• 应该通过飞机留在地面保护,而应该让它继续服役来保养

    You don't preserve an airplane by keeping it on the ground; you preserve it by keeping it in service.


  • 明知道对方痛苦不要继续下去割舍

    Let the other person know is painful love don't let it go, let go out.


  • 经由传阅篇文章至少所爱一个继续燃烧

    Please continue it to burn through circulates for perusal this article to love at least person to you.


  • 永远不要想着事情将来实现,因为头脑继续保持在将来。

    Never think of things as coming in the future, as the mind will keep it in the future.


  • 不过假如这样使唤的话,他们不会继续家里了。

    Only I don't think, 'Alice went on,' that they'd let Dinah stop in the house if it began ordering people about like that! '.


  • 同时现场工作重点稳固岌岌可危的佛龛巨石让它继续抵御岁月的洗礼。

    Meantime, work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.


  • 希望你会发回给我,也继续传递下去第一次发出是在2000年121日。

    I hope I get this back. Please keep it going. This has been going since 1st Dec, 2000.


  • 明知道对方痛苦不要继续下去割舍。如果不行就将冻结自己内心最深角落

    Let the other person know is painful love don't let it go, let go out. Freeze it in the deepest corners of your heart.


  • 当然,给互联网某种愚蠢行为,也许不该让它继续不过观察未来预测我们怎样一种有趣方式

    Of course, the versioning of the Internet is kind of silly, and probably shouldn't keep going, but it is a fun way to look to the future and predict what we might be coming our way.


  • 得到缺失材料抽烟者卷起信号通知供应者继续提供另外的两种材料。

    Get the missing two materials in roll and deprived smokers smoke after a notice will be sent a signal provider, it continues to provide an additional two materials.


  • 然而,美国决策者似乎有意继续生存下去华尔街高管们的行为方式好像他们业务并未发生任何变化一样

    Yet U. S. policy makers seem intent on keeping it alive, and Wall Street management ACTS as if it's business as usual.


  • 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁格纳罗曾嘲笑联合国教科文组织管闲事同时继续支持雇佣了5000名威尼斯居民的游轮行业

    The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.


  • 华盛顿工业政策的介入明显的莫过于在底特律的所作所为,败绩继续保守主义受益

    Conservatism continues to benefit from Washington's most conspicuous foray into industrial policy-its misadventures with Detroit.


  • 必须计算出是否真的希望中国停止买入美元或者是否真的中国继续买入债券

    It must calculate whether it really wants China to stop buying dollars or whether it wants China to keep buying its debt.


  • 继续保持注意力在内在身体成为然后你就会变得在。

    So hang on to the inner body, let it be the anchor, and then you become present.


  • 如果已经足够人手处理教堂义卖市场上的事情而且每当想到继续管理委员会感到压力重重,那么放下其他人的来处理。

    If there are enough people already to handle the church bazaar and you're feeling stressed by the thought of running the committee for yet another year, step down and let someone else handle things.


  • 就像专家所说的那样,尊重对待这个问题利用对话继续下去

    Treat the question with respect, and use it, as the experts would say, to keep the conversation going.


  • 需要继续使用线下品牌信息着重品牌与竞争者相比优势并且使足够迷人别人链接你。

    You'll also need to continue with your offline brand messaging, focus on the benefits of your brand versus your competition, and make it enticing enough to get others to link to you.


  • 我们衍生产品市场必须——可以继续必须置于公开、透明市场每个人都知道谁依据什么赌。

    And what we said was that derivatives market, it needsit can continue, but it's got to be in an open, transparent marketplace so that everybody knows who is betting on what.


  • 目前传感器尚未得到广泛运用技术继续成熟,还消费者相信值得拥有

    For the moment the sensors are not yet widely deployed: the technology is still maturing and customers need convincing that it is worth having.


  • 一旦项目基础设施创建完成并且看起来人赏心悦目足以继续下去,这样实现风险小一些

    Once the infrastructure for the project is set up completely, and it looks comfortable enough to carry on, then implementing it will be less risky.


  • 用户量继续成倍地增加无法阻止增长了。

    It continues to multiply and I just couldn't stop it from growing.


  • 继续尝试脑海中看这个目标当前条件作用不符合,所以会你有不舒服的感觉。

    When you continuously try to see in your mind's eye some big goal, that contradicts with your current conditioning and it sets up a very uncomfortable vibration in you.


  • 因此可以继续YDL删除磁盘上所有数据然后删除所有分区创建默认的分区布局

    So go ahead and let YDL erase all of the data on your drive, and then let it remove all of the partitions and create a default layout.


  • 艰难的日子,甚至可以说至今为止最难一年真的需要花一点时间来想想,未来要怎么继续

    It's been a helluva year - a helluva life so far, really - and it's going to take me awhile, I think, to figure out the rest of the journey.


  • 艰难的日子,甚至可以说至今为止最难一年真的需要花一点时间来想想,未来要怎么继续

    It's been a helluva year - a helluva life so far, really - and it's going to take me awhile, I think, to figure out the rest of the journey.


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