• 评论出现希腊债务危机随时可能爆发之际,但欧元美元——过去一年上涨22%——仍接近52高点1.47美元。

    The comment comes as the euro, up 22% against the dollar over the past year (see chart, right), trades near a 52-week high at $1.47 even as the Greek debt crisis threatens to erupt.


  • 希望接下来加入我们,在评论部分分享想法

    I hope you'll be joining me throughout the week and sharing your thoughts in the comments section.


  • 也几乎忘记博文直到发生了事:一个人此博文下进行了评论

    She had totally forgotten about the post until something happened two weeks ago: someone commented on her post.


  • 整理评论的时候,足够幸运地享受到了非常难得的在家工作时间。

    While putting this commentary together, I was fortunate enough to be enjoying a rare work-at-home week.


  • 他发表评论之前,全球媒体业巨头们聚集在美国太阳,进行了为期非正式秘密讨论娱乐界重量级人士的每年聚会。

    The comments came after a week of informal, private discussions between the world's leading media magnates at Sun Valley, an annual gathering for the great and good of the entertainment world.


  • 一些评论认为谈判可能会持续甚至数月这样布鲁塞尔甚是紧张

    Several commentators say the negotiations could take weeks or even months, which will make Brussels nervous.


  • 苹果公司一位发言人表示我们计划未来开始兴建北卡罗来纳州梅登数据中心她拒绝进一步发表评论

    On Wednesday, an Apple spokeswoman said, "we're looking forward to beginning construction on our new data center in Maiden, N.C., in the coming weeks," but declined further comment.


  • 2000年时,《经济学人曾报道过Grantham对了不起盖茨比》出版75年纪念评论

    Back in 2000, the Economist reported Mr Grantham's comments at an event to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of "the Great Gatsby".


  • 一个画面里面,他深吸一口,然后吐出烟圈,评论道“太圣洁了!” 这段视频在上911事件年纪念时候传到网上的,现在已经被视频分享网站删除了。

    The video, which has since been deleted, was posted on the video-sharing site over the weekend, coinciding with the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.


  • 很少有饮食减肥能引起热烈讨论话题了,过去读者最近一篇此方面的研究发表数百评论

    Few topics generate more heated discussion than diet and weight loss, and for the past week, readers have posted hundreds of comments reacting to the latest diet research.


  • 造成1,800死亡,新奥尔良大部分地区被浸泡卡特里娜飓风之前,他们发表了评论

    The comments come two days before the fifth anniversary of Katrina which killed 1,800 people and left most of New Orleans under water.


  • 华尔街正在经历有趣的评论争论着今年的道琼斯指数牛市开端呢还是会进入熊市。

    Wall Street faces an interesting few weeks as commentators debate whether the recovery in the Dow Jones average this year is the start of a new bull market or heading for a fall.


  • 之内成为评论最多话题

    This topic will be the most commented on topic in less than a week.


  • 环顾寻找一些可以评论的事情,或者看着的同伴一些可以称赞地方。

    Look around and find something to comment on, or look at your partner and find something nice to compliment them on.


  • 戴夫这个评论因为凯瑞斯我们带来了很多问题现在我们这些自由民看起来像是在交叉检查

    Dave said that comment was for Kerith and I as we questioned him so much for the first couple of weeks but now it is "the burghers" who seem to do the cross checking.


  • 媒体频频曝光辣妹不到时间内换了衣服后,有关“时尚缺陷”评论就纷至遝

    The comment came in the wake of Posh made it a point of being pictured in as many as ten different outfits in less than a week.


  • 此前在诺贝尔公布迪伦都没有做出任何评论或者接受奖项,一度引发巨大争议。

    Dylan had stirred the pot because he declined to comment on - or even accept - the prize until two weeks after its announcement.


  • 就是说大量评论过去共826条),尽管其中大多数彬彬有礼,但也有些死硬的少数派相当粗鲁,故意挑事儿或者就是纯粹骂人

    This means I read a lot of comments (826 last week) and while most of them are perfectly polite, there's a stubborn minority that are rude, intentionally provocative, or just plain abusive.


  • 每份论文稿即最后评分版本, 必须在收到评论之后上交

    The final draft of each paper is the version that will be graded and is due one week after the papers have been returned with comments .


  • 在过去看到许多媒体报道此事有关而且很多评论其他人应该这么效果非常好

    Since that story broke, the commentary has been along the lines of, "Yes! You should do this, too. Just tell everyone what you make. It will work out great."


  • 纽约时装最为古老的,是由时尚评论Elenor Lamber发起,于1943年第一成功举办。

    New York Fashion Week is the oldest, which is sponsored by the fashion critic Elenor Lamber, in 1943 the first success.


  • 纽约时装最为古老的,是由时尚评论Elenor Lamber发起,于1943年第一成功举办。

    New York Fashion Week is the oldest, which is sponsored by the fashion critic Elenor Lamber, in 1943 the first success.


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