• 西班牙警方他们已经逮捕了10巴斯克独立运动嫌疑分子。

    Spanish police say they have arrested ten people suspected of being members of the Basque separatist movement.


  • 报告看似可疑的人靠近过卡兰德

    He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar.


  • 路透通讯社的一记者看到一些示威者遭到殴打。

    A correspondent for Reuters news agency says he saw a number of demonstrators being beaten.


  • 记者拒绝消息来源而入狱三十了。

    It's nearly thirty years since a journalist was jailed for refusing to name a source.


  • 种语言是个出了的讲故事高手

    He spoke eight languages and was a noted raconteur.


  • 现场美国军官没有闯入防卫的区域

    An American officer on the scene said no one had intruded into the space he was defending.


  • 哥伦比亚广播公司科伦坡记者报道军队遭遇顽强抵抗

    A CBS correspondent in Colombo says the troops are encountering stiff resistance.


  • 认为间谍,”斯科特面无表情地

    "She thinks you're a spy," Scott said matter-of-factly.


  • 证人们枪手立即同犯驾驶摩托车去。

    Witnesses said the gunman immediately ran to a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice.


  • 外交官如果允许他保留一个有争议油田一部分,他可能会撤出

    He told a diplomat that he might withdraw if he were allowed to keep part of a disputed oil field.


  • 从没见过女人那样击倒”,一机组人员,“打昏过去了。”

    "I've never seen a woman flatten someone like that," said a crew member. "She knocked him out cold."


  • 这些考生总体百分第21位。就是,79%的应试儿童他们考得好

    Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests—that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test.


  • 教练俱乐部旅途窃听了一运动员下塌宾馆房间电话。

    The coach said his club had wiretapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip.


  • 劫机者要挟如果他们要求得不到满足,他们一小时就杀死乘客

    The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met.


  • 日本警方美国青少年控谋杀未遂而被捕,他们美国军人孩子

    Four American teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel, have been arrested on charges of attempted murder, Japanese police said.


  • 其中一组织者解释许多学生家里

    One of the organizers explains that many of these students don't get enough to eat at home.


  • 上面他们想要初级销售经理看起来公司

    Look, it says they want a junior sales manager, and it seems like it's a big company.


  • BBC 驻华盛顿记者,现在已经白宫对抗做好了准备

    A BBC Washington correspondent says the stage is now set for a confrontation with the White House.


  • 杰克逊审判中尽管有两证人作证杰克逊在案发时和他们另一个地方,但还是判有罪。

    At Jackson's trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the times of the crimes, he was convicted anyway.


  • 27岁的施耐德芝加哥郊区汽车技师,他大学毕业工作很难

    Schneider, a 27-year-old auto technician from the Chicago suburbs, says he struggled to find a job after graduating from college.


  • 男子发出独特呻吟声,从椅子了下来,后来医生解释,人晕倒总是发出这种含混不清的的声音

    After a man made the distinctive groan and tumbled out of his chair, a doctor explained the garbled noise that always came before the fall.


  • 当局他们正在寻找火灾有关男子,他们涉嫌故意纵火。

    Authorities said they were seeking two men in connection with the fires, which they believe were started deliberately.


  • 城市官员首都西加尔巴,救援行动就救出了350儿童

    In the capital of Tegucigalpa alone, the effort has resulted in the rescue of 350 children, city officials say.


  • 这些法律使减少浪费成为标准。”玛丽·穆拉德,她是巴黎的一学生,写关于法国食物浪费的报告

    "These laws make it a standard to reduce waste," says Marie Mourad, a student in Paris who has written several reports on French food waste.


  • 乌克兰当局周四数百紧急救援人员对乌克兰南部层公寓楼进行了彻底搜查,此前该公寓楼发生一系列爆炸,被夷平地。

    Hundreds of emergency workers combed the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble, authorities said.


  • 世卫组织的卫生专家詹姆斯·巴特拉姆,“过于严格标准往往会失败。”

    "Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said.


  • 周后老人收到一封信儿子另一士兵医院死亡

    After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital.


  • 地方探员托德·帕克这种方法获得身份不明的妇女的信息,该妇女的骸骨盐湖附近发现

    Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.


  • 发言人:“机上患者送往医疗机构,该机构可以提供阿蒙森斯科特所没有医疗护理服务。”

    "The two patients aboard will be transported to a medical facility that can provide a level of care that is not available at Amundsen-Scott," says a spokesperson.


  • 永远不会忘记那些尖叫声,”1200幸存者之一,87岁Christa Ntitzmann

    "I'll never forget the screams," says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors.


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