• 澳大利亚俄罗斯南非世界上主要资源生产

    Australia, America, Russia, South Africa and China are major resource countries and producers in the world.


  • 以委内瑞拉和加拿大为代表重油资源近年来都加大了本重油资源的开发力度。

    The heavy oil resource countries represented oil resource development. recently, China has also made some progress in this field.


  • 应用“理想利润平衡线”概念,建立经济吸引力指数”图版,通过风险参数正交化分析计算资源国的“风险指数”;

    The research stated and applied the concept of idealization profit balance curve to calculate Economic Attractiveness Index, and get Risk Index from orthogonalized analysis of the risk parameters.


  • 联合到了该考虑有组织地部署额外军事资源时候了。

    It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.


  • 财富很大程度上受其自然资源影响,比如煤炭黄金其他矿物质水源等等

    Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on.


  • 意味着全球贸易大幅下滑部分原因,是产油无法过去那样进口那么资源

    The implication is a sharp decline in global trade, which has plunged partly because oil-producing nations can't afford to import as much as they used to.


  • 双方资源开发基础设施建设以及风沙治理、疫情防治方面合作交换了意见

    They also exchanged views on cooperation in such areas as the exploitation of resources, the infrastructure, harnessing dust storms and prevention and treatment of diseases.


  • 中土市场技术资金资源等方面有很强互补性

    Both sides are highly complementary in the areas of market, technology, fund and resources.


  • 原油管道天然气管道等大型合作项目树立能矿资源合作典范

    The major cooperation projects of crude oil and natural gas pipelines are the role model of the bilateral cooperation in energy and mineral resources.


  • 充分利用旅游资源加强人员往来旅游合作

    We need to take full advantage of the tourist resources of both countries to strengthen personnel exchanges and tourist cooperation.


  • 世界银行正在调动整个集团所有可利用资源,以便成员提供快速高效协调解决方案

    The World Bank is drawing on all available resources across the Group to provide rapid, efficient and coordinated solutions to member countries.


  • 欧盟法律允许成员达到最低环保标准前提下开采适宜自然资源

    EU law allows member states to exploit their natural resources as they see fit, but subject to minimum environmental standards.


  • 但是意大利欧元区最大的债务现在可用资源难以帮助其摆脱困境。不仅仅是蒙蒂难题也是欧元区整个世界的难题。

    The problem—not just for Mr Monti, but for the euro zone and the world economy—is that Italy, the zone’s biggest debtor, is too large to be bailed out with the resources currently available.


  • 俄诺石油公司表示,有兴趣开采区域的油气资源

    State oil companies from both countries have expressed an interest in exploiting reserves in the region.


  • 世界银行报告,《奥斯陆和平协议》或许可以一个能活下来的巴勒斯坦带来资源改善巴勒斯坦人的生活,这样的希望实现很小的部分”。

    The World Bank report said the hopes that the Oslo accords might bring water resources for a viable Palestinian state and improve the life of Palestinians had "only very partially been realised".


  • 我们认为IMF应当通过现有配额及自愿出资机制,动员争取资源。以便在出资权利义务求得平衡

    We hold that the IMF should mobilise resources through the quota-based system as well as voluntary contributions, striking a balance between the rights and obligations of the contributing countries.


  • 建议经贸信息产业、环保人力资源开发文化合作确定为今后一段时间重点合作领域

    He suggested that the three countries divert their future cooperation to the areas of economy and trade, IT industry, environmental protection, human resources development and cultural cooperation.


  • 讨论了印度稀土工业日本目前矿产资源依赖于从进口

    They also discussed India’s rare-earths industry; Japan currently depends on Chinese imports of the minerals.


  • 开发能源资源尤其是水电、风电太阳能可再生能源资源认为是石油进口关键

    Development of domestic energy resources is deemed critical in oil-importing countries, notably renewable resources, such as hydro, wind and solar power.


  • 然而看来具有嘲讽意味缅甸加入东盟是部分由于东盟成员争取确保获得这个丰富资源木材石油天然气矿藏

    Viewed most cynically, Myanmar's accession was part of a bid by ASEAN members to secure access to the country's rich resources: timber, oil, gas and minerals.


  • 造成这种结果的原因包括:石油富裕援助减少阿拉伯地区劳动力海湾就业机会减少,以及石油富裕流入资源贫乏的资金的减少

    The reasons include less aid from oil-rich countries, fewer job opportunities for Arab laborers in the Gulf, and less money flowing from oil rich countries to resource-poor countries.


  • 土方愿意中方一道,加强能源、非资源以及基础设施领域务实合作,不断关系推向前进

    Berdymukhamedov also expressed willingness to work with China to strengthen practical cooperation in energy, non-resource sectors, infrastructure and other fields so as to push forward bilateral ties.


  • 土方愿意中方一道,加强能源、非资源以及基础设施领域务实合作,不断关系推向前进

    Berdymukhamedov also expressed willingness to work with China to strengthen practical cooperation in energy, non-resource sectors, infrastructure and other fields so as to push forward bilateral ties.


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