• 鉴于艾伦.拉姆塞杰克.威尔谢尔潜力,温格考虑萨米尔.纳斯里离开阿森纳

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 就连弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫也有自我营销的眼光。照片编辑将他巧妙地包装成一个戴帽子、身穿短裤、昂首阔步在森林当中的鳞翅类昆虫学家。

    Even Vladimir Nabokov had an eye for self-marketing, subtly suggesting to photo editors that they feature him as a lepidopterist prancing about the forests in cap, shorts and long socks.


  • 最后找出时间塔瓦拉纳先生我们死记硬背梵语语法

    And finally, time was also found for Pandit Heramba Tatwaratna to come and get us to learn by rote rules of Sanscrit grammar.


  • 告诉,纳伯平原多么空旷:那里有世界最长高尔夫球道,还有长达90英里澳洲最的直线路段。

    I'll tell you how empty it is: one of the highlights is the world's longest golf course, and the other is a 90-mile stretch that is Australia's longest straight in a road.


  • 这位如今已经84高龄的曾轰动一时的流行乐手誉为“法国弗兰克·西特拉(Frank Sinatra of France)”,直到现在他仍然是一个传奇——上个月纽约艺术中心几乎整个剧场陷入了癫狂

    The 84-year-old pop sensation, who's known as the "Frank Sinatra of France, " has still got ithe had them swooning in the aisles at New York's City Center last month.


  • 美国蒙大纳州弗拉·特黑德印第安人居留地的动物为了鹿麋鹿美洲动物通过

    Animals' Bridge lies on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana, and was designed to be used by bears, deer, elk, mountain lions, and others.


  • 阿隆·拉姆塞身着红白战袍重整旗鼓回到阿森纳一个关心兵工厂人感到由衷的高兴。

    Aaron Ramsey back in an Arsenal shirt was a welcome sight for everyone associated with the Club.


  • 等待的伯纳·塞拉耐心点,然后了迈克尔·科里昂女朋友那里去了。

    He told the waiting Bonasera to be patient and went over to Michael Corleone and his girl friend.


  • 麦克纳布是律师。他阿卜杜勒·穆塔拉布星期三在法庭上所有指控供认不讳,这个案子得以快速了结。否则的话,辩护一方也不好办。

    Douglas McNabb, senior principal with the law firm McNabb and Associates, said the guilty plea brings to a close what could have been a very difficult case for the defense.


  • 知道佐纳马塞科特希姆拉深感恐惧

    He knew Zonama Sekot was something Shimrra deeply feared.


  • 人们也许喜欢亨利队长不能责备他们至少任命亨利、还有维埃拉,是作为他们过去数年阿森纳全心奉献回报

    People might not have liked Henry as a captain, I can't blame them, but at least his appointment, and that of Vieira, came on the back of years of excellent service to Arsenal FC.


  • 弗拉米尼处于十分有利的位置特别因为阿森纳其中最有影响力球员并且中场后腰法布雷加斯形成极好的搭档关系

    This puts Flamini in a very strong position, especially as he is one of Arsenal's most influential players and has formed a superb partnership in central midfield with Fabregas.


  • 阿森纳队长帕特里克·维埃拉相信身体要素缺乏枪手角逐荣誉的过程中付出代价。

    Former Arsenal captain Patrick Vieira believes the lack of a physical element to the Gunners' game has proved costly in their push for honours.


  • 马斯切拉诺因为2006世界杯之旅而人印象深刻受到了阿根廷同胞马拉多纳的嘉许。

    Mascherano impressed for his national side during all of their 2006 World Cup games and received the compliments from his fellow countryman Diego Armando Maradona.


  • 阿森纳前锋尼科拉斯。本特纳表示上赛季伯明翰时光获得成长。

    Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner says his time at Birmingham City last season prepared him perfectly for this campaign with the Gunners.


  • 现在有了雷神之能威胁纳特拉告诉北欧地狱位置然后这个世界上永远消失

    And now with Thor's hammer, I have the power to force Natla to tell me the location of Helheim, and then to remove her from this world forever.


  • 维埃拉虽然离开了一个赛季,但是在阿森纳多年积累下来的感情肯定产生影响,而且亨利续约也会感到满意

    Patrick left but he was here for years with that on his mind and I'm so happy that Thierry decided to stay.


  • 出生塞内加尔的他身高超过62寸,容易联想阿森纳传奇人物之一的帕特里克·维埃拉,他埃米尔之行人看好。

    Born in Senegal and standing at over 6ft 2 "tall the player is bound to draw comparisons with Arsenal legend Patrick Vieira should any move to the Emirates be completed."


  • 出生塞内加尔的他身高超过62寸,容易联想阿森纳传奇人物之一的帕特里克·维埃拉,他埃米尔之行人看好。

    Born in Senegal and standing at over 6ft 2 "tall the player is bound to draw comparisons with Arsenal legend Patrick Vieira should any move to the Emirates be completed."


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