• 许多喜欢一生中工作他们认为经常工作的软弱无能,他们相信成功途径就是坚持工作因为专业领域里不断实践有助于专家的形成。

    They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.


  • 城镇中的这个地区古老喷泉许多喜欢那里拍照——所以定要留意下这个。

    This area of the town includes an ancient water fountain where many people like to have their photograph takenso do look out to this.


  • 许多喜欢乘坐公共汽车地铁甚至出租车因为城市某些地方停车已经成为真正头疼的问题。

    Many people prefer taking public buses or the subway or even taxis because parking is getting to be a real headache in some parts of the city.


  • 许多人知道为了自己喜欢牛仔裤,先到百货商场大小,然后在易趣以很低的价格买下来。

    I've been known to try on my favorite jeans at department stores, figure out what size works, than buy them on Ebay for almost nothing.


  • 许多喜欢更友好腔调,但是或许是由于仇外情绪已经蔓延到警戒线他们更加渴望罢工能尽快得以解决

    Many would like a kindlier tone, but, perhaps due to an aroma of xenophobia that some detect on the picket-line, they crave a speedy resolution even more.


  • 贝尔阿拉他们喜欢把自当做特征不是种障碍,因为许多,但社会依然很正常。

    Bell and Alarcon said they like the idea of calling narcissism a trait rather than a disorder, because many people can be narcissists and still function in society.


  • 对于许多来说他们喜欢干净,有安全感方便地方见面

    For a lot of people they are a cleaner, more safe, convenient place to meet up.


  • 许多都有不好习惯喜欢用还没有实现理想自我判读自己。

    Many of us have a bad habit of judging ourselves based on our ideal self that hasn't actualized.


  • 许多比较喜欢市中心点,但是因为那儿房子贵,所以他们经常郊区上下班往返。

    Many people prefer to live near the center of cities, but because houses there are expensive, they often commute from suburbs.


  • 网上冲浪的喜欢浏览网页交流,许多人更倾向他们朋友完全陌生交流。

    Web surfers like to socialise while they browse the Internet, but many prefer to do so only with their friends rather than with perfect strangers.


  • 许多喜欢部落格是因为大多数部落很糟糕的部落可能被归类。

    Many people are blog-averse because most blogs are terrible, so your blog may automatically get painted with the same brush.


  • 许多样,不管处于什么原因喜欢起身大家面前,更不用说成为焦点结结巴巴的讲我不熟悉话题了。

    Like many people, I had no fondness for getting up in front of people for any reason, let alone to be the center of attention as I stuttered my way through some unfamiliar subject.


  • 被完美控制着,尖酸有趣但是缺乏温暖——许多人喜欢所描写的那些外表光鲜、实则残酷无情

    It is all beautifully controlled and mordantly funny, but devoid of warmth-a lot like the gilded, heartless people he is writing about.


  • 视觉设计非常事情——有许多人喜欢界面不少厌恶新界面,然而大多数是出于两者之间。

    Visual design is clearly a very personal thing — the appearance of our new interface is loved by many, and hated by others (though most people are probably somewhere in the middle).


  • 听力障碍者使用耳蜗植入设备助听器英语口语沟通,许多人还是更喜欢用美国手语文化重要部分

    Some deaf and hard of hearing use cochlear implants and hearing AIDS for spoken English, but many prefer ASL, which is an important part of deaf culture.


  • ,提姆·菲利斯工作”下定义就是喜欢”,而许多对此深信不疑

    Number one, it’s come to the attention of quite a few people that Tim Ferriss really defineswork” as something you don’t want to do.


  • 这个人喜欢机器用于与犯罪分子作斗争,这种精神激励了整整日本孩子——他们中的许多人后来成为机器研究

    The lovable crime-fighting robot was an inspiration to a generation of kids -some of whom went on to become robotics researchers.


  • 仍然许多喜欢吸烟因为他们认为抽烟时尚吸烟酷,尤其青少年(中更是这样认为)。

    But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers.


  • 喜欢本书得到了升华了,相信其它许多喜欢这本书,即MauriceSendak的《野兽家园》。

    One of my favorite books growing up, as I am sure it is for many other people is "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.


  • 微软公司(MicrosoftCorp .)员工都是科技玩意儿狂热使用者不过件他们喜欢的科技产品这家公司里的许多讳莫如深:那就是iPhone手机。

    Microsoft Corp. employees are passionate users of the latest tech toys. But there is one gadget love that many at the company dare not name: the iPhone.


  • 你们中的许多人样,是个超级python爱好者所有脚本语言中我最喜欢因此网站添加动态内容时,我当然使用Python。

    Like many of you, I'm a huge Python fan and much prefer it over other scripting languages, so when it came time to add some dynamic content to our Web site, I naturally wanted to use Python.


  • 如果许多喜欢技术,你可能也会几百喜欢RSS Feed。

    If you're like most folks interested in technology, you likely have a feed reader full of hundreds of RSS feeds on your favorite topics.


  • Firefox8标签功能更加高效了——灵活好用的标签功能也是许多喜欢Firefox的理由

    Firefox 8 also works more efficiently with tabs, and facility with tabs is one reason that many people favor Firefox.


  • 那些喜欢吹牛英国许多人避难所认识医生么?那儿避难的法国同胞

    They say, those boastful English, that it is the Refuge of many. You know a compatriot who has found a Refuge there? A Doctor?


  • 他们中的比较温和其他的,当然,他们中的许多喜欢用意良善

    Some of them are more moderate than others, of course, and many of them are likeable and well-intentioned.


  • 许多喜欢通过沉溺事物事情来麻木自己例如酒精香烟电视

    Many would rather numb themselves through addictive use of substances or preoccupations, such as alcohol, cigarettes and television.


  • 许多喜欢通过沉溺事物事情来麻木自己例如酒精香烟电视

    Many would rather numb themselves through addictive use of substances or preoccupations, such as alcohol, cigarettes and television.


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