• 耦合是把与有关相图信息数据通过插值方法读入程序

    Coupling with calculation of phase diagrams involves reading all information concerning the phase diagrams by linear interpolation method.


  • 允许执行读入创建文本,就好像程序一部分

    It allows you to execute text that you read in or create as if it were part of your program.


  • 从根本上讲,在程序数据读入复制缓冲区中的任何时候需要复制之前检查是否足够空间

    Fundamentally, any time your program reads or copies data into a buffer, it needs to check that there's enough space before making the copy.


  • 命令执行时候程序XML内容文件读入一个字符串变量

    When executed from a command line, the program reads the XML content from a file into a string variable.


  • 由于已经找到PPE需要拷贝多少数据,SPE程序现在可以分配本地存储空间,将项目读入段存储空间(使用与前面相同代码),然后执行算法如上所示)。

    Having found out how many items the PPE needs copied, the SPE program can allocate local storage, read the items in (using the same code as before), and then perform its algorithm, reviewed above.


  • 编写一个程序读入两个数字账户余额百分数为单位的年利率。

    Write a program that reads in two numbers: an account balance and an annual interest rate expressed as a percentage.


  • 通过满足上述要求这个框架允许程序多个XML文档读入内存(解组),修改DOM然后更改保存一个XML文档(编组)。

    By satisfying the requirements above, the framework allows programmers to read XML documents in (unmarshalling), modify the DOM, and save changes back to an XML document (marshalling).


  • 加密阶段当前输入事件文本存储磁盘上然后一个外部程序进行加密,加密后的文件读入并发送到Google服务器

    In the encryption stage, the currently entered event text will be stored on disk, an external program will encrypt it, and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google's servers.


  • pl程序的第 1部分将涉及用法声明读入基本饼图图像以及triangle.vertices 文件。

    Section 1 of the compositePieIndicators.pl program covers the usage statement and reading in the base pie image, as well as the triangle.vertices


  • 让我们来看增强EcmaScript程序DBScriptFlex. es是怎样读入一个叫做dbinit . ini文件的。

    Let's take a look at how our enhanced EcmaScript program, DBScriptFlex.es, will read a file called dbinit.ini. Entries in the dbinit.ini.


  • 那么如何编写一个应用程序读入TIFF格式所有可能不同排列呢?

    So, how do you write an application that can read in all these different possible permutations of the TIFF format?


  • 首先简单程序开始,该程序命令行读入一个文件名

    Begin with a simple program that reads in a filename from the command-line.


  • 使可以使驱动程序通过存储器写入读入硬件设备联系起来

    This allows drivers to communicate with their devices by writing to and reading from memory.


  • 过滤程序用于读入提纲依次处理所有特殊标记

    A filter is used to read the skeleton and process all special marks sequentially.


  • 但其中值得注意的问题有时候XML文档读入处理然后供其他应用程序使用不是编组回到XML。

    The glaring issue here, though, is that sometimes XML documents are read in, manipulated, and used by other applications, rather than being marshalled back out to XML.


  • 对于控制解析器的应用程序而言,一次循环是必要的,因为应用程序容易在嗅探前面之后停止读入

    For those applications controlling the parser, a loop helps because the application can easily stop the reading after sniffing the first few lines.


  • 这个方法整个文件读入一个string,然后程序中把这个字符串输出控制台

    This method reads the entire file into a string, which is printed to the console in this program.


  • 一个程序读入字典一些短语字典中找出哪些单词可以通过重新排列和组合构成给定短语。

    Write a program that will read in a dictionary and a list of phrases and determine which words from the dictionary, if any, form anagrams of the given phrases.


  • 程序运行需要读入输入文件自带的数据库其中输入文件需要用户自己编辑并且有着特定格式要求

    Before running program, it is necessary to read in input file and built-in database, in which input file is edited by users themselves, and has special format requirements.


  • 现在清单3显示如何这个数据读入Python程序解析文件内容

    Now, Listing 3 shows how to read this data into a Python program and parse the contents of the file.


  • 启动进程构造程序之后需要获得InputStream读入所创建进程结果

    After starting the process builder, you need to get its InputStream to read the results of the created process.


  • DB 2UtilitiesEnhancementTool活动策略规则读入内存确定监视哪些实用程序执行哪些动作。

    When DB2 utilities Enhancement Tool is active, it reads the policy rules into memory to determine which utilities to monitor and which actions to perform.


  • 第二dictionary应用程序程序启动时,文件中的每一字符串形式读入计算机内存

    As a second step, read each line in the file into the computer memory as a character string at the start of the dictionary application or subprogram.


  • 如果应用程序需要读入那个外部子集可以特性false提高性能

    If your application does not require that the external subset be read, set this feature to false to improve the performance. You should use this feature with caution if your application.


  • 编写程序读入几个具有相同ISBN交易,输出所有读入交易

    Write a program that reads several transactions for the same ISBN. Write the sum of all the transactions that were read.


  • 编写程序实现从标准输入每次读入文本。然后改写程序,每次读入一个单词

    Write a program to read the standard input a line at a time. Modify your program to read a word at a time.


  • 程序读入日期确定一种历法然后将该日期转换一种历法。

    Write a program that will read in a date, determine which style it is in, and then convert it to the other style.


  • 程序读入一个结构数组地址文件郊区物业价格

    The program reads the address, suburb and price of each property from the file into an array of structures.


  • 利用PLC高速计数模块直接将外部编码器发出脉冲读入,在PLC内部编程,通过程序控制完全取代位置控制器所有功能从而省出位置控制器这一环节。

    The pulse is directly read out by utilizing PLC high-speed counting module, the function of the locating controller can be achieved by program, thus the locating controller are saved.


  • 利用PLC高速计数模块直接将外部编码器发出脉冲读入,在PLC内部编程,通过程序控制完全取代位置控制器所有功能从而省出位置控制器这一环节。

    The pulse is directly read out by utilizing PLC high-speed counting module, the function of the locating controller can be achieved by program, thus the locating controller are saved.


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