• 同业拆入资金比例高于资本总额100%;

    The inter-bank lending percentage shall be no higher than 100% of the total assets;


  • 例如一家公司从事许多需要支出大量资本总额计划工作

    For example, a corporation engages in a number of initiatives and efforts that require the expenditure of large capital sums.


  • 有人使其影响力全球市场资本总额一半美国股市的地位相对称。

    Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America's equity markets, which account for almost half of global market capitalisation.


  • 第二十一汽车金融公司应实行资本总额风险资产比例控制管理。

    Article 21 an auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio, and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent.


  • 产量来说中国资本总额仅有日本一本;人均资本只有日本5%。

    China's capital stock is barely half as big as Japan's in relation to output; capital per person is only 5% of that in Japan.


  • 银行要求繁荣时期重建资本尽管准确机制资本总额确定

    Banks will be required to build up capital during the good times, although the exact mechanism and amounts of capital have yet to be decided.


  • 领取《企业法人营业执照》设立登记费注册资本总额的千分之一缴纳;

    When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital;


  • 合营企业注册资本,是设立合营企业登记管理机构登记资本总额

    The registered capital of a joint venture refers to the total capital registered with the registration authority for the establishment of the joint venture.


  • 罗伯特先生我们愿意投入资本总额30%~40%,其中包括生产设备检测仪器

    Mr. Robert: We'd like to contribute 30%-40% of the total capital, including production equipment and testing instruments.


  • 现在公司的资本总额为10亿美金,有5,000雇员美国同行业最大企业

    It has 1 billion dollars in capital; it employs 5,000 people, and it is the largest company in its field in the States.


  • 他们需要外部来源筹集1.4万亿美元——这大约是美国最大19家银行2008年底的资本总额1.5

    They would need to raise $1.4 trillion from external sourcesabout one-and-a-half times the total capital America’s 19 biggest banks had at the end of 2008.


  • 届时,Groupon融到风险资本总额达7.76亿美元(其中包括下一步4.5亿美元的目标融资额,未计算套现部分)。

    In terms of total venture capitalization, Groupon would come in at around $776 million (including the new $450m, excluding the cash-out).


  • 外资银行中外合资银行,注册资本总额之前每年应从其纳税后净利润中提取少于百分之二十的资金作为储备金

    Any foreign bank or joint Chinese-foreign bank shall, before having paid the registered capital in full, set aside from each year's after-tax profits funds no less than 20% of them AD a reserve fund.


  • 理由之一市场运作成功旗下英特尔公司跻身处理器产业的龙头老大,市场资本总额一度飙升(由此英特尔一度雄踞世界身价最高公司的位置)。

    One reason is market success: under his tenure, Intel came to dominate the microprocessor industry and its market capitalisation rocketed (making it, at one point, the world's most valuable company).


  • 巴菲特先生认为购买吉百利仍然“代价十分昂贵”,由于新股总额小于现存资本的20%,因此此项交易需要股东赞成

    Mr Buffett thinks this is stillvery expensive currency” to acquire Cadbury, but as the amount of new stock is less than 20% of existing capital, Kraft no longer needs shareholder approval.


  • 2007年中期以来,摩根·斯坦利已经筹集了大约200亿美元资本并且杠杆比率削减一半——它的资产总额通过资本进行划分

    Since the middle of 2007, Morgan Stanley has raised about twenty billion dollars in new capital and cut in half its leverage ratio-the total value of its assets divided by its capital.


  • 各大银行计划筹资总额,仍低于杨凯生未来五年资本缺口的估算

    But the total amounts they plan to raise fall far short of the five-year estimate of Yang Kaisheng, ICBC President.


  • 拟设立外资企业投资总额注册资本资金来源出资方式期限

    The total amount of investment, the registered capital, the source of funds, and the method of investment contribution and the operation period;


  • 欧洲央行资产负债表总额增至2万亿欧元资本基础780亿欧元。

    Overall, the ECB's balance sheet has grown to almost 2 trillion euros. It has a capital base of 78 billion euros.


  • 在经历萧条期暴跌之后,企业资本投资上升了一个台阶,截止2010年第三季度相比去年全年总额上升了8.9%。

    After a steep plunge during the recession, companies have stepped up their capital spending, which rose by 8.9% in the year to the third quarter of 2010.


  • BMI 公司曾经拥有起降希思罗机场起降权总额的11%,居第二直到最近这都一笔令人羡慕不已的巨大资本

    Until quite recently, the chance to acquire BMI’s 11% share of take-off and landing slots at Heathrow would have been enviable.


  • 拨付分支机构营运资金额总和不得超过总行资本总额的百分之六十。

    The aggregate sum of operation funds allocated to the branches must not exceed 60% of the total capital of the headquarters of a commercial bank.


  • 一般注册资本销售额从业人员资产总额情况进行综合判断

    General to the registered capital, sales, employees, assets, such as a comprehensive judgment of the situation.


  • 巴菲特先生认为购买吉百利仍然“代价十分昂贵”,由于新股总额小于现存资本的20%,因此此项交易需要股东赞成

    Mr Buffett thinks this is still "very expensive currency" to acquire Cadbury, but as the amount of new stock is less than 20% of existing capital, Kraft no longer needs shareholder approval.


  • 巴菲特先生认为购买吉百利仍然“代价十分昂贵”,由于新股总额小于现存资本的20%,因此此项交易需要股东赞成

    Mr Buffett thinks this is still "very expensive currency" to acquire Cadbury, but as the amount of new stock is less than 20% of existing capital, Kraft no longer needs shareholder approval.


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