• 提取贷款损失准备商业银行应对风险常见措施

    Thus, the drawing of loan loss provisions is considered as a common measure for commercial banks to handle such risks.


  • 第九贷款损失准备必须根据贷款风险程度足额提取

    Article 9 Provisions shall be set aside adequately in accordance with the risk scenario of loans.


  • 旨在商业银行进行贷款损失准备计提提供理论上模型依据

    The purpose of this model is to provide theoretical basis for the loan loss reserve fund for the commercial bank.


  • 第八银行贷款风险分类基础建立审慎贷款损失准备制度

    Article 8 Banks shall institute the prudent system of provisioning for loan losses based on risk-based classification of loans.


  • 贷款损失准备财务会计税收处理国家有关规定执行

    Article 10 Financial accounting and taxation of provisions for loan losses shall be carried out in line with relevant provisions of the state.


  • 摩根大通的预测更为乐观,预计贷款损失准备金将减少8%,销帐减少3%。

    He gave even more optimistic estimates for J.P. Morgan, with loan loss provisions falling 8% and net charge-offs down 3%.


  • 调查发现五级分类目前还存在问题贷款损失准备计提的基础不牢靠。

    Through the investigation, many problems are found on the five-grade loans classification, maybe incorrect provisions are set aside for loan losses.


  • 足额、及时提取贷款损失准备银行会计审慎性原则重要体现之一。

    It is important embodying of cautious principle for the bank accounting to draw loan-losing provision sufficiently and in time.


  • 这些数据仍停留历史较高水平贷款损失准备提高的压力下下降趋势。

    These figures remain relatively high by historical standards but continue to be pressured by increasing loan loss provisions.


  • 那么建设贷款到有形资产贷款损失准备53%;现在为65%-70%。

    Then, construction loans made up around 53% of their tangible equity plus loan-loss reserves; now the figure is 65-70%.


  • 去年同期先美洲银行贷款损失准备减少一半摩根大通减少三分之一

    Compared to last year's loan loss provisions, this is a reduction of almost half for Bank of America and a third for J.P. Morgan.


  • 仅仅从贷款损失准备比例看,大多体现周期特征,经济周期高点可能相对计提

    Most of the percentages of provisions for loan losses show no economic cycles, comparatively less provisions may be set aside on the economic cycles peak;


  • 包括建立财政借款制度、财政贴息制度、贷款损失准备制度以及资本金补充制度等。

    Such as, set up the fiscal loan system, fiscal interest deduction system, loan loss provisions system and capital increasing system.


  • 判断目前涨势能否持续一个办法就是分析银行的贷款损失准备。目前甚至摩根大通J

    One way to judge the sustainability of the latest rally is to analyze loan-loss provisions, a cost item that is whacking earnings at even healthier lenders, like j.


  • 第二银行应当按照谨慎会计原则合理估计贷款可能发生损失及时计提贷款损失准备

    Article 2 Banks shall reasonably estimate possible loan loss and timely set aside provisions for loan losses in accordance with the prudent accounting principle.


  • 第四条商业银行资本充足率计算应建立充分计提贷款损失准备各项损失准备基础之上

    Article 4 the calculation and measurement of capital adequacy ratios are on the basis of adequate provisions for various losses, including loan losses.


  • 花旗集团分析师霍诺·维茨预测美洲银行贷款损失准备销帐和上一季度持平有所改善

    Citigroup's Horowitz forecast loan loss provisions and net charge-offs of bad debt at Bank of America will stay flat or improve modestly from the first quarter.


  • 提取贷款损失准备商业银行应对信用风险措施无效贷款损失准备银行资本盈利有一定影响

    To make provision loan loss provision is a measure taken by commercial Banks to fight against credit risk. Ineffective loan loss provision will affect banking capital and profit.


  • 提出完善核心指标》、统一贷款损失准备计提办法衡量指标、统一信息披露格式口径等政策建议。

    Concrete policy Suggestions are made on how to improve the core index, unify the methods and measuring index for provision against loan loss, and unify information disclosure format and statement.


  • 实证分析结果表明几家上市股份制商业银行贷款总体质量好,贷款损失准备金的计提较为充分

    The result of the empirical analysis indicates that the overall quality of loan in these listing shareholding commercial Banks is good, and the loan loss provision is comparatively abundant.


  • 果真如此的话,那么CapitalOne公司收益预计大幅上升,因为较低违约率可以减轻信用卡贷款发放公司提取贷款损失准备方面的压力。

    If so, firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves.


  • 转变主要原因贷款损失所需准备逐渐下降

    The main reason for the turnaround is a gradual decline in loan losses and provisions for them.


  • 指为补偿贷款预期损失准备资金准备作为营运支出录入银行损益表

    Funds set aside to cover anticipated loan losses. They appear on a bank's income statement as an operational expenditure.


  • 贷款呆帐准备制度国际上商业银行普遍采用弥补贷款损失的制度。

    The system of the loan reserve for bad debts is universally adopted by the commercial Banks to offset the bad debt loss of loans.


  • 如果这样的话银行贷款组合的实际价值远远低于设定价值应对潜在损失准备不够

    If so, their loan portfolios are worth far less than the stated values, and reserves taken against possible losses are inadequate.


  • 最后商业银行贷款动态损失准备计提案例对其灰势意义下策略超和纯策略解问题进行了研究。

    And in the end, taking commercial bank dynamic provisioning as example, the pure strategies of this problem are studied.


  • 最后商业银行贷款动态损失准备计提案例对其灰势意义下策略超和纯策略解问题进行了研究。

    And in the end, taking commercial bank dynamic provisioning as example, the pure strategies of this problem are studied.


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