• 实习生项目时遇到问题于是请求建议帮助

    Thee intern came across a problem in her project, so she turned to me for advice and help.


  • 如果销售业务单位准备请求建议(requestfor proposal,rfp)响应,那么他们可以进行协作处理不同版本文档

    If the sales business unit wants to prepare a response to a request for proposal (RFP), they can collaborate and work on different versions of a document in a library.


  • 迪克·莫里斯建议正式宣布参加竞选之前首先电视上承认错误请求机会。

    Dick Morris suggested that before I made a formal announcement, I should go on television to acknowledge the mistakes and ask for another chance.


  • 年1月,海洋保护协会(MCS)——一个致力于保护英国海洋和海岸的组织——请求当地学生提出建议

    In January this year, the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)—a group of people who work to protect the UK's seas and coast—asked local schoolchildren to come up with suggestions.


  • 一些人他们建议不要请求宽恕或者发泄愤怒如果没有最初直面“懂得出自我的胸怀.可能真实的。将永远不知道,因为是我所做的,并且我不能返回重新以任何其他方式做。

    There are those who have suggested that I could have never asked his forgiveness or let go of the anger if I had not first confronted him and "gotten it off my chest." This may be true.


  • 如同了不起诗人杰克·吉尔伯特年轻作家曾经请求自己的提出建议:“真的勇气出示著作吗?”

    As the great poet Jack Gilbert said once to young writer, when she asked him for advice about her own poems: "Do you have the courage to bring forth this work?"


  • 但是只能建议他们写信他们认为的冤家——请求对方自己从清单中抹掉。

    But he could only advise them to write to the people they believed responsible - and ask them to remove the listing.


  • 不过使用方法时如果知道后续请求中将要实际需要哪些预提取数据我们仍然建议使用普通提取功能。

    With this approach, however, we still advice against general prefetching if it is not known what prefetched data is actually needed in subsequent requests.


  • 机构发言人道格拉斯·卡拉斯认为行业资讯与其自身的研究一致”的,建议监管机构批准这项请求

    Agency spokesman Douglas Karas said the industry information is "consistent" with its own research, suggesting regulators would approve the request.


  • 但是我们曾经经历这种事情方面获取了我们并不会采纳建议请求别人建议,却被忽视

    But we have all been on both sides of this; getting advice that we don't take and being asked for advice that others ignore.


  • 建议对于那些不论出于何种原因必须回绝请求,“可以电子邮件中设定固定的回复比如很抱歉由于时间原因,本人无法处理关于……的请求。’

    For requests you need to turn down for whatever reason, "create a stock response you can email that says something like, 'Sorry, but due to time pressures, I can't honor requests for…, '" he suggests.


  • 公爵连续请求定居法国返回英国权利但是国王弟弟乔治六世建议温莎夫妇不得回来

    The Duke continued to demand the right to return to Britain from France, where they had settled, but the new King, his brother George vi, was advised that the Windsors must not come back.


  • 许多因素影响着人们一个请求学习建议感觉甚至他们对千载难逢的机会的权衡邻居是否购买某种商品

    Many factors influence people’s susceptibility to an appeal, studies suggest, including their perception of how exclusive an opportunity is and whether their neighbors are buying it.


  • 建议我们RPC请求看作是一个XML文档使用XML编程不是RPC编码构造调用

    I proposed that we look at the RPC request as an XML document and use XML programming, rather than RPC coding, to construct the call.


  • 一般说来女人提供给男人请求建议企图帮助男人时,完全知道而言,她可能太过挑剔、缺乏爱心。

    Generally speaking, when a woman offers unsolicited advice or tries to "help" a man, she has no idea of how critical and unloving she may sound to him.


  • 在先启阶段能够进行投资决策产品想法建议请求确定下来。

    In the Inception phase, the product idea or request for proposal is developed to the point that the funding decision can be made.


  • 一旦用户接受建议中的种,页面在不重新加载的前提下,使用另一个Ajax请求向用户显示数据库信息

    Once the user has accepted one of the Suggestions, the page will use another AJAX request to display the database information without reloading the page.


  • AbstractRequestMonitor确实包含一个具体after建议,负责跟踪请求上下文双亲上下文。

    The AbstractRequestMonitor does contain one concrete after advice to track the parent contexts of request contexts.


  • 为了应对疾病暴发其他公共卫生事件请求得到世卫组织的建议后勤支持以及

    Receive WHO advice and logistical support, when requested, to respond to disease outbreaks and other public health events; and.


  • 这种情况下一个吊胃口东西过去—不是全部创意请求面谈数字营销公司WebMetroceo卡洛斯·尤加尔德这样建议

    In that case, send a teaser — rather than the full ideaand request a face-to-face meeting, advises Carlos Ugalde, CEO of WebMetro, a digital marketing firm.


  • SponsoredLinks根据搜索请求输入关键字显示建议链接列表

    Sponsored links a "displays a list of suggested links based on keywords entered in the search request."


  • 不过收到一些请求建议我讨论技巧文章一直讨论ContentHandler接口最后一个方面

    However, I've received several requests and Suggestions for coverage of one last aspect of the ContentHandler interface, which of course I've been discussing for several tips now.


  • 明白了…发表建议最好以下两个场合:别人发出请求生命收到威胁时候

    I’ve learned … That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation。


  • 清单22中的查询检索关于评论信息,评论所涉及产品建议零售价("srp")大于 $100 的产品,并且在评论中客户请求响应

    The query in Listing 24 retrieves information about comments involving products with a suggested retail price (srp) of more than $100 USD that include a customer request for a response.


  • 用户知道如何确切的描述他们的请求建议功能能够帮助用户?

    Fig. 3: Suggest functions assist users with formulating queries when they don't quite know how to phrase their request.


  • 很多时候一个单一请求可以运用多个项目中案例中的建议激活almrequest记录

    Many times a single requirement could apply to multiple projects, in which case the recommendation is to enable the ALMRequest record.


  • 自从社区成立以来,我们一直注意聆听建议请求

    Since we opened the community doors in April of 2009, we've been listening to your Suggestions and requests. Here are the major new features and functions we're offering in response.


  • 自从社区成立以来,我们一直注意聆听建议请求

    Since we opened the community doors in April of 2009, we've been listening to your Suggestions and requests. Here are the major new features and functions we're offering in response.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定