• 他们找到了一具尸体将军杀了世界各国,他们都称谋杀

    They have found a corpse; the general has been killed, and in all countries, they call that murder.


  • 世界卫生组织澳大利亚加拿大以色列南非美国,40% - 70%女性谋杀伴侣杀害的。

    In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, 40 to 70 per cent of female murder victims were killed by their partners, according to the World Health Organization.


  • 警校一个演说Zuma承认南非谋杀世界最高去年一万八千人遇害

    In a speech at a police college, Zuma conceded that South Africa had one of the highest murder rates in the world, with 18, 000 killings last year.


  • 1995年以来世界大多数地方谋杀下降不过最近美洲中部加勒比海势头攀升。

    Homicide in most parts of the world has been falling since 1995, but it has risen recently in Central America and the Caribbean.


  • 一个倒霉比如说犯了谋杀怎么可能宁愿死尸自己心中不肯把尸体马上出去,听凭世界安排呢!

    Why should a wretched man, guilty, we will say, of murder, prefer to keep the dead corpse buried in his own heart, rather than fling it forth at once, and let the universe take care of it?


  • 尽管某些类型犯罪已经减少但是其它类型的犯罪很普遍:去年有一万八千遭到谋杀谋杀率是世界最高的。

    Though some types of crime have dipped, others are rife: more than 18,000 people were murdered last year, one of the highest rates in the world.


  • 在这个国家爱情支持者不多。但是我们告诉世界印度完全一个谋杀爱情的国家,这里也爱情的保卫者

    But we are sending a message to the world that India is not only a country of killers of love, but that it has protectors of love also.


  • 联合国人口基金(UNPA)估计每年世界荣誉谋杀受害可能高达5000人。

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that the annual worldwide number of so-called "honour killing" victims may be as high as 5, 000 women.


  • 联合国人口基金UNPA估计每年世界荣誉谋杀受害可能高达5000人。

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that the annual worldwide number of so-called “honour killingvictims may be as high as 5,000 women.


  • 接下来几个小时我们将直接看到导致华雷斯拥有世界最高谋杀的原因。

    Over the next few hours we saw firsthand what has led to Juarez having the highest murder rate in the world.


  • 怎样这个世界最大时尚帝国中逃离陷阱,躲过谋杀的。

    How I Survived Murder and Intrigue at the Heart of the World's Biggest Fashion House.


  • 世界亲眼见证一个外国政要美国谋杀

    The world bears witness to the sanctioned murder of a foreign political figure by the United States.


  • 囚犯催化剂,使他们愿意-观众-诉说自己故事,将我们监狱走进一个充斥著琐碎罪案抢劫复仇谋杀世界

    He is a catalyst for many of the prisoners to tell him - and us - their stories. These take us out of the prison into the world of mainly petty crime, of robberies and vindictive murders.


  • 美国欧洲的白龙会成员准备法律案件确保一个谋杀超过世界85%人口计划所有带头的阴谋家逮捕

    US and European elements of the White Dragon Society will be preparing legal cases to ensure the arrest of all leading conspirators in a plan to murder over 85% of the world's population.


  • 牙买加谋杀位居世界第二,基茨岛尼维斯岛第三位

    Jamaica suffers the planet's second-highest murder rate, and st Kitts and Nevis ranks third.


  • 在哪里读到过上海现在世界谋杀之都——到底是人均还是绝对数

    I'd read somewhere that Shanghai was now the murder capital of the world-but was that per capita, or in absolute Numbers?


  • 谋杀打乱了人们生活之前,一个安定可预测世界

    This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters people's lives.


  • 因为世界发生过多少谋杀抢劫盗窃?想到这么一张张的钱币,竟是监狱法庭输送罪犯供应商 ?。

    Because of the money, how many times this happened in the world of murder, robbery and theft? Who would have thought such a sum of money, is want to jail and the court criminal suppliers?


  • 佩德罗·苏拉市世界最高谋杀记录称这个城市每天有至少3谋杀

    The city of San Pedro Sula had the world's highest murder rate, it as also be recorded that the city has average or even more than of 3 murders per day.


  • 生活这样个充满罪恶世界容易的,我们看到周围偷窃谋杀残忍的事,足以使一个人悲伤受挫下头。

    It's not easy living in such a sin-filled world. All around we see theft and murder and cruelty. It's enough to make a person hang his head in sadness and frustration.


  • 1955年一月某日,世界各地的报纸都以最粗大的字体做标题,刊出了一轰动大洲的谋杀

    One January day in 1955 newspapers the world over used their blackest type to proclaim a murder that was a sensation on three continents.


  • 英国最大周日报纸世界新闻报》指控侵入了一位谋杀少女语音信箱,这报社及其股东新闻国际(News International)的重大污点。

    The allegations that the News of the World, Britain's biggest Sunday newspaper, broke into the voicemail of a murdered teenage girl, is a stain on the newspaper and on News International, its owner.


  • 墨西哥城谋杀率与世界其他大都市的谋杀差不多

    If you want proof, take a look at some of Mexico City's most iconic structures.


  • 墨西哥城谋杀率与世界其他大都市的谋杀差不多

    If you want proof, take a look at some of Mexico City's most iconic structures.


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