• 拆借利率超过0.25元免费电话配额限制注册购买信贷这个号码

    The rate for this call exceeds the free call quota limit of $0.25. Please signup and purchase credits in order to call this number.


  • 作为卖空交易替代选择,还可以购买信贷违约掉期债务保险一种形式,担保的未必是自己的债务。

    As an alternative to short selling, you can buy a credit default swap, which is a form of insurance on debt-not necessarily your own debt.


  • 但是如果贫穷美国人获得信贷无法购买企业生产很多产品,该怎么办?

    But what if less wealthy Americans couldn't get as much credit to buy as many of the products that firms produce?


  • 而且,养老金管理人购买长期资产来于他们支付约定匹配的想法已经使他们进入到信贷市场绝大部分

    Also, the desire of pension-fund managers to buy long-term assets to match their payout commitments has led them into most parts of the credit market.


  • 虽然它们倾向购买a级债券,但当信贷紧缩抬头时,这个标志不再过去那么可靠

    Although they tended to buy AAA-rated paper, that designation is not as reliable as it used to be, as the credit crunch has shown.


  • 最后一个信号就是信贷违约掉期”市场已发行债券购买违约)保险的费用标准

    The final signal is in the credit-default swaps (CDS) market, a measure of the price paid to insure debt issued.


  • 信贷紧缩苦头的很多人可能会选择购买美国国库券以作稳妥之计。

    Having been burned by the credit crunch, many have opted for the safe haven of US Treasury bills.


  • 随着铜价飙升中国收紧信贷许多企业一直减少购买降低库存水平

    But, as copper prices spiked and credit availability in China has tightened, many companies have been cutting back on purchases, trimming their inventory levels.


  • 廉价汽油充裕信贷使得上百万美国人涌入南部各州边远郊区购买带有大片土地房屋

    Cheap petrol and ample credit encouraged millions of Americans to flock to southern states and to distant suburbs (" exurbs ") in search of big houses with lots of land.


  • 如果买家不再能够银行那里获得信贷他们根本无法购买原油

    If your buyers are not going to be able to get credits from the Banks, they are not going to be able to even buy the crude.


  • 这场骗局中买主以为有人购买看跌债券因此信贷质量成了关键

    In such a setup, the buyers assume that someone will be betting against the bonds, so the quality of the underlying credit is key.


  • 现在只能指望信贷市场进行自我救赎,或者势头强劲新兴市场购买发达国家的出口品改变发达国家银行的资本结构了。

    The hope is that the credit markets unblock themselves and that buoyant emerging markets buy rich-world exports and recapitalize rich-world Banks.


  • 或许重要的用户可以Facebook信贷购买Deals,这虚拟货币现实商品服务铺平了一道路

    Perhaps most importantly, users can buy Deals using Facebook Credits, paving a smooth path between a virtual currency and real-world goods and services.


  • 而8个月之后信贷市场投资者是否愿意购买债券呢?

    Eight months later, will investors in the credit markets be willing to buy new bonds?


  • 数十美国公司上周签署协议,Fed发售属于短期性质商业票据。Fed购买信贷评级的3个月期债券。

    Dozens of companies signed up last week to sell short-term IOUs called commercial paper to the Fed, which will purchase three-month debt that has high credit ratings.


  • 最近购买瑞士信贷资产管理公司部分业务的英国安本资产管理公司的MartinGilbert行业一个合并者

    Martin Gilbert of Aberdeen Asset Management is one of the industry’s consolidators, having recently bought part of the business of Credit Suisse Asset Management.


  • 投资人PelotonPartner明星对冲基金突然崩溃深感不安,基金会信贷紧缩过程购买售价打折资产并深信此举不错赌注

    Investors were perturbed by the sudden collapse of Peloton Partner's star hedge fund, which had bought assets priced at a discount during the credit squeeze in the belief they were a good bet.


  • 那些购买降低了长期利率帮助刺激私人部门公共部门的信贷

    Those purchases pushed down long-term interest rates, helping to stoke a boom in private and public credit.


  • 那些仍旧不能负担起购买部手机人,容易得到小额信贷的资助方式

    And for those who still could not afford their own handsets, help was at hand in the form of microfinance.


  • 不过多数经济学同意,要因应信贷紧缩全球经济放慢就必须采取非常措施维持消费者购买

    Most economists, however, agree that the unprecedented severity of the credit squeeze and global slowdown requires extraordinary measures to maintain consumer purchasing power.


  • 美国欧洲加拿大银行AIG为此类证券购买信贷违约期,AIG承诺这些证券出现违约情况下这些银行提供赔付。

    Banks in the U.S., Europe and Canada bought credit-default swaps on these securities from AIG, which in turn promised to compensate them if the securities defaulted.


  • 在2003年那段黑暗时期,他们购买了房产,是个连美国消费者信贷公司都蒙受巨大损失的项目。

    Under the temporary grip of an evil spell in 2003 they bought Household, an American consumer-credit firm that then haemorrhaged losses.


  • 全球信贷危机导致雷曼兄弟控股9月份倒掉之后购买华尔街企业亚洲欧洲中东地区运营

    Nomura bought the operations of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in Asia, Europe and the Middle East after the global credit crunch caused the Wall Street firm to collapse in September.


  • 除此之外还要采用一些非传统的方法,比如通过购买资产直接干预信贷市场——美联储很创意地采用了这个方法。

    It also involves using more unorthodox tools, such as interfering directly in credit markets by buying up assets—a route where America's Federal Reserve has shown the most creativity.


  • 与此同时,最近的报告尽管信贷紧缩,但是有更多美国人正在购买住房

    Meanwhile, a new report says that despite the credit crunch more Americans are buying homes.


  • 与此同时,最近的报告尽管信贷紧缩,但是有更多美国人正在购买住房

    Meanwhile, a new report says that despite the credit crunch more Americans are buying homes.


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