• ApplicationClassLoaderLeaks查询找到所有停止应用程序加载器,询问可能导致加载器不适合垃圾收集可疑对象。

    The application ClassLoader Leaks query will find all stopped application class loaders and interrogate suspects that cause the class loader to be ineligible for garbage collection.


  • 问题不是惆怅地回望那些我们人类智力远远超越物种,而是含蓄地询问我们智力的真正代价可能什么

    Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be.


  • 问题不是惆怅地回望那些我们人类智力远远超越物种而是含蓄地询问我们智力的真正代价可能什么。

    Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real costs of our own intelligence might be.


  • 善意的情况下,他们可能温和地询问为什么约翰玛丽没有得更好是否拼尽全力等等

    At their kindest, they may gently enquire why John or Mary isn't doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on.


  • 不幸的是,我们了解这个盲点唯一途径就是询问他人。 实施过程可能充满了困难或者尴尬

    Unfortunately the only way for us to find out is to ask other people, but this may prove difficult or embarrassing.


  • 设计飞机飞机设计师决不可能询问飞行员乘客关于飞机制造方面的事情。

    When a plane is designed, aircraft designers are very unlikely to ask pilots or the passengers about the plane architecture.


  • 也许是恐惧愤怒的影响,海军陆战队可能开了枪之后才做出询问结果令一些妇女儿童丢了性命”。

    Influenced perhaps by fear or anger, the marines may have "shot first and asked questions later, and women and children died as a result," he says.


  • 但是如果他们生活细节,甚至医生询问发现一些关键信息,他们仍然可能制定合适治疗方案

    But even if they ask about these cues, even if the physician probes them and finds out the key information, they still may not incorporate that into their treatment plan.


  • 研究者只能询问现存公司他们不能询问所有可能存在的公司,印度劳工法是否可以促使公司的繁荣。

    Researchers can only question the firms that exist; they cannot talk to all the ones that might exist, if India’s labour laws permitted them to prosper.


  • 巴西民调人员因为忽略了询问受访者是否确定会投票可能使民调的准确性难上加难。

    Brazilian pollsters may be making it even harder than necessary by neglecting to ask respondents whether they actually intend to vote.


  • 于是长老介入了,他们可能收集所有尸体,然后逐户询问每一个家庭失去多少亲人

    So the elders stepped in. They collected all the bodies they could and asked the people to tell them how many relatives each family had lost.


  • 零售商询问仓库接着仓库可能(异步地)把它自己的定单提交一个多个制造商

    The retailer consults its warehouses, which in turn may (asynchronously) submit its own orders to one or more manufacturers.


  • 应该确保应用需要可能询问并且能够可能步骤内给于用户准确信息指导

    Make sure that your application asks for as little as possible, and guides the user to the exact information they want in as few steps as possible.


  • 比如可以给所询问产品做一番好的评论,让对方可能感兴趣产品引起注意。

    For example, you may add a favorable comment on the goods inquired about and draw attention to other products likely to be of interest.


  • 牧师曾经兴致勃勃地向海丝询问艘船可能启航准确时间

    The minister had inquired of Hester, with no little interest, the precise time at which the vessel might be expected to depart.


  • 厂商们接到家长询问越多这个市场可能出现转变

    The more often they hear from concerned parents, the more likely we'll begin to see a shift in the market.


  • 他们学习他们给灵感,让他们成为你的老师,如果可能的话多去询问他们的意见并且让他们成为走向和谐人生的指路灯

    Learn from them, let them inspire you, let them teach you, ask them for advice if you can and let these people be your guiding stars in your journey towards life balance.


  • 如果的地位还不及他的朋友那么他的朋友将会优先权……决定的时候,你可能最后询问

    If you’re not valued above their friends, then their friends will have priority in your relationship…when a decision has to be made, you may be the last person asked.


  • 鉴于我们对于网站最初定义我们可能询问参与者其他利益相关者之间作用机会

    Given our initial definition of place, we might also ask about the role of and opportunity for participation among other stakeholders.


  • 可能知道询问的时候,问题可能已经被回答了但是如果寻找这个答案可能错过

    You probably know that when you ask, it's always answered, but if you're not looking for the answer, you will miss it.


  • 机械通风设备使他们难于(即使并非可能)表达他们需要或者询问有关他们治疗情况幸存几率的问题。

    Ventilators make it difficultif not impossible — for them to communicate their needs, or ask questions about their treatment or survival chances.Dr.


  • 机械通风设备使他们难于(即使并非可能)表达他们需要或者询问有关他们治疗情况幸存几率的问题。

    Ventilators make it difficultif not impossible — for them to communicate their needs, or ask questions about their treatment or survival chances. Dr.


  • 机械通风设备使他们难于即使并非可能表达他们需要或者询问有关他们治疗情况幸存几率的问题。

    Ventilators make it difficult -- if not impossible -- for them to communicate their needs, or ask questions about their treatment or survival chances.


  • 询问关于离婚的事可能朋友想起这件事而感到难过,表示关切也有可能视为幸灾乐祸。

    Asking about the divorce might have made his friend feel worse by reminding him of it, and expressing concern could have come across as condescending.


  • 他们可能试图与被询问事件事件调查保持距离,比如不露痕迹一些或者制造一些有形无形的障碍

    They may try to distance themselves both from the event in question and even others who probe the event, with subtle moves away and creation of physical and cognitive barriers.


  • 有甚者,供应商可能设想如果客户对此兴趣的话主动询问

    Even worse, you might assume that customers will ask about it if they're interested in it.


  • 有甚者,供应商可能设想如果客户对此兴趣的话主动询问

    Even worse, you might assume that customers will ask about it if they're interested in it.


- 来自原声例句

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