• 并与研究作者联系取得额外资讯

    Study authors were contacted for additional information.


  • 研究作者建议老年肾衰竭患者治疗首选移植疗法

    Elderly kidney failure patients should consider transplantation over other types of treatment, suggested the study authors.


  • 研究作者发现每当伴侣们美酒时,他们家庭生活满足感便会上升

    The authors also discovered that satisfaction with domestic life rose with every occasion partners share a tipple.


  • 认为研究作者不大可能每一个心脏病高血压糖尿病减少摄入量研究参加者做出解释

    According to him, the study authors may not have been able to account for every survey participant who reduced salt intake because of heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.


  • 研究作者密歇根大学基拉·贝迪博士,她表示:“我们不是建议人们应当更多改变喝酒方式

    The study's author, Dr Kira Birditt, of the University of Michigan, said: 'We're not suggestingthat people should drink more or change the way they drink.


  • 研究领头作者生态学家帕特里克·麦克伦泰尔表示:“许多因素导致这种下降。”

    "Many factors contributed to the decline", said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study.


  • 研究作者调查了12395名学生分析了九种危险行为包括过度使用酒精非法使用毒品大量吸烟、频繁使用媒体逃学

    The study's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors, including excessive alcohol use, illegal drug use, heavy smoking, high media use and truancy.


  • 研究的主要作者杰克·雷斯尼克说:“远程医疗有着巨大的发展前景这些领域没有准备好迎接黄金时代。”

    "Telemedicine holds enormous promise, but these sites are just not ready for prime time," says Jack Res neck, the study's lead author.


  • 这项研究主要作者大学医学副教授朱莉·罗宾逊说:“我们认为我们看到基于住所类型产生的差异。”

    "We thought we would see differences based on the housing types," said the lead author of the study, Julie Robinson, an associate professor of medicine at the university.


  • 杜克大学詹姆斯·伯克一项研究作者之一研究回顾此前有关认知能力下降研究

    James Burke of Duke University is one of the authors of a study reviewing previous research on cognitive decline.


  • 因为这些年轻人行为通常视为危险信号,因此研究作者他们为“隐形风险群体

    Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the "invisible risk" group by the study's authors.


  • 研究作者之一霍兰德说:“我相信有希望,但人类需要迅速行动,让希望成为现实。”

    Holland, one of the writers of the study, says, "I believe there is hope, but humans need to act quickly to make that hope come true."


  • 研究作者奥黛丽·范德梅尔说:“当你手写购物清单或便条时,一段时间后你的记忆力会更好。”

    "When you write your shopping list or notes by hand, you simply remember things better after some time," said Audrey van der Meer, author of the study.


  • 研究作者由于流动更加流畅因此,变气候使冰层冰块流动速度以前想象的要快得多。

    Ice flows more readily as it warms, so a warming climate can increase ice flows on ice sheets much faster than previously thought, said the study authors.


  • 研究作者(来自伯明翰阿拉巴马大学)实际上青光眼患者在一生发生甲状腺问题可能性常人增加38%。

    In fact, those with glaucoma are 38 percent more likely to have had a thyroid condition at some point in their life, said the study authors, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.


  • 就是为什么组织进行大规模研究吸收当地作者使用当地语言的原因。

    This is why the organisation does extensive research, takes on local writers and uses native languages.


  • 费舍尔并未参与这项当前研究尽管研究主要作者西村惠美前往日本金泽的金泽大学之前费舍尔哈佛大学共事过。

    Fisher wasn't involved in the current findings, though he worked with the lead author of the study, Emi Nishimura, at Harvard before she left for Kanazawa University in Kanazawa, Japan.


  • 研究作者分析了免疫缺陷病毒载量,抗逆转录病毒疗法7个癌症的发生相关性。

    The study authors also analyzed the association between immunodeficiency, viral load, antiretroviral treatment and the onset of the seven cancers.


  • 研究报告作者之一、加州大学圣地亚哥分校(Universityof California, SanDiego)的施卡德教授指出,这些事情选择的,不是被迫去做的。

    'These are things you choose to do, rather than have to do,' notes one of the study's co-authors, Prof. Schkade of the University of California, San Diego.


  • 研究主要作者安东尼奥·兰热尔(AntonioRangel)指出:“推断出网上购物与传统的商店购物对抗时产生的影响看来影响是合情合理的。”

    "You can extrapolate the implications of online versus in-store, and I think it's a very reasonable implication," said Antonio Rangel, senior author of the CalTech study.


  • 一些有趣事情发生,我们不能理解。”约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室空间物理学家,研究的主要作者BrianAnderson

    "There's something very intriguing going on with that that we don't understand yet," said study lead author Brian Anderson, a space physicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.


  • 我们确信研究作者,戴维·拉克尔AnastasiaZakolyukina很快一些玩大型对冲基金的家伙们找上门来,如果他们现在还没有来的话

    We bet that the authors of the study, David Larcker and Anastasia Zakolyukina, will be hearing from some hedge funds soon, if they haven't already.


  • 我们非常吃惊它们真的具有非凡视野。”研究报告主要作者佛罗里达大西洋大学的米歇尔·麦库姆博士

    "We were very surprised, they really have remarkable vision," said Dr Michelle McComb, lead author of the study at Florida Atlantic university.


  • 即便Bamber世界里,”就是研究的主要作者太多的冰块造成全球海岸线的严重灾难。”

    "Even in Bamber's world," he said, referring to the study's lead author, "there is more than enough ice to cause serious harm to the world's coastlines."


  • 研究报告主要作者Neeru Jayanthi博士,“家长考虑孩子参加多种体育项目。”

    Dr Neeru Jayanthi, lead author of the study, said that "parents should consider enrolling their children in multiple sports".


  • 观察音调忠诚度之间联系研究研究作者表示研究结果包含了对于人们选择配偶的一些发现。

    The authors of the first study to examine the connection between voice pitch and fidelity say the findings show insights into how we pick our partners.


  • 研究作者表示期刊编辑仔细查阅这些记录这样才能让公众了解任何潜在利益冲突

    The study authors say journals need to peruse these records so the public knows about any potential conflicts of interest.


  • 研究报告作者雅各布森指出研究燃烧化石燃料燃烧木头粪便之类生物燃料产生影响进行了甄别。

    Jacobson, the study's author, noted that the study also separated the effects of black carbon produced by burning fossil fuels and that produced by biofuels like wood or dung.


  • 研究报告作者雅各布森指出研究燃烧化石燃料燃烧木头粪便之类生物燃料产生影响进行了甄别。

    Jacobson, the study's author, noted that the study also separated the effects of black carbon produced by burning fossil fuels and that produced by biofuels like wood or dung.


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