Bright in his article points out -.


  • 微软美国网络搜索份额只占不到10%,Google超过60%,Yahoo占20%左右。

    Microsoft's share of Internet search in the United States is less than 10 percent, while Google holds more than 60 percent and Yahoo has about 20 percent.


  • 根据BetaNews的统计,微软最近MicrosoftWinHEC活动中,微软表示:在被报告支持微软Vista打印机驱动安装超过11%失败的。

    According to BetaNews, at the recent Microsoft WinHEC session, Microsoft said that more than 11% of Vista's printer driver installations reported back to Microsoft were failures.


  • 根据BetaNews的统计,微软最近MicrosoftWinHEC活动中,微软表示:在被报告支持微软Vista打印机驱动安装超过11%失败的。

    According to BetaNews, at the recent Microsoft WinHEC session, Microsoft said that more than 11% of Vista's printer driver installations reported back to Microsoft were failures.


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