• 网站提供了研究中心相关信息

    This web site provides related information about the Centre.


  • lambarene位于丛林前沿,所以研究中心疟疾研究的最前线。

    Very much an outpost in the jungle, lambarene is on the forefront of malaria research.


  • 他们无法重现这两篇论文中的关键发现,”研究中心份声明声称说

    "They were unable to reproduce key findings in both papers," a statement from the cancer center said.


  • 研究中心是个跨学科研究机构主要致力于行为生态学群体生态学的研究

    The center is an interdisciplinary unit, and primarily dedicated to the research in behavioural ecology and population ecology.


  • 研究中心少数种族群体访问网站次数更多是因为他们年轻、更多的使用移动互联设备。

    Minority groups visit the site more because they are younger and use mobile technology more often, the centre said.


  • 研究中心采访记者经常出入于加蓬村庄他们同时也调查控制疟疾这些村庄之间传播方法

    Staffers from the research unit regularly visit villages throughout Gabon, they also investigate ways to control the spread of malaria in these villages.


  • 多少有点令人惊讶结果提示研究中心在临床试验过程存在优化IHD结果实践曲线

    This somewhat surprising result implies that over the course of the trial there was a learning curve for optimizing the results of IHD within the study centers.


  • 除此之外,研究中心提供信息交换平台世界范围内科学家交流及时相互学习相关研究进展

    In addition, the Reeve-Irvine Research Center will serve as an information clearinghouse, a way for scientists worldwide to communicate and learn quickly about the progress of each others work.


  • 美国人脑成像研究中心网站研究中心一个美国德克萨斯州大学实验室致力于成像的生物医学研究

    This is the website of the research imaging Center (RIC), which is a University of Texas Laboratory dedicated to biomedical imaging research.


  • 研究中心医院设在达卡市,每年收容不明“流感”住院的病人,使得有些必须医院走道或外头的帐篷里接受诊疗。

    The center's hospital in Dhaka admitted so many patients with unspecified "intestinal" flu annually that some had to be cared for in hallways and in tents outside.


  • 该研究中心的医院设在达卡市,每年收容不明“流感”住院的病人,使得有些必须医院走道或外头的帐篷里接受诊疗。

    Dhaka admitted so many patients with unspecified "intestinal" flu annually that some had to be cared for in hallways and in tents outside.


  • 日本经济研究中心也是一个电力公司联盟重金资助联盟中除一家之外其余的核能

    The Japan Centre for Economic Research is heavily financed by a federation of electricity utilities, all but one of which use nuclear power.


  • 研究英国犯罪司法研究中心出资,上周一在线发表医学杂志柳叶刀》上。

    The study was paid for by Britain's Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and was published online Monday in the medical journal, Lancet.


  • 光线具有大气所含有化学物质印记”雅各布。宾安,他是位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的哈佛—索尼·史密斯天体物理研究中心的首席科学家。

    "That light has imprinted on it the signature of chemicals in the atmosphere," said study leader Jacob Bean of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


  • 汽车安全研究中心克拉伦斯·迪特劳说,该研究中的女性受伤类型新型车里没有出现

    These types of injuries for women don't occur with newer cars, according to Clarence Ditlow of the Center of Auto Safety.


  • 作为环境研究中心大厦,采用最新绿色技术,实现了形式内容的和谐统一。

    As a research center for environmental research built using the latest green technology, the building is an ideal marriage of form and content.


  • 样机瑞士苏黎世附近瑞士光源同步加速器研究中心进行了测试,测试样本是人类头发还细的老鼠股骨断片

    The prototype was tested at the Swiss Light Source synchrotron near Zurich, using a mouse femur fragment narrower than a human hair.


  • 小组指出还没有做出新的研究并且癌症研究中心咖啡腌菜同样发现

    The group pointed out that no new research had been done. And it noted that the cancer research agency has given the same finding to things like coffee and pickled vegetables.


  • MarsSociety高校探测车争霸赛犹他州东南canyon县的火星沙漠研究中心现场进行,活动连续举办4

    For the fourth year in a row, the Mars Society's University Rover Challenge will take place at the site of the Mars Desert Research Station in southeast Utah's canyon country.


  • 认为关于Zetia 还没有答案。”RobertJ.Temple博士,他药品评价研究中心医药政策办公室主任中心隶属FDA

    I don’t think the answer on Zetia is in, ” said Dr. Robert J. Temple, director for the office of medical policy at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which is part of the F.D.A.


  • 欧洲核子研究中心加州理工学院物理学家玛莉亚·丝波罗普鲁认为研究结果“不仅令人印象深刻,而且令人感到费解。”

    Maria Spiropulu of CERN and the California Institute of Technology called the resultsvery impressive and inexplicable.”


  • 研究NIEHS北卡罗莱纳州教堂分校综合临床研究中心合作开展。

    The study is a collaborative effort between NIEHS and the General Clinical Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


  • 克拉夫补充说计划包括研究平台执行培训一个移动研究中心,将重点放在开发卢旺达市场服务技术上。

    Krogh added the program will include a research incubator, executive training and a mobile research center that will focus on developing technologies that serve the Rwandan market.


  • 克拉夫补充说计划包括研究平台执行培训一个移动研究中心,将重点放在开发卢旺达市场服务技术上。

    Krogh added the program will include a research incubator, executive training and a mobile research center that will focus on developing technologies that serve the Rwandan market.


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