• 俄勒冈州尤金市的凯西·赫特是一高二学生,也是“身体工程”的老手,他说:“这些宣扬完美身材根本不在意。”

    "These people who promote the perfect body really don't care about you at all," says Kelsey Hertel, a high school junior and Body Project veteran in Eugene, Oregon.


  • 但是赫特指出,粮食变得极度短缺时,市场做出反应。

    But when food gets scarce, Hertel says, markets do respond.


  • 张专辑包括天堂吉他手沙佩特以及伽马射线吉他手汉森克施拉赫特尔表演

    The album included performances by Heaven's Gate guitarist Sascha Paeth as well as Gamma Ray guitarists Kai Hansen and Dirk Schlächter.


  • 讲台上宣称,‘达尼埃·胡说八道没有准晶体这回事只有准科学家’”谢赫·特曼说。

    "He would stand on those platforms and declare, 'Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense. There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.'" Shechtman said.


  • 我们双重标准”,伊斯坦布法提赫大学社会学教授阿里·穆拉特·耶表示。

    "We have double standards," said Ali Murat Yel, a professor of sociology at Istanbul's Fatih University.


  • 49岁杜佐来自赫特福德郡,他室内抓起照相机及时拍下邻近罗谢夏朗德省玛拉提姆村庄上空劈落下来枝状闪电

    The 49-year-old from Hertfordshire dashed inside to grab a camera, in time to capture the progress of one of the streaks of lightning over the hamlet in Charente Maratime, near La Rochelle.


  • 赫特福德郡本斯长大,就读于哈佛大学随后剑桥大学开展宇宙学研究

    After growing up in St Albans, Hertfordshire, he read physics at University College Oxford and then moved to Cambridge to carry out research in cosmology.


  • 图片无法涵盖数据全部意义时,赫特就开始将动画引入创作之中,赋予作品更多灵气和真实感。

    When images alone can't capture the full significance of the data, Hurt and Pyle turn to animation to breathe further life into their work.


  • 艺术家罗伯特·赫特博士蒂姆·将斯皮策太空望远镜观测科学数据转化为视觉效果图,但表现对象办法用肉眼直接看到

    Spitzer artists Dr. Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle turn the space observatory's streams of scientific data into visual renderings of objects no one - not even them - has ever seen before.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长·卢特印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈新德里签署这份谅解备忘录。

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R. Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长·卢特印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈新德里签署这份谅解备忘录

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S.Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R.Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 星期天电讯报发起运动强烈地反对马斯特里赫特而且正是太阳报大喊去你的,德!”

    The Sunday Telegraph campaigns ferociously against Maastricht, and it was the Sun that screamed "Up yours, Delors!"


  • 讲台上宣称,‘达尼·谢胡说八道没有晶体这回事,只有准科学家’”谢赫·特曼说。

    He would stand on those platforms and declare, 'Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense. There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.'


  • 明天重返卡内基音乐厅稍小的怀演奏厅(WeillRecitalHall)演出肖邦舒曼李斯特巴赫拉赫玛尼诺夫作品

    Tomorrow he returns to Carnegie Hall, this time in its more modest Weill Recital Hall. He will play works by Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Bach and Rachmaninoff.


  • 赫特伯里只有5英里詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机,所以买了鸽子

    Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.


  • 8月30日飞往哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,同行的众议院议长丹尼斯·哈斯特另外位众议员,参议院·另外参议员还有位内阁成员

    On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


  • 1111日,上午11时,苏赫巴托广场上举行卫拉特民族服饰时装展。

    Fashion show of the Oirat's national clothes is to be hosted in Sukhbaatar Square at 11am on November 11.


  • 不要把阿达·比多那个比多的罗迪亚人搞混了,后者出现在赫特贾巴宫殿里

    Aldar Beedo should not be confused with the Rodian named Beedo, who frequented Jabba the Hutt's palace.


  • 领英现任首席人力资源特·沃多表示“目的就是授予经理员工权力,”她芬顿邮报如此说道。

    "The purpose is to empower managers and employees," Pat Wadors, LinkedIn's chief human resource officer, told The Huffington Post.


  • 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班纳气体秘密卖给巴拉格温武器设计师赫米·奥德,奥德再将提班纳气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 有时宁愿自己巴马。迪特,而不愿意是戴夫赫希不过他们中的哪一边都是件有趣的事情。

    Sometimes I think I'd rather be Bama Dillert than Dave Hirsh, but it's fun to side with each of them.


  • 柯达公司宣布赫默一个展厅开业,柯达公司总部设在英国赫默·亨普斯特德。

    Kodak announces the opening of a new showroom at Hemel One, Kodak's UK headquarters in Hemel Hempstead.


  • 当地伊沃卡人被迫移居纳赫塔星最大卫星——纳沙达赫特最终还是吞并了这颗卫星。

    The native Evocii were displaced to the largest of Nal Hutta's moons, Nar Shaddaa, but the Hutts eventually annexed the moon as well.


  • 我们能够确认的是关于皮特·切赫以及卡罗·库迪奇尼伤害以及医疗检查的报告会出现报告

    We can confirm that questions regarding the two tackles on Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini, and the medical procedures to treat the injuries sustained by our players, will be in the submission.


  • 我们能够确认的是关于皮特·切赫以及卡罗·库迪奇尼伤害以及医疗检查的报告会出现报告

    We can confirm that questions regarding the two tackles on Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini, and the medical procedures to treat the injuries sustained by our players, will be in the submission.


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