• 1919年,斯特劳斯开始起草计划这个奇迹般的工程在他手中诞生。

    And in 1919, Strauss began drawing up plans to bring this engineering marvel to life.


  • JackSlocumExtJS博客上撰文谈到了第二例外起草计划例外覆盖使用Ext JS API的免费开源软件(FLOSS)项目

    Jack Slocum continues on the Ext JS blog to describe plans for the second of these exceptions, which will cover free and open source software (FLOSS) projects which employ the Ext JS API.


  • 1988年,即作为名研究生起草拯救鳄鱼行动计划而对鳄鱼进行登记分类之前所有23种鳄鱼都受到威胁濒危。

    Before he began to catalogue them as a postgraduate, drawing up in 1988 an action plan to save them, all 23 species of crocodilians were threatened or declining.


  • 电子辅导团,凡希望获得指导帮助企业家可以通过上网找到寻求贷款起草商业计划等各个所需领域的专家

    Through the e-Mentor Corps, an entrepreneur seeking a mentor can go online and find a person with the expertise they need on everything from securing financing to writing a business plan.


  • 缺少未来计划、败北于全国公投,不难窥见如此信息:伟大协议起草机器长达数十年忙于推动欧洲一体化如今该机器运转失灵了。

    This absence, and all those lost referendums, carry a message: the great treaty-drafting machine that has kept European integration pressing forward for decades has, for now, seized up.


  • 为此领导人们可能需要起草一项计划,逐步对EFSF进行扩容,并将计划交由各国议会进行新一轮投票

    To that end, the leaders will probably need to draw up a plan to eventually increase the size of the EFSF, forcing another round of voting in national parliaments.


  • 联邦存款保险公司起草一个计划提高银行监管费用以使重建用于归还存款基金

    The Federal deposit Insurance Corp. is drawing up a plan to raise the premiums it charges Banks so that it can rebuild the fund it USES to back deposits.


  • 最先着手起草应变计划国家---起初仅仅是用于应对来自被推定的(并且是不大可信的)来自白俄罗斯攻击。 白俄罗斯的国土面积仅为波兰四分之一。

    It was the first to gain contingency plansinitially only against a putative (and implausible) attack from Belarus, a country barely a quarter of its size.


  • 国家艾滋病委员会正在起草一份艾滋病毒预防加速计划Sirinirund担心这个行动过于微乎其微且为时”。

    An accelerated plan for the prevention of HIV is now being drafted by the National AIDS Committee but Sirinirund fears that the initiative is “too little, too late”.


  • 为了改变这种减少Sato先生当地官员起草一个寻找海外回报以此填补国内空缺的计划

    To reverse the decline, Mr Sato has drawn up a plan with local officials that looks for overseas revenues to make up for falling domestic ones.


  • 知道2006年,医改综合计划开始起草

    But it was only in 2006 that work began on drawing up a comprehensive plan for health-care reform.


  • 去年12月份日本修订了原先的国家防卫计划大纲,原大纲起草于1976年。

    In December last year, Japan revised its National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG), initially drawn up in 1976.


  • 几年前,跟一些老师共同起草个化学课程教学计划,我们个人负责课程的不同板块,我们通过wiki进行在线合作,撰写课程方案、课堂讲义减少了 email的使用

    By using a wiki we had less email – we all went right to the wiki to work on lesson plans, teaching notes, etc.


  • 给“快乐计划一书起草(警告自我推销——该书将于明年一月出版),我有一大堆自己制作打印本。

    As I've worked on the draft of my Happiness Project book (self-promotion alert: it comes out in January), I kept a pile of all the print-outs I've made.


  • 建议如下起草份详尽商业计划明确阐述创业构想以及你的激情能力工作理念

    Here's what I suggest: Craft a well-written business plan that clearly explains your innovative concept while also communicating your passion, abilities and work ethic.


  • 欧洲政策计划普遍共和党1994年起草一份契约”。

    Policy prospectuses are common in Europe, and the Republican Party drew up aContract with America” in 1994.


  • 首先起草一份装修计划规模提交当地建设检查部

    Get started by making a scale drawing of your plans to submit to your local building inspections department.


  • 陆军工兵团起草项目管理计划”,以便对该问题进行研究。

    The ACE has a draft of its "project management plan" -a draft of the plan for the study.


  • 并没有亲自设计计划而是国会带头起草法案希望年底签署

    But rather than designing his own plan, he is leaving it to Congress to take the lead by crafting a bill which he hopes to sign before year's end.


  • 国际宇宙航行学会搜寻地外文明计划一支小组委员会(一支科学游说小团体),甚至起草一份关于如果人类受到来自外星人信号,我们将如何应对协议

    A SETI subcommittee within the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), a scientific lobby group, even fashioned a protocol on how to respond if a signal from aliens is received.


  • 我们计划设想码头为1639专门面向风力涡轮机离岸公司需要我们他们就我们的方案起草进行了具体讨论。”说。

    Our plans envisage new quays 1,630m long, specifically tailored to the needs of the wind turbine offshore companies with whom we have been in detailed discussion in drawing up our proposals, 'he said.


  • 五月份七月份统辖委员会起草一个42亿美元的五年计划改变学前班到大学阶段的所有学校的教学状况。

    From May through July, a presidential commission drafted a $4.2 billion five-year plan for overhauling prekindergarten through university.


  • 协助人力资源经理人力资源专员完成项目策划起草和执行计划的撰写,参与项目的实施过程中,协助推进项目顺利进行。

    Assist HR Manager and HR Specialist to draft the Project Proposal and implementation Plan, involve into the Project implementation to make sure it goes smoothly.


  • 因此一年计划必须起草有关长期计划并且应该包括必要阶段实现最终目标

    Every one-year plan, therefore, must be draw up in relation to longer-term plans, and it should contain the stages that are necessary to achieve the final goals.


  • 培训计划起草批准程序怎样

    What is your procedure for preparing and approving the training plan?


  • 欧盟正在加快起草希腊第二次紧急援助,计划包括下月向希腊发放一笔关键借款规避欧元区国家债务拖欠风险欧盟官员周一说到

    The European Union is racing to draft a second bailout package for Greece to release vital loans next month and avert the risk of the euro zone country defaulting, EU officials said on Monday.


  • 衣索比亚实地考察期间起草一份一个倡导和平组织计划

    During his fieldwork in Ethiopia, he drafted a plan for a peace advocacy organization.


  • 地震学家大约全神贯注巩固这种发现没有时间从事地震预测方面的研究。对地震预测研究起草的有关计划则基本上没有实施〔参看A

    Preoccupied with consolidating this discovery for about a decade, seismologists spent no time on prediction research and plans drawn up for such a program remained largely unimplemented (see A.


  • 地震学家大约全神贯注巩固这种发现没有时间从事地震预测方面的研究。对地震预测研究起草的有关计划则基本上没有实施〔参看A

    Preoccupied with consolidating this discovery for about a decade, seismologists spent no time on prediction research and plans drawn up for such a program remained largely unimplemented (see A.


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